3 Ingredient Mock Mashed Potatoes

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I am guessing some of you have heard of mock mashed potatoes. Basically they are “mashed potatoes” made with just cauliflower (and not potatoes). I personally have tried them and never thought they were very good. In my opinion they don’t even have close to the same texture or taste as regular mashed potatoes. So with that being said, I was very happy when my sis gave me this tip…

For every head of cauliflower you use, add in one sweet potato.

Literally adding in that one sweet potato makes all of the difference. I felt like I was able to enjoy “mashed potatoes” again. In fact, I think I enjoy these mock mashed potatoes even more than regular mashed potatoes. And that says a lot! 😀

3 Ingredient Mock Mashed Potatoes

1 medium sweet potato, peeled (or keep the skin on for extra fiber!)
1 head cauliflower
1/2 can of coconut milk

Bake or steam sweet potato and cauliflower or use whatever method you like to make both veggies soft enough to mash. Throw sweet potato, cauliflower and a 1/2 can of coconut milk in a bowl. Use an immersion hand blender (love this thing!) or a masher to get to the consistency of creamy mashed potatoes. Season with salt and pepper… and then enjoy! So yummy!

…And I also want to mention that lots of the concoctions I create don’t always turn out as planned. An example of that would be today’s banana chocolate chip muffins that I made with almond flour. Hmmm….

But I was actually shocked when I took them out of the oven and tasted. Wow! They were amazing. Now to figure out how to make them actually look like muffins. Stay tuned… 🙂

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Comments 62

  1. Desiree Heck

    Forget what they look like, fill them up with something awesome and ENJOY!! You made them like that for a reason lol.

  2. angela

    I have never been a fan of cauliflower mash, but have made mashed sweet potatoes with steamed carrots blended in and that was great!

  3. chrissymarie

    I absolutely love that you are paleo. My husband never wanted to (naturally thin) and that’s all I do. Now with your posts he is interested. Thanks so much!!

  4. Pam T

    Post the recipe I make muffins with almond flour once a week. Usually include golden flax, are these low card muffins of gf?

  5. Kate

    I think you should just give them a new name like muff-innies! Then it’s like you did in on purpose.

  6. Ashley

    I agree with the idea of filling the muffins with something 🙂

    These tatoes sound yummy! I actually made the Jambalaya w/Cauliflower Rice tonight! My husband is not a fan of veggies, but he said he actually preferred the cauliflower over rice…..so it was a success!

  7. V llamas

    I make mock mashed potatoes all the time. I add a regular potato or 2 to each head depending on the size. I also add garlic. After mashing them I add salt, pepper, and a dab of reduced fat sour cream. Yummy!

  8. Kay

    I can’t take the mock potatoes either. But I don’t think I would like them with the sweet potato either. I’ve tried to like them, but not yet. I even tried Twice Baked Cauliflower (as in Twice Baked Potatoes). They were okay, but not as good as potatoes!

    I’ve just bought some almond flour for the first time. I would be interested in some successful muffins — but usually the ones that fall taste the best!

  9. Em

    Yummy! For an extra punch of nutrients and fiber add some kale! Just saute it a bit and mix it right on in! Also, pureed carrots are good if you don’t have sweet potatoes on hand!

  10. Kim

    I actually make the cauliflower mock mashed potatoes for my bf who is on the low carb diet we all know. Whenever I’ve made them, they’ve come out ‘ok’, but not ‘wow!’. I did, however, stumble upon a cauliflower ‘risotto’ recipe that was so stinking yummy, he requested it again. The flavor was ahhhmazing and it mimicked the real thing so much, that I think had I put it on the kids’ plates, they may have just thought it was rice.
    I’ll have to look up the sweet potato to see if it’s ‘allowed’, but I’ll be anxious to try out this recipe.

    • Em

      Where did you find the risotto recipe?

    • Cheryl


      • Melody

        I want to know too please?!

  11. felicia

    Collin, baking with almond flour and coconut flour takes practice. I found adding an extra egg, banana, and 1/4 cup coconut flour to my almond flour mufins made a big change. I make half without chocolate chips, and half with for my kids and our friends. It’s great to see their faces because people expect them to be gross, and they are shocked at how wonderful they taste! Keep it up and in no time I’m certian you’ll have a Hip2Paleo recipe book!

  12. Meaghan

    Collin those muffins look like most of my cupcakes!! I’ve been trying for 3 years to make a good eggless cupcake for my son with an egg allergy. They always taste fine but I have only once made a really good batch that didn’t sink in the middle while cooling. Luckily I can fill it in with frosting to cover it up lol!!!! But I would love to make a normal looking cupcake all the time!

    • Dawn

      My son has an egg allergy also (along with peanut, tree nut) I gave up on trying to make homemade eggless cupcakes 🙂 so I buy a boxed mix made by Cherrybrook kitchen that you just add a few simple ingredients. It tastes so yummy and no sunken cupakes anymore 🙂

    • vicki

      i have a daughter who’s allergic to eggs too and this has become our go-to cake/cupcake recipe. definitely not a paleo recipe but tastes great to the rest of us:)
      i’m making it again this weekend for her bday cupcakes.


      seriously, its great. i havent had any problems with eggless cakes falling but i usually use one of the baking soda substitutes so that would help i guess. could also be that you have too much baking soda as after it rises, it’ll sometimes deflate things upon cooling(think cream of tartar in snickerdoodles) i’ve read and found to be true that you’ll have the best luck with egg substitutions if you use more than one type of substitution if you need more than 2 eggs (ie: calls for 3 eggs, do a serving of mashed fruit or veggie along with a flax seed/water substitution) so far, this has worked for me.

      last weekend we had a quickie bday cake for her on her actual bday and just used a box mix with a quarter cup of applesauce, 1 T milled flax seeds, 3 T water for the eggs….super moist and you’d never miss the eggs. also, no caving in.

      if you’re interested, i have a list at home i can scan and email you of all the egg substitutions and whether they’re best for leavening or moisture/stickiness. email me if you’re interested at vboos at hotmail dot com. good luck.

      • vicki

        duh, i forgot to put the one change that we make to the allrecipes.com recipe!

        1Tbsp white vinegar

        (my friends MIL made it this way when she made it for my daughter to be able to join a bday party and i havent changed it or asked her why the vinegar)

        • Crystal

          I’m pretty sure the vinegar reacts with the baking soda, and that’s what allows the cake to rise 🙂

          • vicki

            similar to making a volcano in elementary school science? 🙂

  13. tiffany

    What a great way to trick my husband into eating cauliflower! 🙂

  14. Emily

    Collin, I am on a gluten free diet. Maybe you could try a tsp of xanthan gum to your recipe the next time. The gluten free flours need a bit of “leavening” to help the baked good get fluffy. Good luck!

    • laura

      Where do you find the xanthan gum? And do you know of any other substitutes by chance?

      • Estrellita Bell

        I found xanthan gum at Whole Foods.

    • Beth B.

      what exactly is xanthan gum? I’ve seen it in a few things at Harry’s and Whole Foods. Thinking it’s not paleo friendly, but I’m not sure?

      • Emily

        Xanthan gum (or guar gum) is a “leavening” agent that helps gluten free baked good rise or get fluffy like gluten-containing items. Gluten is a protein in some grains that gives dough it’s stretchiness. If you’ve ever handled gluten free bread dough, it’s not at all like regular dough that you can knead. By adding one or the other of these gums, it helps gf products taste more like what we think of as “normal.”
        I’ve found both guar gum and xanthan gum at the grocery in the health food section, or gluten free section.
        Hope this helps!

    • Melnda

      Instead of Xanthan Gum, we typically use Guar Gum. Same “rising” results but much less spendy…

  15. Erin

    I make my cauliflower mash (that’s what we call it) by steaming cauliflower in some homemade chicken stock (~1c per head). After it’s done steaming, I dump out the broth into a holding bowl and start “mashing” with the emulsion blender. Slowly add back stock until you hit your desired consistency.

    I’ve quickly learned that adding stock to almost anything makes it a little more flavory. 🙂

    On the same note, I feel like the thing we are constantly making is chicken stock! I boil chicken at least every other weekend!!! We’ve started using so much stock, that I don’t even bother freezing… We just keep it in a Rubbermaid jug in the fridge!

  16. Mila

    Would love the recipe to those muffins 🙂

  17. Shanna

    I made some mocked mashed potatoes a few nights ago and wanted to see if I could fool my son….and I did! He loved them and once I’m out of potatoes I think I will just stick to them. Anyway to get veggies in him!

  18. Kristin

    Collin… Ive made mashed cauliflower for years now. I make mine with my food processor. I boil it til soft and drain then dump it into processor with milk butter and a tad of sea salt and pepper. I swear they are so creamy and fluffy u cannot tell. I fact my uncle thought they were mashed potatoes on thanksgiving when making his plate. Lol. 🙂

    • Beth B.

      Thanks! I’m obsessed with Banana Bread, so I’m going to make this paleo friendly recipe 🙂

  19. Jo

    Looks so yummy! I have this recipe on my fridge but we were too scared to try it. We will definitely try it with the sweet potato added! Thanks for the tip.

    Does anyone know if you substitute coconut flour in recipes that call for the almond flour do you use the same amount? I had read coconut flour goes a long way so use half of regular flour, but not sure how it compares to almond. We have nut allergies and so I was told we could use the coconut instead since it’s not really a nut. Thanks in advance.

  20. victoria

    love, love, love cauliflower mashed ‘potatoes’! i usually put horseradish in them for a bit of a kick and garlic, too. yummers. if you give them a go in the blender or use an immersion blender they get a nice, creamy consistency, too.

  21. Olga

    Just to make sure: are we speaking about yams (the orange ones) or sweet potatoes (the yellow ones) here?

  22. Maegen

    I’m trying to figure out why it need coconut milk.
    Is that a dopey question?

    • Ashley

      You can probably use regular milk, but I think Collin is cutting out dairy. Hence the coconut milk 🙂

  23. Da

    Try Japanese Sweet Potato! I buy them from Whole Foods Market. It tastes amazing. You cannot go back to the old sweet potato anymore. They are red-brown outside, white with slight grey-yellow tone inside. When you cook them, they turn beautiful yellow.

  24. MamaJ

    Collin, can you taste the coconut in it? I love all your new Paleo recipes. Thanks for sharing w/ us!

  25. Kim

    That coconut milk isn’t that a high calorie item? Can’t use 2%?

    • Gil

      Had to smile, Kim…2% in our home IS high cal.
      I only do Fat-free.

    • Vicki

      Not watching calories….where has calorie counting really ever gotten this country?
      overall, coconut milk and almond milk are healthier …and in this case going for dairy free.

      • Laura

        I lost 45 pounds by counting my calories. I did not join any weight loss program.

        • Emilytwinmom

          Congratulations on the weight loss Laura, yay for you!

  26. marie

    I had to laugh when I saw the muffins because I can wholeheartedly relate. Much of my baking looks just like that!(: I’m sure they tasted good though!!

    • andrea

      martha stewart has an article in Aprils “Living” Ask Martha section that explains why cakes sink in the middle….may be the same for muffins? She say’s it is a flour to leaven ratio. “For every cup of flour there should be one teaspoon of baking powder or quarter teaspoon of baking soda” maybe this will help!

  27. Gil

    If you’re dining out, try Ruby Tuesday for the mock mashed potatoes. I eat low-carb and they do them really well.
    RT also has a new selection on their menu, where you can get the salad bar and 2 sides-PERFECT for low-carb/ low cal dining.

  28. Cheryl

    Collin – I can’t thank you enough for this recipe. I love,love love mashed potatoes. However I also have not been satisfied with the cauliflower mashed potatoes yet. I am anxious to try this recipe!

  29. heather b

    COLLIN-try a muffin top pan instead of a regular deeper style muffing pan next time 🙂

  30. andrea

    The best kind of sweet potato I have ever tasted is Oriental Beauty. They can be hard to find but they are so good!! The skin is almost a ruby and the inside is white, but firmer than other sweet potatoes and much more flavorful.

  31. Lori

    Baking soda should make them rise.

  32. Kimberly Anderson

    I’ve used coconut flour along in my muffins and it really makes them puff up:). There’s a book on amazon all about cupcakes and muffins made with coconut flour if you’re interested:). Hope this helps!

  33. midget

    Ewww, mashed cauliflower? I love cauliflower, but in florets, so I can identify what I’m eating. But then i also don’t see that mashed potatoes are appealing enough to make a fake version.

  34. LC

    Can anyone tell me how much this makes? Is this recipe enough for a family of 3 w/ some left over? Thanks!

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