Kroger (& Affiliates): Save $2 When You Spend $5 on ANY Candy eCoupon (Through 11/4)
Wow! Head on over here, select your store, and log into your account to add a rare eCoupon valid for $2 off when you spend $5 on any candy – valid at Kroger or affiliate stores through 11/4/2012. I’m thinkin’ this eCoupon should make for a sweet 😉 deal when paired with the after-Halloween clearance sales!
**Limit one use per digital coupon. Digital offers cannot be combined with manufacturer paper coupons on the purchase of a single item and do not double. A limit of 150 coupons can be loaded per household at one time.
(Thanks, Cindy!)
No Fred Meyer, wtf. 🙁
I was able to log into my Fred Meyer page and then click the link and select Kroger and it added it to my Fred Meyers cpns.
No FM, so I clicked on QFC. The coupon is there, but after clicking on it a message says that “We were unable to locate the requested coupon.” ????
Free? It’s going to be at least $3 if you have to spend $5 to use the coupon. . . . You’ll just get a heck of a lot more after Halloween! I have a $2 on any Mars product; I bet it could stack.
Thanks! I love to grab candy marked down after Halloween to use at my son’s birthday party in November. Love your site!
I shop at Krogers, Cols, OH. When I clicked on the coupon, it didn’t work, it wasn’t included in available coupons.
It worked for me and I’m in Cincinnati area. Try going to logging in, then come back here and click on where it says $2 off when buy $5..For me it was the only coupon that came up.
I shop at Bakers in Bellevue, NE and it loaded onto my card just now. They don’t let you stack an E-coupon with a paper coupon at Baker’s FYI.
Thank goodness. I just remembered I need some for a trunk or treat tomorrow, and have not piled up an arsenal of coupons. This will work fine! Thanks, Collin! 🙂
I shop at Fred Meyer too, but I found that if I went to the Kroger page and signed in (using my Fred Meyer log in) and then clicked the link from Hip2Save again, it let me load the coupon.
Awesome! Thank you very much.
I shop at Krogers in Ky. and I got one.