Want to Understand Your Teenage Daughter? Snag This Kindle eBook For Only $1.99 (Regularly $16)
Moms of teen and pre-teen girls!
Hop on over to Amazon where they are offering the highly rated “Untangled: Guiding Teenage Girls Through the Seven Transitions into Adulthood” Kindle eBook for just $1.99 (regularly $16)! The author, Dr. Damour draws on decades of experience as a clinical psychologist and mother of two girls to reveal how to understand and support your teen/pre-teen daughter.
Check out what others think about this book…
This book offers a wealth of insight and advice for parents and professionals. It is well written and provides countless ideas for ways to raise healthy, independent women.
This book turned my relationship around with my teen daughter. It was like the author knew my daughter and was writing about her.
This is a terrific book. My husband and I both read it. I really appreciated her helpful words for dealing with lots of situations, and also the ‘when to worry/not worry’ at the end of each section.
I wish I would have found this book a couple of years ago! My daughter is 14 and the first chapter made me cry because it was exactly spot on! I read the book twice so far and will continue to re-read chapters as needed. It was so good to hear that she is a normal teenager because the descriptions of the attitudes in the chapter about dealing with adult authority were so right! Some of the chapters I’m not dealing with yet but will soon enough!
(Thanks, Holli!)
Can I get one for understanding toddler daughter’s? I’m paw patroled out, this momma needs a break from Mickey mouse club house and spirit. Id rather watch anything else… even barney.
I’m not sure about Barney! When my kids were little that is all they watched and Paw Patrol was not out, yet! I think I might have enjoyed some Paw Patrol. LOL
If you find that book, please let me know. ASAP!! We are PJ Masked out at our house.
I have both toddler(3) and a teenager(16) daughters and sometimes I dint know which one has more attitude!!! Honestly my oldest is great most of the time… now my 13 year old son is much harder to understand than either girl… it might help I have 4 sisters but seriously boys are tough!
All o can say is Bubble Guppies. My husband and I both enjoy it with the kiddo… “this is the artic life. . Lala la la lala…”. Ok those songs get stuck in your head too but there are so many and they’re educational 🙂
Oh girl! Me too! Except my daughter is stuck on Daniel Tiger and little baby bum! They are cute, don’t get me wrong but when you can repeat it word for word then it’s time for a change…..for us anyways!! She is almost 3 going on 13 with all this sass here lately!! Lol
My daughter is 9.5. I desperately need this book!
I thought the toddler years were rough with my daughter and Attitude. Yikes! I wish I could go back to those years! She is 16 and I may not live through it! I need this book!
This is a Great book for parents of sons and daughters age 9 and up!