Amazon: 50% Off Strategy Board Games Today Only = 7 Wonders $24.99, Ravensburger Labyrinth $15.49
Today only and while supplies last, head over to to score 50% off top-rated strategy board games. Get FREE Shipping on an order of $35 or more OR snag FREE 2-day shipping with Amazon Prime. Here are a few of my favorites…
7 Wonders $24.99 (reg. $49.99)
Ravensburger Labyrinth $15.49 (reg. $31.99)
Dixit $17.49 (reg. $34.99)
Ticket To Ride Europe $30.49 (reg. $49.99)
Coup $8.99 (reg. $14.99)
Mille Bornes Card Game $8.99 (reg. $14.99)
I have been WAITING for this! I have a bunch of these on my wish list and I am thrilled to be able to get some now and save until Christmas! Thank you for posting this!
Picked up king of Tokyo. We have had our eye on it for a while. Well be a great Christmas gift. Thanks!
Exactly what I needed for my daughter’s birthday this Sunday; she loves these games. Thank you, Collin.
What is good for 8 year old boy?