Clear Eyes Redness Relief Drops Only $1.23 at Target
Through June 24th, Target is offering 40% off Clear Eye Drops with this Cartwheel offer. Even better, there is a printable coupon available making for a great deal!
Target Deal Idea (Thru 6/24):
Clear Eyes Redness Relief $2.89
Use the 40% off Clear Eye Drops Cartwheel offer
Use the $0.50/1 Clear Eyes Product printable coupon found here
Final cost $1.23!
I wish you’d stop promoting these deals on redness relievers. With the exception of the new Bausch & Lomb redness reliever Lumify all the other redness relievers on the market are HARMFUL to the eyes and will make your eyes more red with repeated use. (They contain the same active ingredient as Afrin nasal spray.)
No one reads the fine print that cautions only using it for 72 hours and to see a doctor is symptoms worsen. I keep waiting for the FDA to pull the approval of these agents. I see many patients every week who harm their eyes using these inappropriately.
Promote deals on artificial tears or allergy drops but stop encouraging people to buy these sorts of redness relievers. If you want a safe redness reliever Brimonidine (Lumify) is the only one on the market – it affects veins rather than constricting arteries. This prevents ‘rebound’ symptoms.
Just FYI.