Amazon: Organic Pads, Liners & Feminine Wipes Value Pack Only $14.94 Shipped
Hop on over to Amazon where you can snag this Rael Certified Organic Pads, Liners and Feminine Wipes Value Pack for just $14.94 shipped when you use promo code HIP2SAVE35 at checkout and opt to Subscribe & Save.
This value pack includes 14 regular pads, 8 overnight pads, 20 liners and one package of natural feminine wipes. The pads have a 100% organic certified cotton top sheet and are all individually wrapped.
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These are the most comfortable pads I’ve ever used. Try them once and you won’t be able to go back to what you were using before.
Oh awesome! Thanks for sharing! Good to know how comfortable they are!
You don’t have to subscribe for the code to work. It applies to one time purchase too.
Thank you! I’ve been meaning to try this brand.
You’re welcome, Chanel!
Can’t use pads. I get infections too easily. I use flex ( deals😉?) and organic tampons.
have you tried reusable cloth pads? I <3 them!
I just had my baby and my sister sent me a mombox. It had the Rael overnights in them, and they’re awesome. Super soft and long. So much better than what they give you at the hospital. I love them!
How cool! Thanks for the feedback!
I use a menstrual cup and cloth pads and they make my period far more tolerable, are cost effective in the long run and are good for the environment!
I love Rael organic pads😍
A friend of mine recommended the pads so I started to use them.
It’s very comfortable and good for sensitive skin😆
I read an article about TSS and toxic chemicals in pads and tampons so I started searching for “healthy” options online, but everything I tried either made me leak or was super uncomfortable… until I came across Rael on Amazon! I’ve tried every organic, natural pad out there and trust me when I say Rael is hands down the best and most comfortable pad out there. I used to experience terrible chafing, which gave me itchy rashes and terrible irritation. I couldn’t leave my house in fear of having to pick at my underwear all day! Ha ha. All my problems went away as soon as I started using Rael! They have the best reviews and they are organic. I tried their other products and they are all splendid as well. I bought them for my daughter and she loves them. We have become a Rael household!
Thank-you! I’m excited to try this brand!!!
You’re welcome!
Pads and tampons are both bad for the environment and neither is ideal for your health…menstrual cups all the way! I love my Lunette.
is code good only for their value pack?
Yes, it is! 🙂
Thank you for the deal and the great reviews. I was just recently diagnosed with cancer and switching over to more organic products. I appreciate the savings as well 🙂
This is actually a really great deal. I started using these pads and I can’t go back to using regular pads anymore. Going to stock up with this deal. Thank you H2S!