Moviefone Summer Movie Ticket Giveaway: 10,000 Win FREE Movie Tickets (I Won!)
Wow! Through September 3rd, head on over to the Moviefone website and enter your info for a chance to win the grand prize of FREE Movie Tickets for a year! After entering, you can click the “Play Game” link to see if you’re an instant winner of one of a whopping 10,000 FREE Movie Tickets in the form of a Fandango movie ticket code! Play once per day for a better chance at winning!
And by the way, I am pretty stoked as I actually won a FREE movie ticket! 😀 Hopefully quite a few of you will win too! Good luck!
(Thanks, Cindy!)
I won too! Apparently the odds are pretty good! Thanks for sharing!
I won!
Hmm, says I won a ticket too! I’ll believe it when I get the c email 😉
Um, not sure why that link showed up in my comment! Meant I’ll believe it when I get the confirmation email 😉
i won too 🙂
Thanks!! I just won too!! 🙂
I won!
I won! Thanks for the post Collin 🙂
Thanks, I won too!
I won a movie ticket also!
I WON TOO!!!! Thanks Collin!!
Wahoo I won too!!
I won
Yay! thanks!
I won a free ticket and I never win anything!
I won, thanks!!!
I won! Thanks!!!
I won, thanks!!
Yay! Thank you for sharing
You’re the winner of a FREE Movie Ticket!
Look for an email from with prize details. It should arrive in the next 24-48 hours.
Woo Hoo…I won a free ticket!
My BF won too. Hope it’s real. 😉
It is – they do these huge ticket giveaways every summer 🙂
Woo hoo i won too Thanks.
I won also.
I won too and already got my email with my code!! 🙂
I one a movie ticket! Thanks Hip2save!!!
Thanks! Got a movie ticket!!
I won a ticket too!!!!!
I won too and just got my confirmation email. It says that I won a $12 movie ticket. That works for me cause the IMAX is $11.75 here. Now to pick out which movie to go see.
I did not win. Just wanted to throw a new sounding post out there. 😉
I didn’t win either! Guess there were enough winners for today 🙁
I joined the unlucky group too:P lol
i didn’t win either 🙁
I did not win. 🙁
No win for me 🙁
no win for me.
No win, must be gone for tonight lol
no win here either. Maybe tomorrow. Right Stefanie and kc?
no win
i cant see the link play game help plzzz
I have so many movies I would like to see. I want to win please
I think I won
I got one too.:-)
my page blanked out… i guess i didnt win… like usual, boo! lol
No wins for 9 of us! Congrats to all the winners! I thought it would be easier for at least one win!
Bummer – I didn’t win.
I won earlier this evening. Perhaps they have reached their limit for today.
i didnt win either 🙁
I didn’t win either? I’m guessing they only have so many per day and have already run out 🙁 oh well… there’s always tomorrow
no win for me
Tried again today, no luck.
I think they already gave away all 10,000 yesterday. :O(
No win here!!! Boo!!
No win here 2 days in a row. 🙁
didn’t win.
I just got a blank screen and no link to play game? but thats cool..glad so many of you all won 🙂