Bath & Body Works Hand Soaps Only $2.50 Each (Regularly $6.50)

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Today, November 17th only or while supplies last, hop on over to Bath & Body Works where you can score Hand Soaps for only $2.50 each when you use the promo code SOAPLOVE at checkout – limit 15. This sale is offered both in-store and online!

If shopping in store, prices will be adjusted at checkout and no coupon code is needed.

Heading in-store to shop? Score this deal…

Hand Soap $6.50
Discount automatically applies during checkout
Final cost $2.50!
*Check your coupon stash as you may have received a $10 off $30 coupon in the mail that you can pair with this sale to save even more!

Shopping online? Here’s your deal…

Hand Soaps $6.50
Buy 15 = $97.50
Use promo code SOAPLOVE
Shipping adds $5.99
Final cost $43.49 shipped – just $2.90 each!

Have more shopping to do?

Through November 21st, you can save $10 off a $30 purchase online when you use the promo code THRCHR at checkout. Note that this coupon code will not work with any other coupon, like the soap coupon mentioned above.

Also, if you’re signed up to receive Bath & Body Works mailers, check your mailbox for a booklet that may have some great coupons to use starting November 19th. Look for a coupon valid for a FREE gift with any $10 purchase item (up to a $13 value) and more!

  • Shipping & Terms

    Bath and Body Works

    Shipping is a flat rate of $6.99 for orders over $10. Otherwise, shipping is $10.99.

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Comments 98

  1. Mamarenie

    Anyone know when these will be cheaper? I love the hand soaps, but I refuse to pay a crazy amount for them. I go through soap fast with eight germ infested little kiddos. 😷

    • Susie

      I haven’t seen them this cheap in a looooonnnng time. What makes it even more awesome is you can also use a coupon for $10 off $30! So if you buy 12 in store and use a coupon for $10 off $30, that makes it $20 for 12 soaps – just $1.67 each! You could possibly get a better deal during the semi-annual sale if they are 75% off, but your options are more limited. $2 or less is fantastic in my opinion 🙂

      • Claud

        Yesss!! I’ve been waiting for this deal. I got my $10 off $30 mailer in a couple weeks ago. 12 soaps for $1.67. Time to stock up for the year!

      • heather

        Do the $10 off of $30 only work in store? Online it only allows 1 coupon code/transaction.

        • Mon

          Yes, I just did it, and I also received a free item valued under $13. Twelve soaps and a full size lotion for $22.

        • Fran

          I ordered online and the coupon wouldn’t work, as only one code is allowed. Possibly would work in store.

      • Carla

        I could not use the $10 coupon with sale online. Its either the sale or the coupon.

    • Momtomanyboys

      You wont find a better deal, with the $10 off $30 coupon, now is definitely the time to stock up. Hand soaps at Target/Walmart etc are priced higher most times. BBW hand soaps are well worth the price!!

    • Lois

      This is the cheapest they will be on sale. $2.50 for these soaps really isn’t a bad deal, especially if you have coupons to use on top of that.

    • Diane

      Mamarenie if you don’t have the mailer there is a email dated Nov.15 that has a 10 off 30. BBW honors coupons for 3 days before and after expiration.

      • April

        Checked today on the 3 days before and after to use coupons. Manager said new store policy will not allow this anymore! Bummer…..

    • pico1768

      This is the cheapest they go all year!

  2. Isra

    I was waiting for this sale! Saved my $10/30 to use today!

    • Susie

      Me too!

  3. Sarah

    I’m wondering if we can use a coupon with it. I have a $10 off $30 and a free item with $10 purchase. If you buy 15, using that would make them $1.83 each.

    • Agajdur

      Yes you can in store

    • Susie

      Yes, you can use a coupon with it in store since you don’t have to use a coupon to get the $2.50 price. It’s just a sale. It even says no coupon necessary in store at the bottom of the email I got.

  4. Mamarenie

    I never receive mailers and I buy TONS!
    I don’t understand it?? 🤷🏼‍♀️
    Any other way to get coupon.

    • JJ

      I was told to re-enter my email EVERY time when I checkout. I started doing that and receive several mailer coupons. Not 100% sure this is the trick but I would try it if you don’t already!

    • MargieL

      Also, If the app is available in your area- download it as it puts your coupons automatically in there and you get points for purchases then rewards. I know for a while though that it wasn’t available everywhere

      • Lois

        The app is still in beta, and is only available in a few select markets (Chicago and a couple places in CA I believe)

    • Lois

      Next time you are in store, tell an associate you want to be signed up for coupons. They can enter your name, address, and phone number into their system.

    • Jessica

      I recently signed up for their emails & now I get coupons sent to me.

    • Cari

      You have to call cs and be put on the list. Most times they go by your phone number but if by whatever reason your number isn’t under your address they won’t send them.

  5. Kw

    Anyone know if I can use the $10 off $30 that I received in my email if I shop in store? I didn’t receive the coupon in my regular mail.

    • Susie

      You should be able to. It’s expired, but they usually honor it up to 3 days after the expiration date.

      • Heather

        Really? I didn’t know they did this!

      • Lois

        Most stores will only do this for mailer coupons NOT email coupons. Email coupons expire the date that is listed and usually won’t be in the system after that date. Stores actually are not supposed to accept email coupons after expiration date.

        • Susie

          Maybe I got lucky then because I used an email coupon that was a day or two expired a couple weeks ago, and they scanned it with no problems!

  6. Krisp

    Very shocked that the store closest to me closed out of nowhere last week. It was fully stocked and they had a security guard inside and a note on the door closed due to maintenance, and it was a nice store so I thought that was odd. Went back and closed for good. Why do that right before the holidays??

  7. Heidy

    I love this soap, what a great sale

  8. Edy

    Sometimes if you buy a small item stores give out coupons , I have several 10/30 that I received in mail and some in email plus I got my free coupon for perfume free with a $10 purchase have 2 and my free item without purchase I be stocking up in hand soaps

    • Lois Schaffer

      thanks – I was there last night and would of though there would be coupon/s put in bag or receipts but nothing

  9. Gwen

    Im not sure in store but you Can not use more than one code online..when I add the $10 off code it removes the “Soaplove” discount.

    • Kristen

      It’s only one code online 🙁

  10. Lois Schaffer

    Does any know if there is a coupon you can print from computer and use on store – like a 10 off 30 coupon

  11. Lois Schaffer

    Sorry need to read before posting – Does anyone know if there is a coupon you can print from computer and use in store – like a 10 off 30 coupon and maybe a free purchase also

    • MargieL

      See my comment above about the app. Maybe that would work for you?

    • Lois

      There are currently no email coupons at this time. They generally have them expire before deals like this because of how discounted the items already are. Sign up in store to get mailer coupons, not just when they’re asking for your number…tell them you want to be added for coupons. They have a separate screen they go into to get you added. They will ask for name, mailing address, phone number, and email address.

  12. Jessica

    I have 10 off 30 from the mailer.

  13. Angie

    Aww man my $10 off doesn’t start until 11/26!

  14. Nancy Phya

    Bath and Body works has a 3 day grace period for their expired coupon. Check your email that was sent out on Thursday 11/15/18 title “ candle check : ready for next week? Take $10 off” it’s $10 /$30 and can be applied to lower your Out of pocket without having the mailer. Good luck! If anyone needs the email, email me and I can forward you it. Nancy.hoanga(at)gmail(dot)Com

    • Angie

      Thank you!! I do have that email!

      • Nancy Phya

        Sent. Check your email 🙂

      • jeana

        Thank you Nancy!! It worked!

    • Monica

      Can you please forward me the coupon. I would appreciate it. Thank you

    • Tara

      Could you forward it to me too please?

    • Vivian

      Thanks Nancy!! Do you know if it can be used multiple times?

      • Nancy Phya

        It’s multiple use. Send me an email and I’ll forward it to you since it doesn’t allow me to email you here.

    • Monica

      Hello. Is it possible you can forward me the email. Thank you

    • Amanda

      Hi Nancy! I emailed you:) thanks!!

    • Lauri

      Nancy I have emails from 11/15 but not with that title. Can you please email it to me…


    • Oshea

      Hi Nancy. Can you forward the coup. I emailed you. Thanks

    • Lesly

      Could you please send me one? Or anybody please could tell me how to use an expired coupon, all I know is it has a 3 day grace, but can it b use online or only in person? Printed or on the phone?

      Thank you so much, I’ve only shopped once at bbw cause I’m afraid of the prices 🙈

  15. MD

    Anyone know when the candle sale will be this year?

    • pico1768

      I heard Dec. 1

  16. Lois

    Shipping is 9.99 instead of 5.99

    • Holly (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      I wonder if it is more due to your location? I’m still seeing the $5.99 price for shipping.

  17. M

    Does anyone know if we can use the 10 off 30 coupon more than once in store today ?? Thanks

    • Shop624

      Yes !

  18. Kayla

    I never receive coupons in the mail. I created an online account but I don’t know why I never get coupons. Is there another way to get the 10/30 coupon?

    • Jessica

      Sign up for their emails again & hopefully that’ll work.

  19. jeana

    Anyone has $10/ $30 email coupon could forward to me please? Im appreciated for the help.

  20. Amber

    Has anyone successfully used the coupon in store for $10 off $30. They told me you couldn’t use it when I attempted.

    • dwackermann

      I was just there and they let me use the $10 off $30 and the free item coupon at the same time.

      • Joanie

        Can someone that could use the coupon that a picture of the receipt and post it here.

    • Shop624

      I used the coupon last time when the bath soaps were for sale for 3.50 or above . Pissed bec this deal is better without the coupon. I should have waited to use my coupon.😖

    • Angie

      I was able to use my $10 off $30 but they made me do a separate transaction to get my free item 🤷🏼‍♀️…so I just got 4 more soaps!

      • Shop624

        That happened to me last time for my free item . I am going to try to use my email coupon even though it expired they sent that to me last Sunday ( not even a week ago).

    • Karen

      I was able to use the 10.00 off and free item coupons. Got 12 soaps and 1 lotion for 20.00!

    • Jamie

      I was able to use the $10/$30 mailer and the free item mailer coupon as well.

  21. Melissa

    So mad! My store for the first time ever is not accepting the 10 off 30 on top of the soap deal– they said it is from corporate. 🤨 anyone else getting this??

    • mary

      I just got back from there and I used a 10 off 30 on the hand soap

    • Nurse Heather

      Wierd! No.. mine let me. And my coupon expired 3 days ago.. they said they honor coupons up to 3 days after.

    • Vivian

      I used the email one that was already expired!

  22. Hearher

    So I talked with someone about the grace period on coupons. She said it was three days before and three days after on a printed coupon so I was able to use a free item coupon. That doesn’t technically start until Monday and they did let me use both my 10 off 30 and the free item coupon. It says on the back they can be combined. As for the email coupons. They said there isn’t a grace period on those. Not sure if that was just my store or all stores. Was anyone able to use the expired email coupon?

  23. kimB

    Store automatically took my email coupon at the check out. No questions asked. I just showed the barcode and they scanned.

  24. Grateful

    I had already used my $10 off $30 yesterday. I just asked nicely the cashier if she had any coupons available & she scanned a coupon from her phone. 😊

  25. Monica

    Does anyone have a 10 off 30 they can email me at Thank you

  26. Jessica

    I got 4 soaps for $10 and I still had the coupon for a free In The Stars Item up to $14.50 so I got the body mist.. smells sooo good! Plus I needed soap anyways! Great deal!

  27. Jessica

    I haven’t been in store in a very long time & would like to get in on this deal online. Anyone have any suggestions on any soft scents?

  28. Ann Dee

    If anyone could email me a coupon I’d sure appreciate it.

  29. NV

    My local store honored the coupon but that was only because an associate on the floor said they would… the register said no. The cashier let me use it, though. But YMMV for sure.

  30. Evan

    Darn! Just left the store have the coupon & email but didn’t use either. Oh crap!

  31. Isra

    12 soaps for $20, crazy deal! I used the email coupon. They were not going to take it but agreed to if it scanned, and it did no problem!

  32. Lois

    Stores are not supposed to honor email coupons after the expiration date, that is per corporate. The only coupons they are supposed to honor 3 days after expiration are the mailer coupons. They can sign you up in store for those, just tell them you wanted to be added to the mailing list

  33. Debby

    Just bought 12 hand soaps.. used my 20% and my $10 off $30.. ended up paying $16.00 for all 12!
    Love having the Bath and Body app… plus I hit my amount for a free item up to $16.50. Using that and the $10 off $30 for the candle sale on Dec 1st! Woohooo

    • Shop624

      now that’s a deal !

  34. Kay

    Will they have this sale again before Christmas?

  35. Wendy

    I didn’t have a $10 off $30 coupon but I bought 15 soaps and the store took $10 off! Then I took the money I saved and bought some car fresheners. Just take all my money BBW!

    • Jennifer (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      I know the feeling, Wendy!

  36. Tami

    The girl I had was so sweet! I got my free item and 13 hand soaps for 16.96! She took 10 off 30 and also the 20% on top! Had no idea but she saw in my stack and said I’ll take that too! I wasn’t arguing with her! I also got 5 room sprays for 14.84.

  37. Momma

    My store was super crowded! Every time I go in the associates are always awesome but the customers are rude 🙄 Used my $10 off $30 and free item coupon! I went 30 minutes before close and they were pretty much wiped out of the new holiday scents.

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