*HOT* My Coke Rewards: FREE 12 Pack Coca Cola Coupon Only 30 Points
UPDATE: If you are not able to find this offer, try these suggestions: (1) Log in to your account, click on the Special Offers link in the top right and then click on the Coke offer (2) Log out of My Coke Rewards and then log back in to your account (3) Try a different web browser.
Heads up! Starting now, you’ll be able to score a coupon valid for a FREE 12 pack of soda for only 30 points from My Coke Rewards! Be quick, as this won’t last long! Keep in mind that you will need to log into your account, click on the “Offers & Promotions” tab, click on “Coke Holiday”, then click on the “12 Days of Holiday Rewards” box and finally scroll until you hit the 12/12 offer (by clicking the arrow to the right).
Please note that their site is currently running incredibly slow. I also keep clicking on the offer and immediately get taken back to the homepage… so I am guessing they must be having a ton of site issues due to all of the traffic. I am headed for bed, but I’m hoping to wake up to lots of comments with many of you having successfully taken advantage of this offer.
(Thanks, Suzy and Kelly!)
i dont see it
try going through mycokerewards main page, when you log in, click My Special Offers, which is underneath Hi xxx and then click View Collection. There should be hand picked offers and one of the is the coke 12-pk. Going through collin’s link did not work for me.
I was able to get it this way. Thank you!
mel, I followed your instructions exactly and it worked like a charm! Thanks!
Awesome! thanks! that way worked for me! I thought they were all gone!! Thanks you a ton!
I tried that but there is not a place that says “my special offers”…darn!
I had the same problem, then I grab one more code to enter. After that’s accepted, somehow it activated “my special offers” link. So my guess is if you haven’t enter any code lately it doesn’t give you the option. HTH!
Shanshan…thank you so much for telling me that!! I entered a code and then a special offer of $20 shutterfly credit popped up then I went back and the special offers appeared and I got it! Yay! Thanks again!
Thank you Mel, your directions led me straight to it!! Thank you!
Thanks so much! I found it that way too 🙂
Thanks for instructions!
Thank you!!! This worked for me better. And I haven’t entered a real code in a long time and I was able to see it. Thanks so much!
Mel, Thank you, Thank you , Thank you for posting this. I couldn’t figure out how to get this coupon. I got it!!! Yuppy!!!!!
Thanks so much Mel! This worked for me. I could not get it through Collins link. Hope you have a great holiday!
Thanks Mel, went straight to it, no problem! Thank you so much. Ever since I heard about the free 12pk I have been scrounging around hunting every code I could find. I finally got to 31 and I was just waiting for the moment to claim it! I’m so glad yesterday’s announcement was an error, I was sooooo disappointed when I thought I had missed it. I actually had it written on my calendar for today! I couldn’t understand how I got the date wrong.
that worked for me to !
I was able to get it this way as well. Thank you for posting that. I’m still irritated that they will only let you get one when they advertised you could do four. I could have used my points on something else, but I was saving them for this.
Ugh! Me, too! I actually save them up ALL year just to redeem them for this particular promo.
me too- now can only get ONE- bummer!
Me too! Oh well!
I got one. But, unfortunately one is the max you’re allowed to claim. Thanks for the reminder!
I thought it was four? But i can only redeem one as well.
I thought the same thing! I saved up enough points so I could get 4, but its only letting me get one. Oh well atleast I got the one!
I was only able to get one – not the advertised limit of 4:(
6:48 CDT and it worked for me. I had to enter a code first for my special offer tab to pop up. That’s where I found it. Thanks H2S!
This way worked perfect for me.thx
Well I could get one on my account, but my husband’s account it just keeps going back to the Home screen. I don’t know what the heck is going on, but this is very disappointing. Almost as much as the last big Dr. Oz Giveaway. My account had a “My Special Offers” tab in which I could find the 12 pack but my husbands account had no such link. So confused??
Try entering some codes. When I entered 3 cap codes it gave me the option to order.
That’s exactly what’s happening to me. Frustrating.
I agree, I finally got my son’s account to work. After I entered one code, it unlocked the shutterfly deal, after I entered 2 codes, it finally unlocked the 12 pack coupon! So we are getting one for him and one for my account.
I have 23 points, anybody have any extra they can share? I would greatly appreciate it 🙂
Email me, hilda at urbancatsitters dot com I just got a bag of caps for my birthday from my sister-in-law!
Hi Hilda, could you possibly spare me a cap as well? Some people said they found this offer only after they entered a code: faijuijai@hotmail.com Would really appreciate it! Thanks in advance, either way.
Thank you Hilda! Your (and people on this site)’s generosity blows me away! Happy holidays! And many thanks to Collin too!
I have 23 Points as well, so if you can help at all, I would sooo appreciate it! Thank you!
andysavi.mom@gmail.com Forgot to leave my email.
Couponsforme2 I just emailed you a code. have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!
Worked for me this morning at 8:18am, but max of 1 allowed — bummer!
I had to go to MyCokeRewards, click on Offers and Promotions, and once your on that screen, enter a code if you haven’t done so already for the 12 Days of Holiday Rewards. But it only counts if you enter the code on that screen. Then you can find it!
Thank you Heather M..that worked for me…luckily I had a bottle cap I’ve been meaning to enter!
I got mine at 6:30am, right when I woke up this morning 🙂
I got one this morning. Way easier than waiting last night.
Was able to still get one very easily this morning @ 7:30 central no problems 🙂
can’t fine it
Got my one last night, but when Coke sent my conformation I got 5 with 5 different times, don’t know?
Me too! I got 8 emails confirming the one 12-pack coupon. Weird!
Who knows maybe we will get 5 or 8 coupons? That would be very “sweet”
IF YOU CANT FIND IT….try going through mycokerewards main page, when you log in, click My Special Offers, which is underneath Hi xxx and then click View Collection. There should be hand picked offers and one of the is the coke 12-pk. Going through collin’s link did not work for me. (FROM ANOTHER READER AND WORKED FOR ME!)
Yes, this worked.
Thanks! It was hard to find until I read your comment! Merry Christmas!
Thank you. I wouldn’t have found it otherwise.
Thanks!!! I kept trying different routes but hadn’t tried that one. It worked! 🙂
I got mine!
Got it! Thanks!
Could anyone spare a cap/code? I’ve tried all suggestions above and still don’t see the offer. I think I need to enter a code first, which I don’t have. I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance!
Just sent you one. My little code giveaway is over for today! I’m going out on a “code walk” now…….we are lucky to have curbside recycling here! Yahoo! Happy Holidays everyone!
Thank you, Hilda!
thank you, Collin1
Mine doesn’t show it .. at all. :*( I have 100 points to use!!
After some trial & error, mostly user error lol, I finally got one. Thanks!
Max is only 1, though. I was sooo ready to order 4 12 packs for my upcoming holiday parties, too haha!
You wouldn’t have received them in time for this year’s holiday parties, LOL. It takes them quite a while to send them in the mail.
I ended up having to input a code before the “My Special Offers” tab posted .. but I GOT IT!! Thanks!!
I really hate complaining about these wonderful free things and I am used to it taking time to get through but was sorta annoyed that they went from 4 to 1. I saved my points to use on this instead of things like McDonalds, which had I known I would have gone for one McDonalds and one soda. I just don’t like that they have not given any explanation on why the change.
Yes I agree! I would have used points for something else had I known 🙂 Oh well … maybe they will add another offer in the coming weeks?!
Same here. I saved my points to get 4. If mycokerewards told Hip2save that the limit was four, I think they should honor that. Collin- what are the chances we can act on this?
I agree. I saved my points for Shutterfly and four 12-packs, only to have the Shutterfly offer change when it went live and the limit for 12-packs reduced to one. Guess I’ll be saving my points for next year.
Shutterfly changed too? I wasn’t going for that one so I didn’t notice, now that is really annoying.
I had 670 points and saved my point for the 12 packs and didn’t order anything else, because I wouldn’t have enough for the $25 gift card and the 4 12 packs and then they go an change it. I understand changing it, but would it have hurt them to send us an e-mail so we could have know sooner. I guess that is what makes me upset. My send me an e-mail saying the limit and not send me an e-mail saying they changed the limit.
Sometimes they offer this as the Weds. deal so maybe they will do that again when people start complaining about the limit. I can’t get too upset about it though. There will always be another deal.
Hey friends! I too hate to complain but . . . they did change the rules. I ordered the Shutterfly only to find out too late that it was for holiday cards. Called customer service just to be told there’s nothing they can do. BUT THERE IS SOMETHING WE CAN DO — please be good consumers and go on the Coca Cola facebook and express your opinion. Our thoughts count and facebook is a great way to let corporate Coca Cola know this is not ok. Join me!! Go to https://www.facebook.com/cocacola?ref=ts&fref=ts. We can be nice, but it’s not okay to change the rules!
I have points but it’s not showing up. Does anyone happen to have an extra code that I can try? Please? 🙂
what is going on? They only let me get 1 and I didn’t get the best buy b/c I was saving for these.
Apparently they changed it to a limit of one. 🙁
I’m 7 Points short, so if anyone could help I would so appreciate it! Thank you!
Got my coke reward 12 pack but you can only get 1, there is a limit of 1 not 4 as was previously posted a couple of weeks ago.
Forgot to leave my email. It’s lesly.dugger@live.com. 🙂
I’m guessing they changed the limit because so many people complained about others buying multiples of the same deal and not leaving any for the morning buyers – I saw a ton of complaints on their fbook page about that. Maybe that explains the change in limits? I too wanted to get 4, but am still happy with my one!!!
I thought the others were limited to 1 each. Maybe I’m wrong…
I am willing to give away a few codes. If you need one email me @ Rainwindel (at) hotmail (dot) com
Oh man 5 pts short! Anyone got 5 pts they could spare? 🙁
Mary.b161 at gmail
Only got one of these too. oh well better then nothing.
When using coke rewards after you sign in, you go to coke holiday and slide to todays reward. You then must enter a code in code box in upper left of coke site and DO NOT hit enter/submit next to reward code you click on the picture of the 12 pack of coke and that lets you into the reward claim page.
I have some codes I can share, too, if anyone still needs some but will only be on computer for a short while. e-mail me at mamahug3 @ gmail.com (no spaces) Merry Christmas!
Thank you for the codes! I was able to get a free 12-pk coupon! Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the reminder, Collin! 🙂
Still works! Thanks
I got my dominos gift card in the mail, but it says they mailed me the wal-mart giftcard. Anyone else?
I got an email walmart card was shipped….nothing yet! Also McDs card n dominos cards sent email that they shipped but once again nothing yet…lol I HOPE SOON they arrive!
Thanks for all the tips everybody. Had to enter a code and login/logout to get it. Stayed up late last night trying to get it and just went in circles. I do kind of wish the limit was like 2 though.
Krissy, i did too, stayed up 2 hours late and it wouldnt let me get it. went to bed and first thing in the morning was able to get one :-/ only
Same here. I only got three hours sleep. Was not worth it. I’m not upset because the limit is one, I’m upset that they posted a limit of four and then changed it. I would not have stayed up if it had been limit one from the start. I’m sure it’s all a waste of time, but I called and e-mailed Coke. I just feel that a big corporation like Coke should haved handled their promotion better.
thank you. they want their code first!
just did it!! thanks!!
Nothing is happening for me on the site. Screen for 12 Days has no links to get reward anywhere. I entered a code today, logged out, logged back in. Did I miss this one?
Working now. Got it! Thanks!!
this is from facebook:
You can get 1 each day with your coke points as long as it is being offered. I’m just guessing that is what it means by limit of 4. I got 1 yesterday and 1 today. I’m just happy that Coke has a points system like this to reward their customers.
this wasn’t from a rep obviously, so i’m not sure how true this is but i’m gonna try to get one tomorrow and see
I think it was just that they were considered two separate promotions, the afternoon and evening. The links for the codes for the daily deal only last for 24 hours so the link will no longer be active tomorrow to get a third.
Thanks, Michelle! I got one yesterday and couldn’t get one today. And after reading your comment, I decided to try again and after I clicked on “my special offers”, I was able to get one today! woo hoo!
Thanks to the hipsters who mentioned “my special offers”. It didn’t show on my account earlier, but it does show now so if you haven’t gotten it yet, try refreshing your page over and over until it shows up.
Thanks for the reminder, and directions..cheers!
So strange, it let me get one but when we logged in on my sons account, it isn’t working.
Okay, I finally got my son’s account to work. After I entered one code, it unlocked the shutterfly deal, after I entered 2 codes, it finally unlocked the 12 pack coupon! So we are getting one for him and one for my account.
Can’t believe I still got one. WOO HOO!
Why do people always have to complain? I understand they said there was a limit of four and it changed to 1 because of the promotion they did yesterday but at least they still offered 1 at all. Thats a generous offer that they could have canceled all together so please stop thinking your entitled to everything. Merry Christmas to all. Thanks Collin for the reminder I was able to get my one and thats one more than I had yesterday. 🙂
I agree. I’m happy that they are generous enough to offer any of these deals and am grateful for what I’ve been able to get this year. If they offered a higher limit less people would probably be able to get them. People would be complaining that the greedy ones all got 4 and they got none. This way more people have chance to get one. Seems like Coke can’t win.
You’re completely right. I wouldn’t be surprised if the coca cola company doesn’t get fed up with it and just cancel the coke rewards program they don’t even have to offer that to us.
Hi, If anyone could possibly share some codes with me my family and I would really appreciate it! email is SweetAsSugar743@msn.com
got it thanks
Is it gone? I’m trying to look for in every way. When I click on COKE December 12th it takes me back to the unlock page.
Wow Thank you Collin! I was able to get 3, one from my sons, DH and my account. Just in time for the super bowl (I hope)!
Please can someone share a code with me. My special offers are locked:(
Forget to put my email: studentk@email.com