$6/2 CoverGirl Cosmetics Coupon Is BACK = Better Than FREE Cosmetics At Walmart After Cash Back
Hop on over to Coupons.com where it appears that this high value $6/2 CoverGirl Products (GONE đ ) coupon has reset! Note that this coupon excludes 1-kit shadows, Cheekers, accessories and trial/travel size and it expires on 4/15/2018.
Even better, there is still a high value $3 CoverGirl Ibotta offer, valid at Walmart only, that makes for BETTER THAN FREE cosmetics!
Please note that this coupon may ‘beep’ at checkout and require a manager to approve the coupon.
Walmart Deal Ideas:
Buy 2 CoverGirl Professional Mascaras $3.97 each
Total = $7.94
Use the $6/2 CoverGirl Products coupon found here
Pay $1.94
Get $3 cash back from Ibotta for purchasing CoverGirl Products (limit 3) = $6 cash back
Final cost FREE + $4.06 Money Maker!

Buy 2 CoverGirl 4-Kit Eye Shadows $4.48 each
Total = $8.96
Use the $6/2 CoverGirl Products coupon found here
Pay $2.96
Get $3 cash back from Ibotta for purchasing CoverGirl Products (limit 3) = $6 cash back
Final cost FREE + $3.04 Money Maker!

Buy 2 CoverGirl Continuous Color Lipsticks $4.68 each
Total = $9.36
Use the $6/2 CoverGirl Products coupon found here
Pay $3.36
Get $3 cash back from Ibotta for purchasing CoverGirl Products (limit 3) = $6 cash back
Final cost FREE + $2.64 Money Maker!

Buy 2 CoverGirl Concealer Sticks $5.94 each
Total = $11.88
Use the $6/2 CoverGirl Products coupon found here
Pay $5.88
Get $3 cash back from Ibotta for purchasing CoverGirl Products (limit 3) = $6 cash back
Final cost FREE + 12¢ Money Maker!
I tried using both the coupons at my Walmart this week. The $6 off of 2 kept prompting for management approval. After holding up the line and waiting the manager came and said that Walmart’s policy was that if it didn’t go through automatically they would not allow it. The other coupon worked fine. So your mileage may vary. I’m just outside Austin Texas.
exact same thing happened to me at the walmart in athens, GA…i had to take makeup off.
Forget Walmart. It’s almost always they don’t accept high value coupon. Take it to Target instead, and save you some time and misery.
I used the coupons.com app and submitted after I purchased and had no issues!
I didn’t know about the app. Gonna look into it!
Oooh, I may have to look into the app. Is it similar to other programs where you just snap a pic of the receipt/QR and scan your item? Gonna see if I can free up some phone space. I have every app under the sun for savings. Some of them, not used so much, I just move over to my tablet.
Same thing happened to me here in northern Kentucky.
Oh darn! Sorry to hear about that đ Thanks a bunch for sharing your experience with us! I too had to have a manager check my coupon, however they did approve it.
At my Walmart, what they told me was that, over $5 coupon it needs manager approval. But the coupon applied, and it just needed manager approval. It worked for me. Along with other March Mania bonuses in ibotta it was a sweet deal…
Thanks H2S đ
The computer prompted manager for me at Walmart also but after the cashier left to hunt down a person with a key she just turned it without even looking at it. I think the prompt is designed for them to take a look and ensure a match
Same thing happened to me at Walmart as well. Manager would only let me use one coupon. But the registers at Walmart are set up to require manager approval for anything over $5.
I had trouble as well trying to use it at WalMart. When the Manager came over she reluctantly let it go through but said that if the coupon rings up as âunacceptableâ they are not supposed to let it go through. I would be skeptical to try and use it at WalMart again.
Our Walmart would not take The last few coupons I printed off coupons.com. I donât think they are accepting any printed coupons anymore.
Oh bummer! Very sorry they did not accept your coupons đ Thanks for sharing!
I couldn’t find a reset of the Covergirl coupon. Was that an April fools joke?
It was there last night when posted, I don’t see it there this morning. Looks like it is a dead deal.
Nope! No joke! đ I still find this one available today as I click through. Maybe try a different browser Or clear your browser history. Hoping you can grab it!
I had the same issue at Walmart. I tried twice, at the same location at different times! first time a manager had to ok it. Second time the guy at the register just said they can’t take any coupons that don’t automatically scan. So I just voided the makeup off my receipt. So annoying!
I had issues at Walmart too, but the CSM told me it wss because it was over 5.00. She also told me that people are printing multiple copies of the same coupon.
I love this coupon and ibotta offer. My son is in drama in High School, and sometimes needs to supply his own makeup, this was perfect timing.
Awesome, thank you!
You’re welcome!
I have had the same issue at Walmart with the $6 coupon, also the recent $3. The $2 coupons worked without a problem. Also, my Walmart said now if a coupon beeps that’s it. No more key turns. : (
No-go for me at Walmart. I was so disappointed.
Same thing happened to me. The CSM said if it doesnât go the automatically, they wonât accept it because they arenât getting reimbursed. He said we had to take it up with the manufacturer. It did take two Rimmel $3 off coupons even though I found two $1 items and had $4 in overage, so I had to put back my Covergirl items. Spokane, WA.
Didn’t work at my Walmart. The cashier kept telling me I didn’t buy the right thing until she finally said she wouldn’t take it.
Does anyone know prices at Target? Would it be easier to try at Target?
There’s not much price difference at Target, almost the same in my area, and they was no hassle accepting the coupon. I used it 2x already. The only thing is, the Ibotta rebate only works on Walmart on covergirl purchase.
So I tried this deal at Walmart. The “manager” or person in a yellow vest, told me that the coupon doesn’t work on the eyeshadow I picked up because it was a $4 eyeshadow kit???? Thought that was interesting reasoning for not accepting my coupon. Made me laugh.
Coupon didn’t work for me at Wal-Mart. After manager came to check the coupon she told me that they don’t accept printed coupon anymore. So sad, was a great deal.
It doesn’t matter WHERE you use the coupon. It’s going to beep b/c of the way the coupon is CODED. It will only scan through beeplessly on Covergirl products that have the SAME UPC as the COUPON. All the other products, the coupon will beep. There are like 3 different upc codes for CG products and the coupon can’t embed all the upc combinations. That’s why it’s beeping on pretty much everything else. It’s unfortunate that a beeping coupon makes cashiers & managers think it’s a fake coupon.
when it’s not the customers fault. We shouldn’t have to decipher upc codes on coupons to figure out what it’ll work on. Cashiers should go by the wording and be able to override as long as the correct product & quantity are purchased.
I worked CS at Walmart for 8 yrs. It is because it is a PRINTED coupon and there is a lot of fraud with those. Its always up to the discretion of the Mgr whether they want to approve it or not. It is definitely a YMMV with those types of coupons. Walmart a few yrs ago revamped their registers to beep on ANY coupon over $5, so even a newspaper one will have to have an override.
I have never used Ibotta before. When you have a limit of 3 offers do they have to be all on one receipt or can they be on multiple receipts?
Either or, there is now an option to change number of items to redeem multiple same items on the same receipt on the app
I went through self checkout. Used my $1/1 wet n wild no issues. The $6/2 CG beeped and the cashier put it through for me. He initially only wanted to put one through because it said limit one coupon per purchase, but I explained the difference between per purchase vs per transaction and he let me use both coupons.
I’ve had better luck at the Walgreen near my home. They punch in the coupon numbers without being crabby about it. These coupons gave been accepted there every time.
I can’t find this coupon. Is it gone?
Darn! It is gone for me now as well. Thanks for letting us know!
The barcode scanner and said “item cannot be found” so they got a manager and she said the barcode has to scan for it to be approved. It did. I think it was because it was over $5. But it was a no go for me too. Disappointing!
Someone mentioned go to target instead… Will this coupon work there too?
I just redeemed at Walmart today and they were not easy to deal with, screen actually said show items to cashier to verify, the manager over road it for me but complained the whole time that they shouldnât give if it doesnât scan