Free ella+mila Lip Gloss w/ Nail Polish Purchase ($14 Value)

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ella + mila brand lip gloss

ella+mila nail polish & makeup is vegan, cruelty-free, and perfect for all ages!

Through October 31st, ella+mila is offering Hip2Save readers a free lip gloss ($14 value) for every two nail polishes you purchase when you use our exclusive promo code HIP2N1L at checkout.

Even sweeter, shipping is FREE on all orders!

Please note that you must first add the lip gloss to your shopping cart in order for the coupon code to apply.

Two Halloween colors of nail polish in front of pumpkins

ella+mila offers a large selection of nail colors and cosmetics! 💅

Made in the USA, ella+mila nail colors are vegan, cruelty-free and totally free of dangerous chemicals so you can trust that they are safe for kids and adults alike. Even better, they’re chip-resistant and quick-drying!

Two shades of ella + mila nail polishes

Here’s the deal…

Buy two Single Nail Colors $10.50 each
Buy one Lip Gloss $14
Total = $35
Use promo code HIP2N1L
Shipping is FREE
Final cost $21 shipped – just $7 each!

ella + mila nail polish bottles in Spring colors

On the fence?! See what Hip2Save readers have to say…

I LOVE their nail polish – the only one I will use for my daughter and myself!

Our family favorite is their nail polish remover. I am sick of the traditional acetone that hurts my nails. I feel so much better using ella + mila’s remover. A little bit goes a long way, so at the sale price, it is a great buy, and it still works on other nail polishes.

About the writer:

Stacy has 12+ years of experience as a content manager, editor, and frugal living content creator. She has been featured in major publications for her coupon expertise and has a passion for finding and sharing hot deals. Connect with Stacy on LinkedIn

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Comments 14

  1. PB

    This deal also works on the $7 nail polishes.

    • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)

      I find that if I add 2 of the $7 polishes it works, but not just one. Which one did you get it to work on, PB?

      • PB

        Yes, I did buy two of the $7 nail polishes.

        • Jennifer (Hip Sidekick)


  2. Amy

    Why is the code not working for me? I added 3 seven dollar nail polishes? It says the code isn’t available to me?

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Hmm, I still find the coupon to apply for me when adding two $10.50 nail polishes and one lip gloss as listed above. Hope that helps!

  3. Corina

    Bah! This is the message I am getting … HIP2N1L discount code isn’t available to you right now

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      DARN! I still find code HIP2N1L to apply for me as listed above. Have you added both nail polishes and the lip gloss to your cart? If so, maybe try a different browser. Hoping this helps!

  4. Suz A.

    This company is horrible. They don’t respond to emails or messages on social media. They completely ignore any issues.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      So sorry for the issues. Thanks for the feedback, Suz A. We have reached out to them.

      • Suz A.

        I appreciate that. Nothing I have done has received a response! I even mailed them a certified letter that cost me almost $7!

        • Tamar

          Hi Suz, I am so sorry about this, please send an email to and we will certainly take care of this. Again, I apologize for the lack of communication. Have a great day.

  5. Amy

    Well….I’ve tried on several browsers and different computers and the code goes in but then once I put my shipping info in it says the code isn’t available. Very frustrating! Contacted them and they never responded

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Darn! SO sorry for the frustration. The code above is still working for me as listed. Be sure you have added the qualifying items for the code to apply at checkout. Hoping it works for you soon!

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