FREE St. Ives Oatmeal and Shea Butter Body Lotion – 1st 50,000 (Facebook)
UPDATE: It looks like the site is getting hit with a lot of traffic so you may just want to check back later!
Just a reminder – through March 8th, head on over to the St Ives Facebook page, “like” them and click on The Naturally Joyful Challenge tab to enter The St. Ives Naturally Joyful Challenge. The 1st 50,000 entrants to register, upload a photo and then share the challenge with friends via email will each snag a FREE sample of St. Ives Naturally Soothing Oatmeal and Shea Butter Body Lotion (allow approximately 3-4 weeks following the promotion conclusion for the sample to arrive). Plus, your friend will also receive a FREE sample.
You’ll also be entered to win the grand prize getaway to LA and a session with a celebrity trainer. Good luck! 😀
(Thanks for the reminder, Freebie Shark!)
do we get a whole bottle or just a sample?
No thanks—they want to access profile–friends list–email—way too invasive for a sample of lotion.
I agree
Not working darn!
too much work for a sample… =P
I can’t tell if it worked. It didn’t give me any confirmation screen. After I filled out the form it just went back to the challenge screen.
And I invited my mom and filled her’s out for her.
Weird, for me the app didn’t ask for access to all that info. Just said basic info.