50% Off HGTV Magazine Subscriptions
Hop on over to DiscountMags.com where they are offering 50% off HGTV Magazine subscriptions when you use promo code HIP2SAVE at checkout! This offer is valid for both new subscribers or those with an existing subscription!
Even better, there is no auto-renewal so you get to decide whether you want to continue receiving this magazine once your subscription ends.
Here are the deals you can score…
HGTV Magazine 1 Year Subscription
Only $12.95 with promo code HIP2SAVE
*Just $1.30 per issue!
HGTV Magazine 2 Year Subscription
Only $19.95 with promo code HIP2SAVE –
*Just $9.97 per year – $1 per issue!
I did this last year and then last week my card on amazon was charged for $19.99 for another year. And so I went on and cancelled but they have already sent me one magazine. I hope they credit my the difference. Be aware of the no auto renewal
Thanks for the reminder on auto-renewing subscriptions! Hope you can get it worked out with Amazon! 🙂
Thanks! My renewal just came up at $35 for one year, so I discontinued. Now I can keep on getting this magazine. H2S, you are great!
Thanks for the sweet comment Deb! We sure appreciate it! You are most welcome!
I have 3 months left on my current subscription. If I was to renew now how would that work?