Sweet Savings on Valentine’s Day Candy at Target

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Head into Target where they are offering sweet savings on select Valentine’s Day candy with these Cartwheel offers!

Pair these offers with coupons and sale prices for some nice buys…

Target Deal Ideas (Thru 2/10):

Mars Chocolate M&Ms Valentine’s Heart 3.7 oz $2.84
Buy 2 = $5.68
Use the 10% off Mars Chocolate Valentine’s Hearts Cartwheel offer
And, use the $1/2 Valentine’s M&M’S, Dove, Snickers, Twix, Celebrations, Fun Size Exchange Bags 3.7oz+ printable coupon found here or in the 1/28 RP
Final cost $4.11 total – just $2.05 each!

Mars M&M’s Valentine Chocolate Candies 2/$6
Buy 2 = $6
Use the 25% off M&Ms Valentine’s Chocolate Candies 9.5 – 11.4 oz Cartwheel offer
And, use the $1/2 Valentine’s M&M’S, Dove, Snickers, Twix, Celebrations, Fun Size Exchange Bags 3.7oz+ printable coupon found here or in the 1/28 RP
Final cost $3.50 total – just $1.75 each!

Reese’s Love Bugs 10 oz Bag 3/$10 or $3.33 each
Use the 20% off Reese’s Love Bugs 10oz bag Cartwheel offer
Final cost $2.66!

Hershey’s Cupcake Kisses 10 oz Bag 3/$10 or $3.33 each
Use the 20% off Hershey’s Cupcake Kisses 10oz bag Cartwheel offer
Final cost $2.66!

Lindt Valentine’s Day Small Hearts $4.99
Use the 20% off Lindt Valentine’s Day Small Hearts up to 7.3oz Cartwheel offer
Final cost $3.99!

Dove Solid Milk Chocolate Heart Teacher’s Valentine’s 4 oz $2.84
Buy 2 = $5.68
Use the $1/2 Valentine’s M&M’S, Dove, Snickers, Twix, Celebrations, Fun Size Exchange Bags 3.7oz+ printable coupon found here or in the 1/28 RP
Final cost $4.68 total – just $2.34 each!

Peeps Love Bird Pop $1.89
Use the 5% off Peeps Lovebird Pop Cartwheel offer
Final cost $1.80!

Deal Ideas (Thru 2/17):

Dots or Junior Mints Theater Box 6 oz $1 
Use the 20% off Junior Mints & Dots Theater Boxes 3.5 – 6.5 oz Cartwheel offer
Final cost 80¢!

Be Mine Limited Edition Valentine Tic Tacs 1 oz $1
Use the 20% off Tic Tac Mints Single Packs 1oz only Cartwheel offer
Final cost 80¢!

(Thanks, Totally Target!)

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Comments 6

  1. Bethany

    Thanks for the deals, Hip2Save! Does anyone know if Target has bags of Ring Pops? My daughter insists that is what she must have for her valentines!

    • Jeff

      Iā€™m not sure, but Dollar Tree should have them.

    • AE

      Yes in the normal candy aisle….not with seasonal stuff. šŸ˜Š

    • Holly (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      You’re very welcome, Bethany! Good luck on your search for Ring Pops! šŸ™‚

    • Diana

      Target has valentine singles ring pops****

  2. Diana

    The valentines strawberry box has a cartwheel for 30% off and the freebie bags of lindt we have rcvd has $1 off coupons inside that will work on this! = $2.49 for the berry box! šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒ

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