Moviefone Summer Movie Ticket Giveaway: 10,000 Win FREE Movie Tickets (I Won!)

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Wow! Through September 3rd, head on over to the Moviefone website and enter your info for a chance to win the grand prize of FREE Movie Tickets for a year! After entering, you can click the “Play Game” link to see if you’re an instant winner of one of a whopping 10,000 FREE Movie Tickets in the form of a Fandango movie ticket code! Play once per day for a better chance at winning!

And by the way, I am pretty stoked as I actually won a FREE movie ticket! 😀 Hopefully quite a few of you will win too! Good luck!

(Thanks, Cindy!)

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Comments 75

  1. Jessica

    I won too! Apparently the odds are pretty good! Thanks for sharing!

  2. CJ

    I won!

  3. Laurie M.

    Hmm, says I won a ticket too! I’ll believe it when I get the c email 😉

    • Laurie M.

      Um, not sure why that link showed up in my comment! Meant I’ll believe it when I get the confirmation email 😉

  4. Catherine

    i won too 🙂

  5. Lorraine Haan

    Thanks!! I just won too!! 🙂

  6. Angela p

    I won!

  7. Bonnie

    I won! Thanks for the post Collin 🙂

  8. Michelle

    Thanks, I won too!

  9. Kristie Brown Perks

    I won a movie ticket also!

  10. Samantha

    I WON TOO!!!! Thanks Collin!!

  11. Jennifer

    Wahoo I won too!!

  12. rachel

    I won

  13. Jen

    Yay! thanks!

  14. Melinda

    I won a free ticket and I never win anything!

  15. Missy

    I won, thanks!!!

  16. SistagurL

    I won! Thanks!!!

  17. Wendy

    I won, thanks!!

  18. Karrie Fountain

    Yay! Thank you for sharing

    You’re the winner of a FREE Movie Ticket!
    Look for an email from with prize details. It should arrive in the next 24-48 hours.

  19. Lisa

    Woo Hoo…I won a free ticket!

  20. CJ

    My BF won too. Hope it’s real. 😉

    • Alea

      It is – they do these huge ticket giveaways every summer 🙂

  21. jhnicole

    Woo hoo i won too Thanks.

  22. Sandra Townsend Kennedy

    I won also.

  23. Megan

    I won too and already got my email with my code!! 🙂

  24. Jenny

    I one a movie ticket! Thanks Hip2save!!!

  25. Beth

    Thanks! Got a movie ticket!!

  26. claudia

    I won a ticket too!!!!!

  27. Angel F

    I won too and just got my confirmation email. It says that I won a $12 movie ticket. That works for me cause the IMAX is $11.75 here. Now to pick out which movie to go see.

  28. Stefanie

    I did not win. Just wanted to throw a new sounding post out there. 😉

    • Amani

      I didn’t win either! Guess there were enough winners for today 🙁

    • sarah

      I joined the unlucky group too:P lol

    • karla

      i didn’t win either 🙁

  29. kc

    I did not win. 🙁

  30. mom2five

    No win for me 🙁

  31. rosana

    no win for me.

  32. Queenjen87

    No win, must be gone for tonight lol

  33. Renee

    no win here either. Maybe tomorrow. Right Stefanie and kc?

  34. yuliya

    no win

  35. aim

    i cant see the link play game help plzzz

  36. Gloria Johnson

    I have so many movies I would like to see. I want to win please

  37. Gloria Johnson

    I think I won

  38. wench1109

    I got one too.:-)

  39. pharm_chick

    my page blanked out… i guess i didnt win… like usual, boo! lol

  40. Babs

    No wins for 9 of us! Congrats to all the winners! I thought it would be easier for at least one win!

  41. vicky

    Bummer – I didn’t win.

  42. Gillian

    I won earlier this evening. Perhaps they have reached their limit for today.

  43. krista

    i didnt win either 🙁

  44. Katrina

    I didn’t win either? I’m guessing they only have so many per day and have already run out 🙁 oh well… there’s always tomorrow

  45. Tracey

    no win for me

  46. kc

    Tried again today, no luck.

    • jean

      I think they already gave away all 10,000 yesterday. :O(

  47. Amanda

    No win here!!! Boo!!

  48. Jennie S.

    No win here 2 days in a row. 🙁

  49. Kathryn K

    didn’t win.

  50. Cherie

    I just got a blank screen and no link to play game? but thats cool..glad so many of you all won 🙂

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