Did You Receive an Expired Lay’s BBQ Potato Chips Coupon? Find Out How to Get a New Coupon!

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Heads up! If you signed up to receive a FREE bag of BBQ Lay’s Chips and received your coupon in the mail recently, you may have noticed that it had an expiration date of June 12th…which means it’s expired. πŸ™ With that being said, it appears that Frito-Lay is aware of the issue and is willing to send out new, unexpired coupons whenever you call 1-800-352-4477 or send them an email.


Let us know if you’re able to request a new one!

(Thanks, Jennifer)

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Comments 105

  1. j

    mine came but had one-2 days to use and didnt’ get to store ugh πŸ™

  2. ❌Fran

    I sent an email yesterday and haven’t heard anything back!

  3. Amy

    Received my expired coupon yesterday afternoon. Emailed last night and they replied this morning and said they were sending a new one.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      That’s great news Amy!

  4. Jennifer

    I emailed on the 14th, and got a reply today they will be sending a new one…. we will see. What a marketing disaster for them.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Glad they’re sending a new one!

  5. Katykretz

    I also sent email last night. Got a response today. They will send a new one.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Oh good Katy!

  6. Dee

    just an FYI as it states on coupon this is for a 2.75 ounce bag of chips. Could not find this small size at target for a free bag but paid the difference when I purchased the larger bag

    • J

      Walmart has them by the registers

      • Steph

        CVS has them where the regular chips are and they are $1.49 a bag which is the max. amt. for the coupon so free.

        • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

          Good to know Steph!

      • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

        Thanks J!

      • Susan

        I used mine at Walmart on Friday and the cashier was surprised it was totally free…I didn’t even have to pay tax:)

      • Allison M.

        Gas stations have them too. I’ve seen them at Sheetz and I know they take coupons.

    • Laura

      Or up to $1.49 off any bag

    • LindaK

      Got that size bag at Walgreens. Mine expired last Sunday and I received it about 2 days earlier. Luckily I opened the envelope!

  7. Tammy

    Thank you so much for the information! Just got mine in the mail today.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome Tammy!

  8. Liezl

    Yes I received an expired coupon in the mail yesterday. It went to my trash can!

  9. lucy

    I called yesterday, and was on hold for 8 minutes and will receive 2 free coupons in 7 to 10 business days.

  10. Lyndsie

    Received the coupon yesterday which had expired two days prior. Called Frito-Lay and the gentleman was understanding, apologized and stated that he would promptly get out a replacement. What a terrific company!! Feel like they might be looking at changing their fulfillment company.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      So glad they are sending out a new one for your Lyndsie! πŸ™‚

  11. Tasha

    I haven’t received mine yet. 😐

    • Miriam

      Me too.. Hopefully it’s in today’s mail..😬

    • hannah

      Me either…

  12. Ali

    I was just laughing at the expiration date yesterday. Emailed them just now. Well atleast USPS gets more postage money from lays.

  13. Kevin Martin

    I got my on Monday and I emailed the same day and they contacted me and very nice lady said that they will be mailing me a coupon for a free product of my choice. I love when employees give great customer service. πŸ˜€

  14. kylie

    I emailed today.I have recieved expired coupons before.

  15. dary

    What’s the email? I couldn’t do it through the link.

    • Katykretz

      I went to fritolay.com then clicked on customer service.

  16. babs in bama

    I was so discouraged and wanted something crunchy, I ate a bag of croutons!

    • Jen

      Your comment literally made me laugh out loud! I love crunchy salty snacks. I feel you, I’ve been known to eat just croutons without the salad…because it is the best part of the salad!

    • πŸ’•YoliπŸ’•

      Babs in bama that literally made me laugh out loud too (and I’m in bed while bf and baby sleep) he would think I’ve gone crazy lol. I once ate a bag of croutons in place of chips too and then hated croutons for a while. Thanks for the laugh. Btw I to received an expired coupon.

  17. Jessica

    Sent an email to them yesterday and they’ve already gotten back to me and are sending a new one πŸ™‚

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      So happy to hear that Jessica! Thanks for sharing!

  18. teresa



  19. laura

    Does anyone one want to mail me their expired coupon? I can use them at the commissary 6 months expired! TIA iwuvustinkyface@gmail.com

    • Debbie

      Coupon can not be transfered,don’t get gready and take advantage of the great ops you already have.Plus food prices are lower at commisary.

      • What

        Since when can’t coupons be transferred???
        And the commissary is not always cheaper.
        You’re surely being disrespectful to a military family that gives their lives to protect you.

      • tracyS

        Debbie, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

      • laura

        The only way I can get coupons is transferred coupons. They don’t sell newspapers here. And cheaper prices? Cereal at the commissary is $3.50 a box, you obviously don’t shop at the commissary. In the U.S. I only bought very specific things at the commissary, I don’t have a choice now, if I want American food that is. Third, things like this rarely make it to my box, I’ve signed up for lots of freebies and I’ve never received them to my APO, not to mention most freebies like this are while I’m sleeping, I never even saw the post for this and I check Hip2Save every day.

        • laura

          Oh wait, chips are actually cheaper! It’s like one of the maybe 5 things that are actually cheaper here, haha. Whereas if I want strawberries, its at least $6 a lb, pineapple is sold by the pound not by the piece, watermelon is $10, so yep I’m wracking up those good deals at the commissary!

      • Katykretz

        Isn’t the whole idea of hip2save is to save whatever wherever we can and to pass these along to our family and friends???

    • Christine

      Laura I will gladly send you my coupon!

      • laura

        Thanks so much I always miss deals like this cause they’re in the middle of my night!

    • ❌Fran

      I will send mine!! I emailed you.

    • Debbie

      Sorry for my ignorance,I will now be sending you all of my expired coupons instead of throwing them in the recycling bin

      • laura

        Well the way the Commissary brags about their prices and how great they are I think everyone who hasn’t shopped there must think it’s amazing. I’d take Aldi’s any day over the Commissary.

  20. KD

    Thank you for the heads up!
    I didn’t even checked the expiration date on the coupon. I put it in my coupon holder and forgot about it.
    This is a reminder why I like Hip2Save so much!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re very welcome! πŸ˜‰

    • Deb

      I did the same thing. Love that I was able to ask for another one, thanks to H2S.

  21. Mommyof4

    My envelope was empty! πŸ˜‚

    • jenny

      Ha! I was so sure mine was going to be too because it was sealed with like one dot and 80% wide open. But nope, contained the expired coupon

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Oh bummer! How odd!

  22. Kristen

    Thank you! I totally didn’t even look at the date and would have tried to buy it with an expired coupon and would have been all embarrassed it didn’t work!

    • Susie

      I didn’t look either, I used mine Sunday at Kroger. So glad it was still good then or it would have been embarrassing.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome Kristen! Glad you can request a new one!

  23. Tina9222

    I got back from a needed vacation and thought oh well… It’s still in my car πŸ˜‰ I’m glad I wasn’t embarrassed had I gone to the storeπŸ˜–

  24. Diane

    Thanks for the update! I just sent them an email.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome Diane!

  25. Edy

    Lol ! I went to cvs and couldn’t find the chips – didn’t even look at expiration date ! Gave the cpn away to another customer ! I really hope it’s not expired

  26. Vivian

    Got mine 4 days before it expired, I couldn’t find that size at tarte so I just threw it away

  27. sarah

    I can’t find any this anywhere!!

    • rtsymom

      We found this size bag up front with candies at check out of our local grocery (Food Lion).

  28. Denise

    I called them yesterday after I received it on Monday already expired and they were so super nice and are sending me replacement coupons and didn’t need any info off my envelope or anything, he said he trusted me. Such awesome customer service!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Happy to hear customer service was so helpful! Good to know!

  29. Gillian

    I never looked at the expiration date. I used it today, assuming it was fine, and the cashier didn’t notice either.

  30. martha

    I got the envelope that thanked me for requesting the coupon, etc….no coupon inside! I looked for like 5 minutes. What is wrong with me??!! LOL.

    • Christine

      LOL……I would have done the same thing πŸ™‚

  31. Sara

    I got mine a few days ago, but forgot to use them before they expired and already threw them away.

  32. dropofrain

    I got mine in today’s mail and it was also expired on the 12th. Glad to see that I am not alone, lol

  33. Tammy

    Yes, mine expired.

  34. Oshea

    I got mine yesterday & it had an expiration date of 6/12/15. I just emailed them. Thx.

  35. TCS

    I emailed last night and got a response today that they are sending me a new one too πŸ™‚

  36. Layla

    Lol I thought I was the only one, messaged them that the chips probably taste great but we didn’t get to enjoy a free taste test πŸ˜€

  37. Tiffany


  38. Janell

    I used mine at Meijer’s today. I found them in the checkout lane. He was very nice and said he could take it:)

  39. Shea

    How ironic! I tried to use them today and didn’t realize they were expired!

  40. Anita

    Thanks! I was going to try find out how to contact them! I was mad.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome!

  41. cyndee

    I cant even click the submit button on their website 😟

  42. Caryn

    Mine had 2 days til expiration so I headed out the next day – thought that was odd of them lol

  43. GA

    I got mine on Monday. So it was one day expired. I sent them a Facebook message and never received a response. I was going to write them off as a company that doesn’t give a d***. But thanks for this information. Hopefully they make it right.

    • K

      LOL…. Over a $1.49 bag of chips.

  44. Tara

    Lol guess I better look. I just threw it in my purse. There was one a few months ago maybe the Mars contest and I think there were only a couple days left to use them

  45. Kay

    I got mine last week, forgot to use on Sat so used it Monday at Publix. I had trouble find the size and was told to look at the register, however I only found regular chips, not BBQ as that seemed to be what they wanted us to try. So I got the regular chips, was charged, tax but did not have change and was about to break a $20, but the cashier said she had some change.

  46. spi_cy13

    I received my coupon in the mail on Wednesday, June 15. It expired on June 12, 2016. I’ll contact them right away!

  47. Coby

    Received the expired coupons today.. Sent an email.. Hope I get new coupons

  48. Nicole

    If you are going to call them do not hit the option number for the facebook expired offer as they will not answer as I waited over 20 minutes so I called back and hit another option and got someone. It was the option to set up a account so I figured they would answer that one since they want to get big business.

  49. Erin

    Just sent my email too— did everyone choose the share a comment or contact us about a promotion option?

  50. Jennifer

    So glad to hear it wasn’t just mine! I got mine in the mail today and threw it away after seeing it was expired. So glad you posted about this! I called and the recording said if you are calling about the expired coupon that another coupon will be sent out in 2-3 weeks. So we will see, for a tiny gas station sized bag I’m not going to think about it again! LOL

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