FREE Scotch-Brite Cookie Baking Cleanup Kit (1st 1,000 Who Submit Cookie Picture & Recipe)
Head on over to the Scotch-Brite Facebook page to possibly score a FREE Cookie Baking Cleanup kit! The first 1,000 to take a picture of their favorite cookie recipe AND enter it in the Sweetest of Gifts Cookie Exchange will score a FREE kit! You’ll need to be quick!
(Thanks, Free Stuff Times!)
Before anyone goes through the trouble of doing this, you do have to have your own photo (ie, I was submitting my cookie recipe with a stock photo I found, but it wouldn’t work)
I used my sugar cookies. I had a pic of my poor looking ones on my Facebook.
Mine is taking forever to “submit” and it’s my own photo. The blue submit bar is just spinning. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Just was informed I WON! Whoohoo! Retail value of $17.47. What a weird amount.
Thanks Collin!
Wahoo! I won too! (3-pack of Scotch-Brite Dobie Cleaning
Pads, a 20-pack of Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty Steel Wool, a 1 Scotch-Brite Heavy Duty
Scrub Sponge, and an apron)
Just checked my spam folder, I won too!
I won, too! Woo hoo.
My cleaning kit came over the weekend and I love it! You should get an email from UPS saying it is on the way.