Canada Dry Ginger Ale Settlement = Up to $40 Cash Back w/ Proof of Purchase
Did you buy Canada Dry? You may be eligible for a cash settlement!
If you purchased Canada Dry Ginger Ale Products in California between December 28, 2012, and June 26, 2018, or in the other 49 United States, between January 1, 2013, and December 19, 2018 you may be eligible for free cash back through a class action settlement!
What’s the settlement about?
This settlement stems from lawsuits which suggest that Canada Dry products were inappropriately marketed as being “Made from Real Ginger” and to permit labeling that includes statements such as, “real ginger taste” and “made with real ginger extract”.
The lawsuits seek a court order to provide payment to customers for a portion of their purchase price.
To receive a payment, you must submit your claim online or by mail by March 19, 2019. To submit your claim online, head to, click on the ‘Submit Claim’ tab and select the California Settlement or the 49-State Settlement. Note that this page appears to be down from time to time so you may need to actually copy and then paste this web address in your browser in order to access the site.
Note that Settlement Class Members who file a claim will receive 40¢ per unit purchased, up to 13 units or $5.20 per household, without proof of purchase, and up to 100 units or $40 per household with proof of purchase. Every valid claim will receive a minimum payment of $2.
The total benefit for the 49-State Class Members is capped at $11,200,000, so you may actually receive less per unit depending on how many valid claims are submitted. There is no cap on total benefits for the California Settlement.
It’s ridiculous that they can just lie like that.
I would say if you know you’ve bought some in the past few months, even if you don’t have receipts, then try. If you haven’t, then I wouldn’t (only because I know I can’t remember that far back! 😂)
I just realized you were talking about Canada Dry!!! I feel dumb now!!!! 😂
The links don’t work for me.
Hi there! The site appears to be having some issues. If you haven’t already, try copying and pasting into your browser. That is the only way I am able to get to the site at the moment. Hope that helps!
Link not working
Darn! Try clicking through here –> Hope that helps! I never have the receipts on these so I lose out on the bigger settlements. I always buy this stuff during the holidays to make punch with especially the cranberry. Love it!! I guess I really don’t care if it’s got true ginger in it I just like the flavor. I will however be happy to get a little check in the mail. Thanks for sharing
You’re welcome!
I literally just shredded tons of receipts from 2013 to 2017 because they weren’t “sparking joy” in our basement this weekend. I’m prettyyyyyyy sure my proof is now sitting on the curb for recycling pick up.
Oh my gosh you cracked me up!!! I hear you there!! I’ve been tossing mine too!! 😆 it’s frustrating because I buy this EVERY WEEK! My husband will only drink ginger ale! I’ve snuck in a few 2 liters of Schweppes just to redeem the Ibotta offer and he’s like “ugh!!!! I only like Canada Dry!” He even said “ look, it’s better for me cause it has real ginger!” I’m like sure it does!! I knew it! I just knew it!!
Wow – I buy a lot of Canada Dry Ginger Ale for my Dad, but unfortunately I do not save any of my receipts. I never realized it did not contain ginger. That was the whole point of buying it because he thought the ginger would settle his stomach.
Yeah, this is so strange. Did they used to put real ginger in (before 2013) and then stopped? My 85+ year-old grandparents swear by this stuff! Gonna have to do more research now.
I buy this all the time but who saves receipts for soda?! Argh and yeah I threw out tons of everything due to no joy spark too. 😐
I love the CD Cranberry Ginger Ale and absolutely have purchased this this product over the years. I do not save the grocery receipts however so does that mean I’ve missed out?
I tried the Gingerale Lemonade combo last year when they were promoting it. Thought it was awful. Only decent if mixed with booze. Ha
I have bags of receipts but don’t really want to sift through them. Would be nice if they took photos as I have several 2 liters in the garage. !
I use the ReceiptPal app. Not only does it store all my receipts digitally I get points for them that I can cash in for gift cards. This came in handy for the Justice settlement a while back. I was able to easily find and send in all my receipts.
Thank you for this reminder! I use the Receipt Hog app and was able to retrieve my digital receipts!
I buy Canada Dry because I like the taste. True I thought it was helping my stomach because of ginger but it seemed to have a placebo affect on me anyway so no big deal if it wasn’t the real thing.
If you did the Target+Ibotta deal a couple months ago, you can still find the image of your receipt through the Ibotta app! You just scroll to the reward and click on the ? sign to see the picture you took.