Stonyfield YoKids Sweepstakes: High Value $1.50/1 YoKids Organic Yogurt (Facebook)
WOW! Hurry on over to the YoKids Yogurt Facebook page, “like” them, and click on the Sweepstakes tab to enter for a chance to win FREE YoKids organic yogurt as well as other grand prizes. Plus, just for entering you’ll receive a high value $1.50/1 6-pack, Squeezers 8 pack, or 4-pack of YoKids Organic Yogurt coupon in your Inbox, which should make for very inexpensive (or FREE) yogurt!
Plus, if they reach 15,000 entries by February 29th, everyone will receive a special surprise, so be sure to tell your friends to enter! 🙂
(Thanks, Live-Laugh-Save!)
I just got the coupon link from them in my email but the link doesn’t work :”The requested URL was not found on this server.” did anyone get that message too?
I had a problem when I entered a few days ago – the link didn’t work but the next day it did work for me just fine.
Can you post the link? I signed up but never got the email. I’m heading to the store today and would LOVE to pick these up for my 14 month old…TIA.
I would but it is a single use link, deactivated after one print 🙁
Thank You Alea, I will try again and again, good coupon I don’t want to waste it:)
Wow! Collin how you do that! You are talking on the radio show and posting new deal at the same time! Thanks for the coupon 🙂
Bloggers can program posts to their blog to appear at pre-set times. It’s quite nice when you have something else to do! 🙂
Yep, love that feature!
Maybe her sister posted it, she does have some help 🙂
Anyone know the price of these at Target?
ard $3
And log into your Hubs’ account and make him like kiddy yogurt too, they love that. hahaha. (I just got “yelled” at by my husband, jokingly, for all the stuff I’ve been making him “like” for Qs lately)
Heehee same with my son!!One of my BFF teases me all the time about my Facebook page being nothing but product posts!! She said she was going to unfriend me!! LOL
just wait when you make him “like” Kotex, playtex or Stayfree 😉 LOL
Oh he “likes” all that good stuff!! I don’t need it myself (hystx) but I’m stockpiling all that stuff for my 2 little girls for when the time comes, and he is a fan of all that nice stuff. LOL!
I use my hubby’s account all the time for stuff, but I always try to “unlike” it right away so he doesn’t get too annoyed with me. 😉
Awesome! Thanks!
If you are haveing problems with the coupon printing EMAIL them!! Wow what a quick respone I got back and they sent me a Link for one time print and it was for $2.00 off!!! Go Stonyfield!! 🙂
what’s their email? I tried the facebook but no coupon for printing….
This is the link to email them!! HTH
My coupon link was only for $1.00 off.
Mine, too. 🙁
same here
Me too
I entered but I don’t see any coupon. Where is it?
grrrr, i entered my info, they sent me a link to print my coupon and when i printed…the paper comes out saying “exceeded print limits, we’re sorry, but this offer….” so, no coupon! the lack of a coupon doesn’t bother me – it’s my printer ink!!! ink is not free!!! 🙁
Mine was emailed to me for $1 off exp 2/23/12.
Yep only $1.00 off, bummed…
My kids actually don’t like this kind, and I have two $1.50 Qs up for grabs, therefore. Email me at melanie_odette @ yahoo dot com if you want them and don’t mind sending a SASE.
I would love them Melanie. I will email you now.
mine was also only for a $1 off and its a PDF file 🙁
Hey there…I just wanted to say thanks for this post. 🙂
When you Like YoKids on Facebook, you get entered into their drawing. Well, I just got notified by Stonyfield Farm (their company) and I won a $500 Whole Foods gift card!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! 🙂 🙂
That is fantastic!! Thanks for letting everyone know. Congratulations to you!!