Hip2Help Tour Update: We Are Leaving this Week…

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More Giving

Wowza! I cannot believe that I will be heading out on the Hip2Help Tour from North Carolina in less than a week?! Thanks to all of you awesome readers and sponsors, I have a garage FULL of donated items (I have received so many packages that my house is starting to fill up as well!). I literally get goose bumps and teary eyes when I really take the time to look around at the boxes that surround me and realize how many of you took the time and money to put together these wonderful packages. Thank you, thank you, thank you! This tour would not be possible without all of you!

With that being said, I received so many Hip2Help T-Shirt orders today that I am almost completely sold out of the shirts. Again, a BIG thank you for all your support! So, I will be taking down the shirt order form shortly.

As you know, we are sponsoring 11 families throughout the tour. I wanted to do one final post about their top needs as of today. If you are able to send any of the items below, it would be much appreciated!

Griffin, GA (Click here for the donation mailing address for the families below)

The Duffey Family:

* Size 3 shoes (Boy)
* Size 12 shoes (Girl)
* Toys

The Wright Family:

* Christmas Tree
* Toys for the children (art things like paint, pencils, paper)
* Pink comforter for girls Twin bed

Elmore County, AL (Click here for the donation mailing address for the families below)

The Hall Family:

* Sheet Sets (queen for a female, twin and full for a male, and a king for parents)
* Bathroom linens
* Living Room furniture

The Stewart Family:

* Sheet Sets (twin and full size bedding for 3 girls)
* Personal Toiletries

The Meadows Family:

* Gift cards (Lowes, Home Depot, WalMart, Kohls, WinnDixie)
* Twin and Full size bedding
* Toys for a 10 year old boy who loves reading Warlock books

Memphis, TN (Click here for the donation mailing address for the families below)

The Carruth Family:

* Baby items (size 2T clothes and size 4 diapers)
* Home improvement store gift cards and a handyman to help fix issues with the used trailer that they just moved into.

The Jackson Family:

* Furniture or gift cards/certificates to stores that sell furniture or other household items (ex: Target)

The Houston Family:

* Home Improvement store gift cards (Lowes or Home Depot)

The Hunt Family:

* Gas gift cards

Calhoun County, AL (Click here for the donation mailing address for the families below)

The Thornton Family:

* Shop Vac for Dad
* New Queen bed for Mom & Dad (they have a Queen mattress) – bedroom colors are red
* Things for the Kitchen for cooking (colors in new kitchen will be orange)
* Clothes for 15 year old daughter (Size 2 long; Small-Medium shirt); her bedroom will be black, turquoise, and white
* End tables for living room (living colors are light green)
* Computer Desk for Mom (her room colors will be yellow and black)
* Gift cards to Lowes

The Keener Family:

* Dresser or chest of drawers
* Towels and wash cloths (neutral colors)
* Twin size, full, and queen bedding
* Water guns
* Shoes size 12 for boy
* Toy box and Art set
* Gift cards for home improvement stores (i.e. Lowes) for replacing baseboards and fixing up the floors.

And don’t forget about our awesome sponsors… check them out by clicking here. 😀

* If you are local (or willing to make the drive!) to Griffin, GA, Elmore County, AL, Memphis, TN, or Calhoun County, AL, then we want to meet you! 😀 Please come out and join us at one of our community events in these areas. Click here to find out what will be taking place in or around your community.

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Comments 45

  1. Linse

    wowie a lot of boxes! have fun and thanks for making a difference 🙂

  2. Tina Horn

    I just want to say a huge thank you to Collin, Susan, Mary and Bryn. Yall are so awesome to be coming to these places and doing all that you are. Us here in Calhoun county Alabama, are so excited for our DAY OF HEALING. There are so many wonderful entertainers, booths, activities food and fun fellowship that is planned. I also want to give thanks to God for protecting us all thru these terrible tornados. Today it has been 2 months. The distruction is still there, but, Im please to say that there are new houses being built by kind people that are dontaing their time, there are families getting trailers, cars, and are beginning to rebuild their lives. You HIP2SAVERS are so AWESOME for your gifts, letters, the kids that have sent drawings to the kids here that are suffering. It humbles me that you all have been so good. With all the bad things going on in our world, it is such a joy to know there are so many wonderful people like you all out there. So HIPSTERS… give yourselves a big pat on the back, I would do it for you if I could. Thank you all for showing Gods love and yours. Also, thank you Hip2Save Crew for choosing my hometown to come and help. You all will never know what it means in my life.
    With a thankful heart, Tina Horn, Alabama

    • Collin

      HI Tina!!

      I cannot wait to meet you… I can’t believe it’s almost here! And thank YOU for doing all that you’ve done! You are one amazing lady! 🙂

  3. Ann Dee

    Collin, who knew a year or two ago how this website would grow. I am inspired by all you are doing. Thanks to your family, as well, cause I am sure they are helping more than we know. (wink wink) You are awesome girl and it’s so nice to hear the great things you’re doing and getting the country involved in thinking of others and helping each other. I’ll say it again, “YOU ROCK.”

    • Collin

      Thanks so much! That means a lot! And you are right – family is helping big time! 🙂 I don’t know where I’d be without them and all of you awesome readers!

  4. cathy

    God Bless you on all that you are doing.

  5. MrsRockNRoll

    Collin, you bring hope!!! As a tree-hugging, vegetarian, buddhist, social worker, I feel lonely sometimes in my constant state of lets make this world a better place. What you have done is something I envy and hope to accomplish someday. Your big heart will only bring you joy and peace to others. I can’t thank you enough for you dedication, oh-yah and your amazing blog.

    • Collin


  6. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    wow…..great job……..

  7. Kim C.

    Thank you, Hip2Save, and all the readers that have helped by donating their time, money, stockpile items, and most importantly the kindness of their hearts to the Hip2Help Tour. Since I began to help with the Memphis event I am humbled on a daily basis at people’s willingness to help others, and I look forward to a chance to meet those people once July 7th comes! I received the sweetest note for one of the sponsor families from a reader and her little boy that brought me to tears, so I want to say a special Thank You to Mr. Blake from VA and his mommy, if by chance you are reading. Y’all are are so kind! 🙂

    • Collin

      And thank YOU, Kim, for helping put together this amazing event! You are awesome! 🙂 Can’t wait to meet ya!

  8. Collin (Mrs. Hip)

    i rarely comment on here, but wanted to say that this is AMAZING! i don’t know how you take care of 3 kids (and hubby), run this blog, and then you planned this trip too? – oh my goodness! i can barely take care of my 3 kids and husband and manage to check your blog. 🙂 what a blessing you will be to these communities. blessings to you and your family as your lives are changed as you take this trip!

    • Collin

      Hi Kristan!

      Thanks so much for taking the time to comment… I sure appreciate it!

      Also, I want to let you know that I do NOT do it all… not even close! I can promise you that! Like you, some days I can barely manage my 3 kiddos and hubby! 😉 I do, however, have some amazing friends, family members and readers helping behind the scenes! They are the ones making this Hip2Help Tour possible! 😀

  9. Kristy

    I keep forgetting to get stuff out- Can I send a box to one of the places you are going?

    • Tina Horn

      yes you still have time if you send it priorty mail. Tina

  10. Diane

    Wow! Great job! How are you going to transport all that stuff?! Good luck and have fun on the tour. You are amazing!

    • Collin

      My hubby is kind enough to drive a HUGE moving truck!

  11. gmdrop

    I’m pretty sure that every time God looks at you he smiles. you are an amazing person and I wish I would have found this site sooner so I could get some tshirts and donations in. Can we send stuff to the families directly from online places? I didnt know if it had to be sorted a certain way or anything like that. Good luck on your trip and may God bless and safe you and those that travel with you.

  12. jenny

    I am so excited. Can not wait for Griffin on sunday. I have been speaking to brandy about helping. It is a little over an hour drive but well worth it. I can not wait till sunday and be able to help. My goal in life has always been to make an impact. I am going to nursing school to help me achieve that in the long run. I am so grateful for what you are doing for these people. I do not have a large stockpile or a large amount of money, but I will donate what I can. I will be there to help.

    • BrandyC

      Thank you so much Jenny! Can’t wait to meet you!! 🙂

  13. SARAH

    We are so excited to have the Hip2Help tour come to Elmore County! Thank you for allowing me to help you all plan this amazing event! I pray safe travels for everyone, as I know that moving truck is going to get a LOT of miles! Collin, Bryn, Susan, the whole Hip2Save team; you all are a true blessing to these families! One week from today we get to meet you amazing people:)

  14. Mitchell Wischmann

    This is SO awesome of you, Collin! I wish I could put something together like this. You and your family and friends are truly awesome!!! 😀

    On a side note, are you planning on coming to Minnesota anytime soon? If so, I’d love to get the opportunity to meet you!

  15. Heidi S.

    Can you tell me if it is a boy or girl that needs size 2 clothes in the Carruth family!? Can these be gently used clothes — or are you only accepting new? Thanks for all you do Collin!

    • holi

      a boy I believe. I went back and read the original post and it had “Ms. Carruth’s 18-month grandson” listed as the child.


  16. Ashley

    My t-shirt came in the mail today. I can’t wait to wear it out when I coupon. Your efforts are very inspirational– lots of prayers going up for safe travels and a blessed time!

  17. Laura

    The Stewart family needs sheets for their 3 girls. We have 3 girls, and I’d like to send sheets for them. Exactly how many sheet sets do they need? Is it for 1 twin and 1 full? Or are there additional twin beds? Can you give me an idea so I know what to order?

    • SARAH

      Right now they are living in a camper and there are two twin size beds that the 4 girls share. But when they find a rental they have a full size and the two twins. So if you can do 2 twins and 2 fulls that would awesome! Thank you Laura!

      • Laura

        Sarah, you will be receiving 2 different packages of twin and full sheets–2 of each size plus some extra pillow cases. I ordered them from 2 different ebay sellers, but they are all new. They will be addressed to the Stewart Family c/o you! I used your shipping address that Collin listed. Both packages will be sent priority mail, and I’ll keep an eye on the shipping info. Thank you for helping!

        • SARAH

          Thank you Laura! You are amazing!

  18. Naomi

    Hey Collin! I just wanted to say what you and your family & everyone on here has done is AMAZING! I got my shirt 2day! :-)! & can’t wait to wear it! I plan on it wearing it to our family 4th of july picnic saturday!! Unfortunately i live in PA so it a little too far to drive!! 10 hrs at the least! But I will be thinking about you guys the whole time & praying that everything goes great & you have nice weather! I would love to help! I’ve always wanted to be a part of something like that! but i’m just thankful for everyone who is close enough to help! & i’ll just be content to stay up here and cheer you guys all on!! :-)! You truly are an amazing person!! :-)! so glad a found your website a few years ago! You have saved me tons of money & taught me alot! It makes me excited to have my own family someday and be able to support them and stuff! Have a great time on your trip & be safe!!

  19. Misha

    Hi Collin! I think that what you are doing is AMAZING!! You have no idea how many lives you touch on a daily basis. This is what the world should be like. People reaching out to give a hand to those in need. A big KUDOS also to all of those who donated. I just think this is AWESOME! This is why I love your blog. You give sooo much. You are truly a blessing to many!!

  20. Candice


    You are an amazing person that can and has inspired so many. I can’t wait to see pictures of all the lives your group is changing. Thanks for posting the needs of the families again. I feel like I can be apart of your trip. Safe travels and God bless you!

  21. Jennifer

    Man I wish I could afford to ship a christmas tree! We actually have an extra one I was thinking about donating/tossing. But I am so amazed at what you have done with your Hip2help your! Congrats!

  22. Suzy

    THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU AND YOUR TEAM DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. BrandyC

    Thank you so much Collin, Bryn, and Susan for bringing this tour to life! I’m so very honored to be apart of this event and help my town of Griffin, GA!
    We have received so many packages for the Duffey and Wright Families….it’s unbelievable!! 🙂 And they are still coming in! So many have sent cards and notes for the families with their packages and it lets me know that there are still MANY good people in this world and I believe they all are apart of hip2save!!
    I’m going to be a little sad when this is over….gonna miss taking to/emailing Bryn all the time! 🙁
    Can’t wait to meet the Hip2Save team!

  24. Amanda

    Sent my package this morning priority mail for the Stewart Family! Couldn’t send much but I filled a smaller box with toiletries! Hope it helps! And Collin you are amazing and inspiring! I have been reading your blog now to two years and have saved so much money thanks to you!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Thank you Amanda!

  25. Lauren

    Thanks for the updated list! I will be getting my boxes ready and sent here in the next day or two!

  26. Tina Horn

    Just wanted to let yall know, Just in case some of you had not sent anything yet but were planning to send. we have only gotten 1 package for the Keener family in calhoun county, and it was for the little girl.. And 3 boxes of clothes for the Thornton girl and only 1 for the Thornton son. So if you are still looking to send anything else, please consider these families. You can send it to my address and I will be able to get the things inthe baskets/boxes even on the thursday before we take to them on friday. Thank you so much for all you all have done for each of the families in all 4 locations.

    • Jocelyn

      Who has the full bed and who has the twin in the Keener Family?

  27. Jocelyn

    I have just bought the shoes for the Duffey boy and girl and sent them directly from the store to GA. It says 2 days so I hope they get there on time.

    • Collin

      Thank you so much Jocelyn! You are awesome!

    • BrandyC

      Thank you so much! 🙂

  28. TD

    at this point, for all of us (ME!!) procrastinators, where is the best address to send toiletries, etc? i am on west coast so shipping will prob take a week…

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