Earn up to $22/hr from Home: VIPKID Is Hiring Teachers!
Want a job working from home?
VIPKID.com is hiring teachers who love working with kids! They’re looking for teachers who are passionate, enthusiastic, and are motivated to work with a company growing at a fast pace in China! In fact, they currently employ over 60,000 teachers working in 35 countries and teach over 500,000 students… but they’re continuing to grow and need more teachers!
Did you know that VIPKID.com was ranked #1 by FlexJobs in Forbes‘ 2018 ‘Top 100 Remote Work Companies Report’?! Wow! 😱
What is VIPKID?
VIPKID provides an international learning experience to children in China between the ages 4-12. The company is headquartered in Beijing and offers fully immersive one-on-one English language instruction provided online by qualified teachers. The curriculum is based on the U.S. Common Core State Standards and uses a flipped-classroom approach to foster creativity and critical thinking skills.
A few perks of working for VIPKID:
Flexible Schedule
You can work from home or anywhere else that you want! You’ll be able to set your own schedule and work as little or as many hours as you’d like. It is recommended that qualified teachers be available for at least 7.5 hours of teaching time per week.
No lesson plans OR grading
VIPKID provides the lesson plans for you to choose from. They even do all the communicating with parents so you don’t have to! You just need a computer and passion and skills for teaching.
No education degree required
- You don’t need a degree in education in order to be a VIPKID teacher! All you need is a bachelor’s degree in ANY field AND one school-year of traditional teaching experience or the equivalent in mentoring, tutoring, or alternative education.
Earn up to $22/hour from home!
- Qualified teachers will teach English to young students online and will make between $14-$22 per hour. Your minimum pay will be determined by your demo class performance and incentives by your monthly class participation and completion.
No teaching HUGE classrooms
Do large classrooms intimidate you? No worries! All VIPKID classes are one-on-one to ensure they meet 100% of each student’s needs.
Check out what Hip2Save readers think…
“I’ve been working for VIPKID for almost 2 years now and have taught over 1,800 classes. It has been a blessing for me to stay at home with my kids during the day and work evenings and mornings without paying for childcare. The hours can be hard, but the schedule is completely flexible. You open up times that you are available to teach and students book you. There are no minimum hours so you can work as much or as little as you like. I have helped 3 Hip2Savers this past month get hired.”
“I have been teaching with VIPKID since December and really enjoy it. I can say the best thing has been the fact that I feel successful with the teaching. For the most part, the kids are great and the parents are very supportive. I am a full-time teacher and currently teach 12-16 time slots per week (half hour time slots). The pay is great and it is always on time if not early.
The most frustrating part can be getting your time slots booked at first, but once you get going and start getting people to follow you, you shouldn’t have any issues getting your slots filled. I actually signed up after reading reviews on here.”
“This is an incredible company to work for – flexible, fun, professional, and perfect work from home job! I have been working with VIPKID for a few months now. I started it on a whim and quickly fell in love with it! The kids are so cute and have so much respect for their teachers. I work full time and teach either before my kids wake up or after they go to sleep. It’s wonderful
I love that I set my own hours, and you can make up to $22 an hour! If you would like to be a stay-at home parent or just make some extra cash in addition to your full time job, VIPKID is the job for you!”
I love working for vipkid! I’m pregnant with my 3rd baby and stay home with my two girls. It’s been the biggest blessing. I work from home in my pajama pants! I recccomend signing up through someone since it’s reccomended to have a mentor. The whole process can be overwhelming!
Let me know if you have any questiond’
I love working VIPkid! It’s definitely the best paying work from home job. The requirements are: a bachelors degree (no teaching cert required), some experience with kids (my only experience is being a mom) and high speed internet. Please apply through my link https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=10763585&refersourceid=a01 and email me with any questions at saraiperry@hotmail.com
Yes I have worked with vipkid for over 2 years and have taught 1900 classes. I STILL love it! The pay is good and hours are completely flexible. Great as a part time job for stay at home moms wanting to earn extra money. Bachelors degree required. Please email me with any questions melissamcampbell@gmail.com
Teachers do get bonuses for referrals
I would love to personally help anyone get hired who is interested! The worst part of the job is going through the interview process. It isn’t hard to get hired, you just need to have someone coaching you through the process who has been successful before! I am so thankful I had somehow helping me through the process that I could ask questions to! I never thought I would be a teacher, but these children are so excited and eager to learn. I have never been a morning person, but I sincerely love getting up every day to go to my “job”. It doesn’t feel like work at all. Many of these students/parents I talk with outside of school as well and have developed amazing relationships with. If you’ve ever considered it, you should give it a try! The only thing you’ll regret is not starting sooner! 🙂 https://www.vipkidteachers.com/tp/personal-info/teacher-referral
VIPKID has been a HUGE blessing. I would love to pay it forward, and help anyone who is wanting to give it a try! Even if you think you might not a be great at it, or wonder if you could do it, its worth the chance! Just take it, you’ll never know until you try! Im going on my 3rd year. If you apply through my link it will send me your email so we can connect and I can help you through the hiring process, and any questions after, I want to see you succeed and enjoy it as much as I do! 🙂 https://www.vipkidteachers.com/activity/popup?refereeId=3210615&refersourceid=a01
I would need your help badly as I had applied it and was able to go through 2 mock interviews and did not make through the third one. I think they feel I have potential so they have been emailing me to apply again and there are tons of you tube videos but it’s good to hear from someone who is presently teaching. I’m email is priyankagulati99@gmail.com
HI Priyanka,
May I ask what the third interview was like? Perhaps you could share to help those of us who haven’t applied better prepare. Thank you!
I can help you. Email me shiyarobin1982@gmail.com
I would love more info!
I’ll keep it simple. Best. job. ever. Interested? I’m happy to help you get hired or answer any questions. 🙂 mlpehuber@gmail.com
As the others have said it is a wonderful company to work for, the pay is good and I love having flexibility with the hours I work. Getting through the hiring process can seem overwhelming if you look at it all at once. I can help you take it one step at a time and have great tips along the way. I have been able to help others get hired and would love to help you too. : ). Here is my referral link
I agree with everyone else! If you need help don’t hesitate to ask. My email is jessicahammond410@gmail.com
Here is my referral code: https://t.vipkid.com.cn?refersourceid=e01&refereeId=4951713
BEST side job, EVER=VIPKid! Earn extra $$$ for Christmas while teaching online. Unlimited potential for those with a Bachelor’s degree in any field/major.
I would love to help you through the hiring process with recent tips and coaching.
Besides the flexibility and pay, I love that you can connect with a child from across the globe and make a real difference in their life!! I was recently invited to also participate in VIPKid’s “School Classroom Project” and am humbled to think about the global impact of this job to inspire children around the world.
I for whatever reason cannot get hired. I failed the interview. I am very outgoing and sociable and have a bachelor’s & am a native speaker of English.
Lisa, I believe there are very specific things they are looking for in the interview. Did you try watching some YouTube videos with the interview Demos? I watched so many of those before my mock class and I tried to stick with the things I learned from them.
I have been with VIPKID for almost one month. The application process can be so stressful and I had tons of questions for the person who referred me. I’m finally getting booked with classes. It can be a slow process getting your first booking. I would love to help someone get hired and answer any of the many questions you will ask. Here is my referral link:
If you’re not sure you want to reach out to a current VIPKID teacher, there are tons of YouTube videos to help you get started. Leave your email if you’d like for me to reach out to you. Thanks!
I forgot my referral code to go along with the referral link above: CARME0066
VIPKID is totally worth it! It’s fun and the kids are adorable! My family wouldn’t have made it without this supplemental income! Holidays are coming up and this is a great opportunity! I’ve successfully coached others through the hiring process. Make sure to use my referral link https://www.vipkidteachers.com/?refereeId=12403981&refersourceid=a01 and I’d love to help make the hiring process easier for you! Hope to talk to you soon!
What are they “typical” hours? 5am? How long does each session take?
Each class is 25
Minutes. I’m on central time so I usually work 6am-10am. Evenings are available too (830pm and on…)
The peak hours are 5am-9:00 am cst weekdays and 8pm-8:30am Friday and Saturday. I usually book between 4:30 and 6:30 on weekdays because I have to get my kids ready for school. Each class is 25 minutes (plus any prep time and feedback time you might need).
I will keep it short…this is seriously a great job! If you have any questions, let me know. https://t.vipkid.com.cn?refersourceid=e01&refereeId=7223678
I LOVE teaching with VIPKid too! I would love to answer any and all questions you have and then if/when your ready, walk you through each step of the hiring process! My referral was invaluable to me and I am so happy to help potential teachers become teachers because it’s really the best! My email is MSL0207(at)gmail(dot)com. Those are zeros;)
I agree with all of the other posters….VIPKID has been such a blessing to my family. I have been teaching since January. I actually signed up from one of these posts. It took me seeing this posted about three times & doing a ton of research before I decided that I was ready to give it a try (I’m not good at going outside of my comfort zone) & I so regret not doing it sooner. We just recently bought my husband a brand new truck with the extra income! I teach about 150 classes a month & I am in the process of helping a couple teachers from our school district through the hiring process right now. It is something I 100% believe in or I wouldn’t be referring my friends, neighbors, & co-workers. I would love to answer any questions any of you might have & help you in any way possible. The Hip2Save blogger who helped me was invaluable & I would love to do the same for someone else 🙂
Here is my referral code if anyone is interested I forgot to put it on my post 🙂
Have they hired anyone without a bachelor’s degree?
Sorry if this ends up being a duplicate post, but I don’t see my other post on here so I’m writing a new one.
I too am going to jump on the bandwagon and say that I LOVE teaching with VIPKid! The children are precious and it’s so exciting to see them learn and grow! I have formed a special bond with my regular students and even some of their parents!. (Some of my regular students and I write letters, send packages and keep each other updated on our lives! It’s so fun!) I never expected that from this job! The pay is great and I love the flexibility.
My referral was invaluable to me when getting hired. I am so happy to answer any and all questions you have! If/when you decide you want to proceed, I will continue to be with you each step of the way answering questions, giving tips and helping in any way I can!
You may contact me at MSL0207(at)gmail(dot)com (those are zeros)
My referral link is: https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=5314816&partnerId=3724772
Thank you also hip2save for posting about VIPKid and letting us post our links!
I have been with VIPKid for just over 100 days. It took what seemed like forever to start getting bookings, but once I hit about day 75, they started to trickle in. Now all of the time slots I open seem to get booked.
I love being able to set my schedule. I can teach for a few hours on the weekend before my kids get up, and then still enjoy the rest of the day. If you have kids and toys around, you likely have what you need to easily enhance your lessons.
Another happy teacher and mentor! Feel free to email me with questions or for help! Thanks! https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=7250683&refersourceid=a01 Code:ASHLE0298
Can you explain why?
I love my VIPKID job! It has been a huge blessing to my family for almost a year now. Contact me if you’d like help getting started. https://t.vipkid.com.cn/?refereeId=11820755&refersourceid=a01
I love love love this job! I am a teacher full time and do this in the mornings and on the weekends for extra money! I would love to help anyone who might be interested! jacinda.claibourn@gmail.com
I’m trying to reapply and can’t figure out how😢
Did you not pass the initial interview? If you didn’t get past this step (and some don’t for many reasons), you’ll have to use a different email address. If you failed the mock class, VIPKid will usually email you asking you to try again. Hope this helps!
Hello Hip2Save team!
I work for VIPKID as well and I know some of the ladies in the group photo that you posted. They expressed concern since they did not give consent for their picture to be posted. Is there a way for the picture to be removed? Thank you!
Well I’m about 3 days late, but I’m still gonna throw my hat in the ring. Yes, I work for VIPKID and love the extra income…but more than that it’s the flexibility. When I had my daughter in May, I told VIPKID that I would be taking some time off. And they’re totally fine with it. Fast forward 5 months later… I’m still employed by them, I still have a contract, but they are giving me the freedom and time to spend with my family and THAT I love. Plus, now that the holiday season is coming up I have the flexibility to go back and work as little or as much as I want…which will really help with all the holiday costs. If you’re interested, I’d love for you to use my link, https://t.vipkid.com.cn?refersourceid=e01&refereeId=5198059 (code AMAND0176) or send me an email for more questions. Herhappyhomeblog@gmail.com.
I have been considering this company as a side job. The only thing that stops me is taxes. How do you file your taxes? I can’t find any information on it. Do they take out the taxes (i.e. medicare, federal, and such) on your paycheck?
Hi Lisa! You are considered an independent contractor so they will send you a form 1099. You get 100% off your earnings each month, no withholdings or deductibles, and then you are responsible for paying all taxes. Depending on your state, it is recommended to save 10-30% of your paycheck to pay for taxes. We have an accountant and he said I can submit estimated quarterly taxes. I teach very part time and with all the write offs (internet, props, etc) and how our taxes pan out, I don’t put anything aside and it comes out in the wash. However, those that work part time to full time, have said it’s best to just put the money aside each month and it helps them a lot come tax time. There are a lot of write off options to help offset taxes too. If you have any other questions, I am happy to answer them! teachersarahvipkid1@gmail.com