Meijer mPerks: Free Marble Composition Book eCoupon
Meijer mPerks Users!
For a limited time, head on over here and log into your account to see if you have an eCoupon valid for a FREE Meijer Marble Composition Book 100ct. – choose from Black/White or Colored.
This eCoupon is valid through August 4th and may only be used one time. To easily find this coupon search “Composition”.
I also had a free yoplait yogurt in my acct
I have $10 meijer gift card to trade for other gift card like Target,Walmart.
Email me samfs2016@gmail
I don’t have any gift cards to those places but is there anything else you’re looking for? Let me know
I had a $2 off american greetings mperks coupon and it was valid on a $1.99 cheap section card
Just an FYI…it doesn’t have to be the regular composition notebooks for .50. Meijer was out of the college ruled sale composition books, so I got one of the poly cover composition notebooks and it came off as the free item.
Awesome! Thanks for the heads up!
Awesome!! Thank you!
You’re very welcome!
Even if your child doesn’t need this for school, DONATE IT. Our city’s “Fill the Bus” campaigns have begun and this is something that they can put to use!