FREE barkTHINS After CVS Rewards
Though December 1st, CVS is offering up a $2 ExtraBuck Reward when you buy barkTHINS snacking chocolate 4.7oz bags.
Pair this offer with a store coupon to score a FREE treat this week!
CVS Deal Idea (Thru 12/1):
barkTHINS snacking chocolate 4.7oz bag $3.99
Use the $2/1 barkTHINS Snacking Chocolate CVS App savings (exp 1/1/19)
Pay $1.99
Get back $2 EB (limit 1)
Final cost FREE!
I didn’t see this in the candy aisle, fyi, but I found some Peppermint ones and Gingerbread ones in the Xmas food aisle. Sale price was not labeled, but the Magic Coupon Machine showed the sale price when I scanned the barcode.
Oh man wish I saw those! FYI they are by the nuts in my store
Very tight budget this year. I got these yesterday for a stocking stuffer. I also got some really cheap stuffers at staples. In the front by the registers. .50 cent candy gum erasers
I had a coupon for $2 off grocery. It was sent through email and I had to click it to send it to my card. I added the $2 off app + $2 grocery through my email which brought my total to 0. Always remember to check your email Sunday afternoon for the coupon you can send to your card valid Sunday and Monday only. I get a lot of grocery and personal care coupons and they can be used with app coupons and sales. The only bad part is you are usually only given a day or two to use them so you have to go quick.
Devin…I have the $2 grocery coupon. Confirming that you still got the $2 reward? I did a similar transaction two weeks ago.
I got this deal monday, along with 4 pantene and 2 ogx for net $1 profit. Always check your account, some of the store coupons will overlap in dates and apply!