Soda Stream 7-Piece Fizzi Sparkling Water Maker Bundle Only $72 Shipped (Regularly $106)
Say goodbye to cola, say hello to yummy sparkling water!
Head on over to where you’ll find this 7-Piece Fizzi Sparkling Water Maker TV Bundle on sale for $89.99 (regularly $105.95). Choose from four different color options!
Even sweeter, through June 30th, new customers can save an additional 20% off and get free shipping when you use promo code HIP2SAVE at checkout.
Sparkling water is a healthy option, and flavored sparkling water is so delicious, but can get expensive when you buy them individually packaged. Instead, make it at home and add your favorite flavoring with this 7-Piece Fizzi Sparkling Water Maker Special TV Offer Bundle.
Here’s the deal…
Soda Stream 7-Piece Fizzi Sparkling Water Maker TV Bundle $89.99 (regularly $105.95)
Use promo code HIP2SAVE (20% off + free shipping)
Final cost only $72 shipped!
This bundle includes one Fizzi Sparkling Water Maker, one Carbonating Cylinder that makes up to 60-Liters of Sparkling Water, two 1-Liter Bottles, one .5-Liter Bottle, and two Bottles of Fruit Drops Flavoring (orange and lime).
The Fizzi features a cordless design that doesn’t require electricity to operate so it easily fits in your kitchen or office so you can make delicious fresh sparkling water just about anywhere!
Anyone own one of these? I love unsweetened sparkling flavored water…how does this compare? How much does it realistically make? Can you make individual drinks, or do I have to make 1L bottles?
I have this works very well. I just love a little bubbles in my water.
I have a soda stream, an upgrade model and I love it. I just love carbonated water as I don’t drink tap water or bottled water, just don’t like the taste of regular water, but I can drink carbonated water. I grew up with the seltzer man delivering every week in Brooklyn N.Y as a kid.
I add fresh squeezed lemon juice to my water or other water flavorings that come in those small squeeze type bottles. I also add carbonated water at times to my glass of wine for a little fizzy. and also to my orange juice from time to time.
you will be pleased.
I’m not sure about making individual drinks, I suppose you can always not fill the 1 litter bottle all the way up and just fill it for about one glass worth. (for an individual glass).
I make my extra fizzy, the more carbonation, the more I enjoy it. hope this helps.
I LOVE mine! I got hooked on the Spindrift sparkling water, and then was gifted the Fizzi, and I’m in love. It’s easy to use and doesn’t take up much counter space. You can make it in the smaller, .5L bottle, or make a large bottle, use what you want, and refrigerate the rest. It’s handy…and I’m excited to save $$ now that I don’t have to buy my fancy Spindrift waters 🙂
How neat! SO glad to hear how much you have been enjoying yours! Thanks for sharing with us!
Thank you, all!! Might have to purchase this for my birthday in two weeks 🙂 You’ve convinced me!
Happy Birthday! 😀
Need to make a full bottle a time as co2 needs to be released underwater. Buy a 500ml bottle if 1L is too much for you.
To save money,
official Co2 tank can be refilled or regular 5Lb co2 tank can be connected with special kits. Check youtube and I do not think it is difficult.
I have one and I love love love it . I get my refills of the Co2 at bed bath and beyond using the 20% off which makes it be around $12 after tax . if you dont have you have to get one .
I have owned one for years and I LOVE it !!!
Is this really worth it if you drink A LOT of seltzer water??? I’ve been debating getting one of these as I drink probably close to 3 12 packs of seltzer a week. I buy the cheap store brand seltzer which runs around $2.50-$2.75 a 12 pack. Not sure how it would factor cost wise for me. Any ideas?