Free Postagram App = 5 Free Postcards Delivered w/ Pics From Your iPhone, Instagram, or Facebook
Head on over here to download the FREE Postagram App on either your iPhone or Android. This highly rated app allows you to easily send high quality photo postcards (with pictures taken directly from your iPhone library, Instagram, or Facebook!) to yourself, friends or family anywhere in the world. All Postagram photos are printed on thick, high quality photo postcards at 300dpi resolution; and each postagram is delivered anywhere in the world for only 99¢. They can even be personalized with the profile photo of the sender, an optional 140 character message, and the photo can be designed to pop-out of the postcard.
Here’s the best part…for a limited time, you can create and send up to 5 FREE Postagram Photo Postcards. Since I just returned from spending an awesome weekend with my grandmother for her 90th birthday, I thought it would only be appropriate to send her my first postcard creation (as you can see from the pics above).
(Thanks, Free Stuff Times!)
I use this app all the time! It is cheaper than going to the drug store and mailing a greeting card- and it is a huge hit whenever someone gets one in the mail! My grandmother was VERY impressed! I recommend downloading the other “Sincerely” apps (also all for free) called PopBooth and Sincerely Inc. It costs $1.99 to send those cards, but they are more customizable with greeting card styles and are more impressive- in my opinion. Have a great day all!
I use RedStamp – awesome app! Great card designs and they will mail for $1.99 too. And since others are doing the freebie thing maybe they will too!
does red stamp send cards in a post card style or are they a folded card style?
never actually mailed one from RedStamp so not sure…
So sweet pic bought tears to my eyes .Makes me miss my mom.
Im going on an alaskan cruise this week. This will be perfect to send photis to all my little cousins!
Is this the reincarnated Cellphone Postcard app from a couple of years ago? THANKS FOR POSTING!!
How do you get five cards? I got 5 credits which equal one domestic (.99) card.
I just signed up for an account and says I have zero credits. How do you get the five cards?
same here…and then it says’ you can send this card worldwide, well, i just created one and then put in all informations needed and it keep telling me that the credit card I have entered is invalid or make a correction…I did make correction multiple times & never went through….I just don’t get it…
It says it costs 1.99. It won’t let me send it for free
I need to send the free 5 post card and its not letting me why?