Share, Request, & Trade YOUR Gift Cards, Coupons, & Promo Codes (9/30/18)

Hip2Save may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you via trusted partners and affiliate links in this post. Prices and availability are accurate as of time posted. Read our full disclosure policy here.

Do you have a gift card or coupon code you won’t be using and would hate to see it go to waste?

Are you in need of a specific coupon and are willing to trade an item/coupon/gift card you have in order to get what you need?

If you said yes to either of those questions, this post is for you! 🙂

Some basic ground rules:
  • Share & trade at YOUR OWN RISK — there is no guarantee by Hip2Save that your trade will work as promised by another reader.

  • This post is intended for sharing/trading codes, gift cards and coupons ONLY — please do NOT post your referral links.

  • Check back daily for new promotions — In order to keep the comments section on other posts relative to that specific post, this post will be published DAILY for a limited time and is the best place for all you Hipsters to share your codes and gift cards, request coupons, and easily trade with other readers.

    If you ever need to search for these posts, either bookmark this link or simply type “share request trade” in the search bar on Hip2Save!

    While there have been issues in the past, please keep this recent reader feedback in mind:

    I know there have been problems with the trading posts in the past and there are probably still dishonest trades happening, but I wanted to thank you for continuing to add this post each morning. I have been able to find some awesome readers to trade various codes or rewards with that I wasn’t going to be able to utilize myself. I just wanted you to hear from someone who has had a positive experience. I’ve enjoyed trading with good people who follow your website. Thanks for all your hard work in helping countless people save money!

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Comments 80

  1. Janey

    Have: Six Flags tickets ex 12-31-18, Want $20 Amazon/Target per tix
    Have: $6 FandangoNow codes good for movie rentals ex 10-11-18, want $1 Amazon/Itunes/Target for each code
    Also interested in Target, Starbucks, Itunes, and Baskin Robbins GCs
    Email me at janedaneli(at) yahoo ( dot) com

    • Debby

      Janey, I will exchange for your 6 flags tickets!!

      • Janey

        Ring me an email.

    • Andrea

      Are the tickets good for all Six Flags locations? I’m looking for Sox Flags Over Texas.

      • Janey

        Yes, they can be used at Six Flags Over Texas.

  2. Gaby

    Looking for Disney Gc
    I have Target or Amazon Gc to trade

  3. Sab

    Looking for AMC ticket, drink, popcorn combo from coke game exp today 9/30. Please email me with what you are looking for. Thanks!

    • Ann

      The movie tickets don’t actually have an expiration date. They never expire. Only the soda & popcorn have an expiration date. So don’t feel like you need to hurry and use the tickets today.
      Hope that helps.

    • Ann

      The movie tickets don’t actually have an expiration date. They never expire. Only the soda & popcorn have an expiration date. So don’t feel like you need to hurry and use the tickets today.
      Hope that helps.

  4. Nan

    Looking for a Walmart coupon…email me with what you’re looking for at n.hetzman @

  5. chi li

    american girl 20% off coupon expires september 31, 2018. please dont resell. use for yourself. please comment when used. enjoy! SUPC2751996245

  6. Annie

    I have a $5 off coupon to Ulta. Expires today 9/30. If you’d like it, please email

  7. Reena

    I have
    Express $15 off $30 or $30 off $100 or $40 off $120 (Valid 10/14) and $75 off $200 (Valid 10/14).
    Gymboree 25% off coupon
    VS free panty with a purchase
    VS $10 off $40 and $25 off $125
    Email your offers to

  8. Happyjoy

    Hv spafinder gc that expire today anyone massage; ) i hv 3 x 20.00 let me know your offer i can email all 3 ….

  9. Ebony

    I have 1 six flags ticket that expires 12-31-18. I’m interested in $20 target or paypal. Please email me at

  10. Coupon mommy

    I have free amc large pop and free large popcorn x today. Also have $5 off $10 ulta x today. Code for free pencil pouch Shutterfly x today. Lmk your offer. Would love Kohls cash/rewards, bath and body works frees Starbucks frees etc

  11. KA

    **Multiple Six Flag Theme or Water Park Tickets, exp 12/31/18 or end of season

    **$25 Stub Hub

    **Multiple AMC Free Large Popcorn and Large Coke, exp. 9/30/18

    **Multiple AMC Free Large Coke, exp 9/30/18

    **Cinemark 2 Free Small Popcorns, exp 10/31/18

    **$6 Fandango Now, exp 10/11/18

    **Coke caps (including green ones for the Fandango offer)

    ISO: Dolly Pardon Stampede Pigeon Forge tickets (from Coke rewards), Amazon GC, PayPal, Disney Digital Movie Codes ( lmk what you have), free share a Coke glass bottles with f/s, or lmk what you have. **I’m only wanting the tickets, Amazon or PP in trade for the Six Flag and Stub Hub.
    Thanks! Cockleburs (at) aol (dot) com

  12. sanu

    looking for jcpenney home purchase coupon spend100take50off tell me open offer my email me thankyou

  13. Janessa

    Hi! I have:
    Kohl’s Cash $10 exp 9-30
    Ulta $5 off $10 exp 9-30
    Eddie Bauer $10 Reward exp 10-15
    Columbia $5 Reward exp 3-7-19
    Shutterfly Free pencil pouch- Gymboree exp 9-30
    Shutterfly Free Coasters- Joann exp 9-30
    Shutterfly Free Magnets-Kohl’s exp 9-30
    Shutterfly $25- Kohl’s exp 9-30
    Shutterfly Free 8×8 photo book- Kohl’s exp 11-30

    Up for offers. I love Kohl’s, Amazon, JC Penny, Starbucks, Disney Rewards, Disney Movies, and other things. If your interested just email.

  14. Wilton Towe

    I have a coupon for 55% off one regular priced item at JOANN. It can only be used in store. I can forward the email to anyone who wants it.


  15. bray

    Have (1) six flag ticket looking for amazon or target. Have itunes gift card as well. email is braypay25 at gmail

    • K

      Need boxtops
      Coke codes
      Need also Kohl’s cash 10.00
      Please email me

  16. Sweeta

    Looking for Kohls cash.
    Uft: $10 Dunkin Donuts and $5 Target

  17. Karen

    Does any one have a code for Shutterfly photobook? Really needing one right now. Email amidala184 at gmail dot com

    • Me

      Yikes…..didn’t realize today was the end of the month! These expire today for anyone that wants them.

      Karen I sent you a code.

      Gymboree Shutterfly Free Pencil Case: H4CB-6MP3-7VE4-JDZWDE
      Wayfair First time shopper: 10% off : 4R96PT8A
      Wayfair First time shopper: 10% off: B3W2TFHU23

    • Melissa N

      I sent you an email.

  18. Angel

    I have 3 25% off promo codes from the dunking donuts sip n peel game, they all expire 12/31/18 one time use only excludes taxes & shipping and excludes sale items email me @ with your offers looking for amazon, target, walmart, Victorias secret, starbucks, dunkin donuts $1 gift card codes but open to more, etc…

  19. Melissa Simpson

    Hi, if anyone has AMC tickets looking to trade please let me know and will see what you would like in return. Don’t need the popcorn or drink though. Thanks and the email is

  20. Nicole

    I have a $20 off an order at Tiny Prints that expires January 31, 2019. Looking to trade for a $5 amazon or target gift card. Email me at

  21. Moni

    uft: 20 kohls cash
    ISO: $14 Amazon

    • Sweeta

      Would you like $10 Starubucks or Dunkin Donuts for your Kohls cash.

    • petit

      Do you still have the Kohl’s cash?
      alliebora at

  22. raj

    I have GHBass&Co $10 reward looking to trade for $2 PayPal.
    Email me at

  23. Samfs

    UFT meijer $10 gift card(looking for kohls,amazon,target)
    Staples $10 off $10(ISO kohls)
    Shutterfly FOUR photo book codes(looking for Pamper points)
    $20 off $50 wayfair for 1st time customers(free
    Email me samfs2016@gmail

  24. Lynn

    I have a $10 Victoria Secret bday reward (exp today) up for trade. Looking for Kohl’s or JCP cash.

  25. Mindy

    I have:

    Shutterfly 4 free magnets x9/30
    Shutterfly free reusable shopping bag x9/30
    2 x $25 off or 50% off at Shutterfly x9/30

    Email if interested!

  26. Pauline


    – $10/$10 Staples coupon exp 10/06
    – 2 AMC 1 large popcorn & large drink exp today
    – 2 Fandangonow promo codes
    – 20% off exp today
    – 10% off Walmart
    – (2) $8 off Build a bear exp today
    – Shutterfly free reusable shopping bag
    – 15% off Justice coupon exp 10/12
    – 2 UA $10 off $50 coupon exp 10/03
    – $25 off $100 Gymboree exp 10/15
    – 8×8 Shutterfly photobook exp today
    – LiveNation $25 select concert tickets

    Looking for preferably Amazon, Target or other gift cards, paypal, Kohl’s cash, JCP rewards, American girl coupons, coke codes or any other offers. Thanks!
    Pls email:

  27. Ann

    Looking for Hot Topic hot cash that expires today.
    mascaret at

  28. HS

    Good morning! Looking for a Shutterfly 8×11 photo book code? Does anyone happen to have one they will not be using? Happyshopping115 Thanks!

  29. Bel

    Looking for American Eagle 40% off. Please email me at Thank you!

    • Katie


      This is for 30% off!

  30. Getta

    I have $8 off BUILDABEAR (expires today). It’s good on any stuffed friend $14 or more. Looking for Kohls cash, JCPenney $10 off $10, or something similar. Would also accept Shutterfly if it doesn’t expire for awhile.

  31. Hairyinny

    Anyone have a Lowe’s coupon?

    • april

      I have these two
      $20 off $200 Lowes expires tonight
      $25 off $100 all paint and paint supplies Lowes expires 11/30

  32. Roxy

    For trade:

    2 AMC 1 large popcorn & large drink exp today
    VS free panty with Angelcard purchase exp today
    $10 Eddie Bauer
    Shutterfly 8×8 photobook exp 11/30
    50% off regular priced Shutterfly order exp 12/15
    15% off Gap coupon exp 10/09
    8×11 Shutterfly photobook exp today
    20% off Gymboree code exp 10/15
    3 UA $10 off $50 exp 10/03

    Willing to trade for amazon, walmart, target or other small value gift cards, kohls cash, paypal, JCP rewards or other offers. Looking for American girl coupons & coke codes too for some of the coupons. Will respond quickly. Thanks.

  33. Jennifer

    UFT: Target – 20% off purchase of 1 car seat, stroller, or select baby gear; exp 10/6/18
    ISO: Open to all gift card offers (prefer $15-20)

  34. Rhonda

    Have $10 Eddie Bauer, 8×8 Shutterfly photobook exp today, 10 free cards from tiny prints exp 10/31, Gymbucks $25 off $50 exp today to trade for small value gcs, kohls cash, JCP rewards, paypal, coke/pepsi codes, enfamil checks, american girl coupons or other offers. Thanks.

    • Rhonda

      Also, have Kohls 15% off coupon.

  35. Katie

    Looking for a 15% off Kohl’s coupon from text alerts (the stop and resigning up isn’t working for). Willing to trade, depending on what you’re looking for.

  36. N

    Hi!! ISO a 20% American Girl Coupon that expires today! Have a bunch of shutterly freebies. Amazon and/or PP to trade! Please email me at nbp0320@ yahoo. Thanks a bunch!! 🙂

  37. Ann

    For Anyone
    -BBW 20% off online =SMOREDEALS
    -ULTA 20% Off one item online 685330

    -Staples $25 off $75 online or by phone exp 9/30
    -Under Armour $10 off $50 exp 10/3
    -Under Armour Free shipping
    -Gymboree 20% off
    -Oriental Trading Company free shipping no minimum expires Oct 31st
    -pencil bag (gymboree) exp 9/30
    -Luggage tag (Kelloggs) x 2 expires 9/30
    – Assorted Bertucci’s coupons ($10 off 30, $25 off $125, free pizza with 2 for $35 deal)
    -Justice $20 off $80 online or in stores
    – BBW Single use barcode for in store 20% off total purchase expires 9/30 (Online everyone can just use code SMOREDEALS)
    For the above I am looking for the new Coke promotion AMC drink or popcorn codes that don’t expire until next summer.
    Let me know if you are interested in trading. mascaret at

  38. Ritz

    Looking for $5 Kohl’s cash expiring today. I have $10 off $10 Staples coupon exp 10/6
    paulinha russell at yahoo ( no spaces) Thanks!

  39. farrah

    anyone not using $5 off Ulta that i can use in store before it expires? would appreciate?

    and some free coupons if anyone wants:
    8×8 photobook from build a bear exp 9/30
    photo book 8×8 or reusable bag from p&g exp 9/30
    15% off crazy 8 exp 9/30
    15% off exp9/30
    art print 8×10 from destination maternity exp 9/30

  40. Nor

    -Staples $25/75
    -AMC large popcorn and drink
    -Cinemark 2 small popcorn
    -Shutterfly $25/25, Art print, 8×8 Photo Book, 10 free cards, Mix and Match, Luggage tag, Magnets
    -Bed Bath Beyond 10/30
    -VS 25/125
    -Kohls 15%
    Looking for Amazon, Target, Starbucks, DD, other Gift card, Pepsi codes, Fanta or Sprite caps, kohls cash, movie ticket. Email duranna79 at gmail dot com

  41. Debby

    Anyone have a six flags over Texas parking pass, willing to trade Pay Pal, please email me at

  42. Christine

    I have 4 six flags tickets valid for single day at admission at any park. I can sell all 4 or you can choose how many tickets you want. Tickets expire 12.31.18. Looking for PP. Please leave your email if you would like to work out a trade. Thanks.

  43. Christine

    I’m looking for a Shutterfly free shipping code.

    Please email me at navychic98 at yahoo

    • Bunny

      Hi Christine! FREE SHIPPING on orders $39+ on orders $39+ Code: SHIP39

      Otherwise you will more than likely need to make a comparable trade. These free shipping codes are highly coveted and hard to come by!

  44. karyn

    Tillys 20% off one item
    Build a Bear $8 off
    $25 off $25 Shutterfly from Ibotta
    $5 off $10 Ulta

    All expire today
    I can use Target $ off coupons or let me know what you have for trade.
    tiakaryn at gmail dot com

  45. R

    Where are people getting the six flags tickets? Thanks!

    • Melissa

      it’s part of a promotion from Coca Cola.

      Beware… bone-chilling excitement is closer than you think! We’re giving away 100 Six Flags® “Fright Fest” Single Day Adult Tickets a day. Enter or scan a product code for your chance to instantly win.” (

      Ends 10/19/18

  46. Melissa N

    Here is a Free Pencil Case or Free 5×8 Notebook from Kelloggs that expires today
    promo code: KEC2-75SA-PYMA-4T2HVB 

  47. Mommy2Bear

    Bath & Body Works 9/30/18
    20% off: TWPCF2
    FREE ITEM ($6): F26FTM
    2.95 HAND SOAP: F2S295

  48. petit

    I’m looking for Kohl’s 15% off coupon code. Hoping to use it today before their sale ends.

    I have general coupons for trade like Shutterfly, Gymboree, Express, Bath and Body Works, DSW, etc.

    alliebora at gmail dot com

  49. Rae

    Shutterfly free pencil case

    Promo Code: H4CB-8FAF-9ZEX-E75MR8

    Expires today

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