Delicious Coconut Milk Coffee Creamer Recipe (Non-Dairy & Paleo-Friendly)

Coconut Milk Coffee Creamer

yield: 15 SERVINGS


  • 1 can of Coconut Milk, 13.5oz
  • 2 tablespoon of Coconut Oil (melted)
  • 1 egg (preferably organic)
  • 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
  • Either 1 teaspoon (or more) liquid Stevia or 1 tablespoon honey

Optional to Create Flavored Creamer:

  • Cinnamon
  • Almond extract (or other flavored extracts)
  • Cacao Powder
  • Pumpkin Pie Spice with a little canned pumpkin (haven’t tried this yet, but sounds yummy!)



Put all ingredients in a blender or Vitamix.


Blend until you have a nice cream consistency.


You can then store in the fridge.


The creamer will also thicken up, as you can see from the pic below.

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paleo coffee creamer recipe

So, I am excited to finally share this non-dairy, paleo-friendly coffee creamer recipe with you. For the past week, I have been concocting various non-dairy creamer recipes… most have honestly not been edible. I guess I may be a little on the picky side when it comes to creamer. I wanted the non-dairy creamer I created to have the same consistency in my coffee that real creamer does… AND I wanted to really be able to enjoy my coffee again. Well, after a week of experimenting, I think I finally found a winner! 🙂

paleo coffee creamer

Please note that this recipe does contain a raw egg, so proceed at your own risk. You can try the recipe without the egg, however, if you are wanting the consistency to look more like “cream”, the egg really helps with that. Lecithin in the egg also keeps the coconut oil from separating and floating on the top of your coffee. Here’s an interesting article regarding the safety of eating raw eggs.

recipe for paleo coffee creamer


Coconut Milk Coffee Creamer

yield: 15 SERVINGS


  • 1 can of Coconut Milk, 13.5oz
  • 2 tablespoon of Coconut Oil (melted)
  • 1 egg (preferably organic)
  • 1 teaspoon of Vanilla Extract
  • Either 1 teaspoon (or more) liquid Stevia or 1 tablespoon honey

Optional to Create Flavored Creamer:

  • Cinnamon
  • Almond extract (or other flavored extracts)
  • Cacao Powder
  • Pumpkin Pie Spice with a little canned pumpkin (haven’t tried this yet, but sounds yummy!)



Put all ingredients in a blender or Vitamix.


Blend until you have a nice cream consistency.


You can then store in the fridge.


The creamer will also thicken up, as you can see from the pic below.

Brought to you by Hip2Save.

easy coffee creamer recipe

I also made a variation with unsweetened almond milk (instead of the coconut milk). It did not have even close to the creamy consistency of the coconut milk mixture… it was a lot thinner. However, the almond milk concoction made for a delicious addition to a bowl filled with nuts and blueberries! Yum!

easy almond milk breakfast recipe


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Comments 159

  1. Amanda

    I’ve tried making this but mine isn’t anywhere close to as fluffy or thick as yours is, it’s just runny and stays that way even in the fridge. Am I doing something wrong?

    • Julian Greene

      Amanda, are you adding extract? If you’re using an imitation extract, the alcohol can keep it from getting thick. I used vanilla flavored Stevia (from SweetLeaf), and it worked really well.

      • Mindy

        Should we use extract without alcohol? Your recipe states that the extract will cause it not to be as thick, but then the extract is included as an ingredient so I’m not sure the best way to approach this. I hate to waste my coconut milk. 🙂 Thanks!

        • Julian Greene

          Just use pure extracts that don’t contain propylene glycol.

    • Crystal

      This is really late, I don’t know if you’ll see it, however, I was having the same thing, a runnier consistency.
      But, last time I left it in the blender for a few extra minutes because (I can’t remember), and it thickened up and got really thick in the fridge. Maybe try that?
      I actually liked my runnier version better, poured easier..!

    • Lori

      Just made this for my hubby and he loooves it, thanks for the awesome recipe! Can’t wait to try spice variations as we head into fall! It feels so satisfying that he is putting something healthy in his coffee now and not boughten creamers with all the ick in them!!

  2. Helen

    Thanks for the recipe! I have no problems with eating raw eggs, but then again there has never been any salmonella outbreaks over here (Norway, northers Europe). Im planning a 30 day paleo challenge.. so I needed a substitute for milk in my coffee… 🙂

  3. Julian Greene

    I’m so excited! Coffee creamer has always been a guilty pleasure for me, and lately, more guilt than pleasure. I have often tried to come up with healthier substitutes with no luck. I looked at the ingredients in coffee creamer and found palm oil and started wondering why I couldn’t do it with coconut oil. Thanks to google, I found your wonderful recipe. I made mine with vanilla stevia and nutmeg. Yum! Perfect for this time of year. Blessings of the hearth to you!

  4. Bonnie

    How long will it keep?

  5. Holly Mendenhall

    Here’s what I want to know. Has anyone tried this with cold coffee? I fear the coconut oil will harden and make a globby mess. I drink iced coffee until it gets cold outside, and I need a milk sub for the next two months as I do the Whole Life Challenge with my local Crossfit group.

    • Julian Greene

      Holly, I’m trying this right now after reading your question since I had some leftover coffee and some of the creamer on hand. I keep the creamer refrigerated and it doesn’t glob up. The egg helps in that respect. The coffee was cool, not iced, and it’s working great. I also use coconut oil in my morning smoothies, and as long as I use an egg along with it, it stays smooth (and I use frozen fruit in them). Only a couple of times have I ever dealt with the oil not being liquid in the cup, but it was only a few tiny pearls, like tapioca pearls, not big globs.

    • Homeschooling6 Mom

      It works fine in cold coffee. I’m enjoying an iced coffee as I write. No separation, looks like cream and taste great.

      Although considering the date I’m sure you’ve already tried it 😉 but thought I’d reply just in case others are wondering.

      Have a nice day!

  6. Gita Bhatia

    How long will this keep in the fridge? Also, what if I don’t want it sweet?

    • Julian Greene

      This recipe makes about a pint jar full plus a little extra which always goes right into my first cup of coffee. I would think it would last at least 2 weeks, but it never hangs around that long for me (I drink it up!). I make about 2 batches a week.

      If you don’t want it sweet, just omit the Stevia, and the extracts. Those are optional. The coconut milk, coconut oil, and egg are all you really need to make it.

  7. Bonnie

    Where can you find can coconut milk without guar gum? I looked at whole foods with no luck.

    • LJ

      try trader joes! Their canned coconut milk has no additives

    • seeljanerun

      Look at trader joes! Their canned coconut milk (not the coconut cream) has no additives

  8. Julian Greene

    A couple more things. For those of you worried about globby coconut oil, I accidentally omitted the coconut oil in my last batch, and I love it just as much. This creamer is a REAL treat — not just thick, but sweet and foamy as well. Also, the other day I found I was out of almond milk when I made my baked oatmeal (a la 101 Baked Oatmeal), and I used freshly made creamer (this recipe + nutmeg) to pour over it before baking. Yum! My partner now wants this recipe made exclusively with the creamer mixture. We both loved it!

  9. J.L.

    Thank you, thank you , thank you! This recipe is exactly what I needed. I bought all the stuff today and was SO pleasantly surprised how it tasted. I used almond extract instead of vanilla extract and it was delicious! My whole goal is to try and get away from processed and artificial ingredients and this is exactly what I needed…Thanks again!

  10. immydr

    I was looking for a dairy free, sugar free creamer recipe. This sounds really good. I will try it. Thank you.

  11. rose

    Salmonella is on the rise and is not to be taken lightly. I highly recommend you use pasteurized eggs or omit completely. Otherwise it looks interesting and good way to get around the added phosphate in commercial creamers for which recent research suggests is the “new trans fat” in that it may contribute to cardiac disease.

    • Mindy

      I just wanted to chime in about the raw eggs. I’m guessing this recipe assumes that you are buying your eggs from a local farm where the chickens are healthy and raised outside on grass and bugs. Salmonella is only on the rise with grocery store eggs from factory chickens.

  12. Michael

    Yum awesome thanks for sharing!

  13. Mindy

    Have you tried this with coconut cream vs. coconut milk? This looks delicious. Can’t wait to try it!

  14. Julian Greene

    It depends on what you mean by coconut cream. I tried it with canned coconut cream, but found it no different than the canned coconut milk which is great with this. I tried it with Tropical Traditions Coconut Cream (the real thing), but it was really not worth it. I like TT’s Coconut Cream directly in my coffee. As long as the coffee’s hot, it will stir in nicely. Since I don’t live in the tropics, and my house is never 75° or more, the CC is always solid. I tried warming it up in a water bath, took out a cup of it, put it in the blender, added Stevia and vanilla, but the second I added the egg, it solidified the mixture. In the recipe above, the egg keeps the coconut oil from separating from the mixture, and keeps it smooth and creamy in the fridge. Not so with the straight coconut cream.

    • Mindy

      Thanks! I will see how mine turns out in the fridge w/o the oil. I can’t believe I just drank 200 calories though! 1/2 cup over 3 cups of coffee adds up fast, but who’s counting! LOL

      • Julian Greene

        I use a lot of coconut oil, and it has not affected my weight at all. Did you know that research is showing that arterial plaque is more likely caused by using the wrong oils than even animal fat. Coconut oil has none of the properties that corn oil, canola oil, etc. have, so don’t worry about it. And it’s fabulous for your brain!

  15. Tracy

    Is their an unsweetened coconut milk that could be used

    • Mindy

      Several! 🙂 Native Forest has one and I believe Tropical Traditions. Many offer unsweetened, organic coconut milk.

  16. Mindy

    Very good! I’m off dairy and this is a great replacement to my old creamer. I’m having it with the pumpkin spice and used vanilla stevia (tsp) instead of extract and sweetener.

    I did use a pastured egg, but after I plopped it in, I wondered if I should have just used the egg yolk or maybe 2 egg yolks as whites can be difficult to digest. Do you need the whites to get the whipped consisitency?

    Also, what is the purpose of adding coconut oil? Does it make it creamy or is it just because it’s good for you? Does your coffee look oily? I didn’t add it this morning and it’s yummy w/o it. Thank you!

    • Julian Greene

      In my experience, the coconut oil does make it creamier. I use it in hot chocolate, too, (made with dark chocolate almond milk) for the creamiest hot chocolate ever.

  17. Elle

    Has anyone tried it without adding the egg in …I don’t like to use raw eggs …how is the consistency without it or is there a substitute?

  18. She said

    Has anyone made this without the raw egg…is there a substitute or can I just leave it out?


  19. Martine

    I tried this recipe and it was great until I put in my coffee. It doesn’t blend in with the coffee at all!!! I don’t have time to put coffee and creamer in the blender. There really is no substitute. The only option is to start drinking my coffee black.

  20. Lulie

    GOD BLESS YOU! I cant drink milk and that Nestles creamer is a chemicalnightmare…and i live in ecuador…so..I can get coconuts fresh and have a lady who comes and opens ten of them , scrapes out the meat and milk into a bucket, then I blenderize them and keep in the freezer!
    Im so thankful for your inventive creative help since I LOVE my coffee and needed a good creamer…will try tomorrow!!!!
    Thank you soo….

  21. Dawn

    Thank you! I have been trying to find a non-dairy creamer that wasn’t full of hydrogenated soy or HFCS that I could actually enjoy. This provides enough body to the coffee to be satisfying. I have been dealing with joint pain for a few years now, and I finally figured out that it was from the casein in dairy. Dairy-free, I feel great.

  22. vanessa

    This is really great but I don’t like the smell of the raw egg in it. But made it anyway. Thanks for the recipe!!

  23. Wendy

    How would you tweak the recipe if you added liquid lecithin?

  24. Karla

    Hi. About the raw egg. The salmonella comes from the shell – not the egg inside. I use a veggie wash and veggie scrub brush to thoroughly clean the shells and then dry them before use – even if not using the egg raw.

  25. Wendy

    What if you are pregnant the raw egg scares me

  26. Amy

    I just made this without the coconut oil and it was great. Thanks for the great recipe!

  27. Linda

    Can you use coconut milk from the refrigerator section in the milk containers?

  28. Christine

    FYI my first batch whipped up thick and perfect but my second batch stayed runny. Only difference is the coconut milk was cold for the first thick batch. Try that if you are having troubles!

  29. Christina

    Sometimes when I make this it’s runny and sometimes it’s thick like mousse. Do you have any idea why the difference? I use an emersion blender every time and pure vanilla extract.

  30. Heidi Huff

    I found this searching for a good non dairy creamer recipe. Most of them just have you adding sweetener to coconut milk, which doesn’t cut it for me. The consistency is all wrong, and it doesn’t mix well. Not like dairy creamer at all. It’s surprising how much the egg in this really changes things. Who would have thought! I poured milk out of a cartoon instead of canned, and I used cashew milk since that’s what I had. I still think it could be a little thicker – maybe another egg. I also omitted the oil. But it mixes perfectly, and I put it in the fridge to see if it will thicken up. Will play around with this to get it just right. Thank you so much for sharing!

    For those worried about the raw eggs, you can pasteurize your eggs at home. It’s super easy. And now I can make “real” eggnog without worrying about it.

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