Happy Friday: It Pays to Send a Compliment
Sent from reader, Sarah:
I just wanted to drop a quick message about fantastic customer service from Field Roast. I had a problem with packaging from a purchase. To be completely honest, it was probably at the store level the problem occurred as my packaging was cut with a box cutter and I did not notice until I arrived home.
I decided to email customer service to not only let them know of the damage, but to also tell them how much I LOVE their products. I was surprised with a hand written note and several coupons, including one for a free product of my choice of up to $10! I am now a customer for life! Can’t beat a great product and great customer service! It pays to compliment companies even if there is a problem!
Do you have a funny, “Hip”, or unique photo to share?! Email us at happyfriday@hip2save.com. Every Friday, we post one photo, submitted by a Hip2Save reader, that gives us a glimpse into their frugal lifestyle or simply makes us smile. If your photo is published on Hip2Save, we’ll email you a $10 Amazon e-card!
How Awesome!
Just had the same situation with Bob Evans product. They sent me two coupons for any product up to $5.
I called in a compliment for a fantastic McDonalds employee and they sent me coupons for free frappe’s.
Working in the retail world myself if I see a great employee I try to call it in, it can mean the difference in that employee getting a raise or bonus or even a promotion.
That’s so nice of you! I always try to grab a manager and provide feedback when I get awesome service at a restaurant (or really anywhere). I have worked as a hostess and server and it always meant a lot to get a compliment from a table to management.
If something is cut/sliced with a box cutter, returning it to the store for a replacement is probably the way to go. It happens all day at stores. The people adding products to shelves cut the products out of larger boxes, and they carry razors/box cutters to slice them open them all day. Contents inside often get knicked by the razor and get sliced on accident. It was really awesome of them to send you coupons, but you’re right. It was most likely out of their control, and not necessarily manufacturing issues.
I agree.I would have returned to the store and not called the product’s customer service. Especially if it wasn’t their fault.
Yeah I wouldn’t think to contact the company about a box cutter slice. Why not just go to the store and return? I guess you could do both and reap the potential benefits…
The box cut was under the label and had cut into the product causing spoilage…I wasn’t completely sure how the cut occurred. I was giving the company the benefit of the doubt by saying it could have occurred at the store. The main context of my email to them was to tell them how much I adore their product and that I was bummed to have to throw it out. Very nice company with a cute sense of humor in the note:)
It was still good of the company to send her the coupons though. Regardless of whose fault it was, the brand wants its customer satisfied. Their gesture is now generating good will for them by virtue of her post. I’ve never even heard of this brand but if I ever see it in a store, I will think positively about the company.
I didn’t get anything back when I had email Kroger about a meal I purchase…they just said they were sorry about my experience and that was it..
I’ve had similar experiences with Kroger. In my experience, Kroger, Walgreens, and Walmart provide lip service customer service.
Yes I had the same experience a few times with Kroger. They just apologize for the experience and thats it.
I had a similar experience with Oberto beef jerky that was moldy. I emailed them to let them know how much we typically enjoyed their products, and were surprised the bag we’d recently purchased wasn’t up to their typical quality. I received a response via email and a $20 costco gift card in the mail. I didn’t expect it, but really appreciated their customer service and will continue to buy their products.
I emailed a bunch of companies to complain about packaging and expired stuff I bought without realizing at the store. They never sent me a single coupon 🙁
Expired stuff on the shelves is typically the store you purchased at’s fault, not the company. You may have better luck contacting the store instead of the company!
Wow that is amazing! It’s great when customer service is so accommodating!
The last time I tried to return an expired product to the store I purchased it a few days before they accused me of being the one to let it expire! 😕
I contacted Aldi about an issue with one of their products I bought. They asked me to take photos and that they would open a case with the baker that supplies the cheesecakes. Not only did Aldi’s apologize several times, the baker called me the next day and a few times until they got a hold of me and I apologized as much as Aldis did. Aldi’s returned my money and the baker sent me a check for the cost of the product for their double back guarantee.
Love love love Aldi!
Babies R Us used to do things like that. Everytime I called customer service for any issue (coupons not working, fantastic employees or complaints) they sent me a gift card. Not anymore though.
Funny. I read this after just contacting Clorox about how great their toilet bowl cleaner with bleach is for cleaning tile grout! I told them they should market it that way, even though it’s not the original intent for the product. Will wait to see if they offer any coupons or what their response is!
I’ve never had but great service from Kroger, I’ve had $5 gift cards given to me on several occasion, once because I had to switch lanes after the register went down, once because they forgot to ring up my coupons and i had to go to customer service, they’ve given my 3 year old numerous free stuff, once a giant balloon because he was crying for me to buy it.
I’m a firm believer in recognizing good service in any industry because it is so hard to find. On one occasion I wrote a bank president to express the great service I had received from an individual on a loan application. If I purchase something retail and the checker or clerk is friendly and helpful I always thank them for such. This past weekend I was flying and was using the rest room on a layover, the woman that was hired to clean was wiping down the sink counters and I told her how much I appreciated her hard work and clean counters. It was a simple thing, but a thankless job on her part and I presume very low pay. I think everyone appreciates a genuine compliment. This is not to pat myself on the back just a gentle reminder to take a moment to recognize the efforts and kindness of others😊
I love field roast! Yum
I love when companies go over and above to make things right. I bought a box of pricey nutrition bars a few months ago only to find mold on several within the box. The company not only apologized but sent me coupons for five free boxes. It was amazing. Stuff like that makes you a customer for life.
I agree. I had an issue with several items in the past from different companies and rec’d coupons and letters. The best customer service were for sandals. Customer service emailed me until I picked the size and colors that they had in my size and shipped them…..
I wrote to Turkey Hill to let them know their Deep Dark Chocolate ice cream is my son’s absolute favorite. I wrote asking if they would ever consider making it a permanent flavor instead of a seasonal one. I got the nicest note back with a TON of coupons!