Yogurtland: First 3 Ounces of Yogurt Free Coupon
If you live near a Yogurtland, you may want to head on over here and enter the My Masterpiece Contest. Just create a frozen yogurt and topping combination using their online contest tool and complete the entry form to be entered to win the Grand Prize of a $500 Yogurtland gift card. You’ll also be entered to win a $250 Yogurtland gift card and a $125 Yogurtland gift card. In addition, all entrants will snag a coupon valid for your first 3 ounces of yogurt FREE (valid thru 11/2/12). Good luck! 😀
(Thanks, Free Stuff Times!)
Where is the tool to create the masterpiece? Instructions above says “create a frozen yogurt and topping combination using their online contest tool ” I can’t seem to find it anywhere… or do we actually have to go in the store and create/purchase yogurt and snap picture to enter?