FREE St. Ives Apricot Scrub (Facebook)
This sample offer appears to be working better now if you have yet to request one. Just head on over to the St. Ives Facebook page and create a St. Ives Summer Blockbuster Poster by uploading a picture and giving it a title. Then, submit it and you’ll snag a FREE sample of St. Ives Blemish Control Apricot Scrub!
(Thanks for the reminder, Celeste!)
Too much work for a free sample. 🙂
lol this was me halfway into it and I gave up.
I agree totally, They need to stop making us jump threw hoops of fire for samples!
Does it have to be a picture of yourself?
No, I just choose one of my facebook friends.
Please avoid this and similar scrubs. This stuff is extremely damaging for your skin. Try to steer clear of anything made from natural ingredients when you are looking for an exfoliating scrub. Due to the pit being crushed, all the edges are uneven/jagged. So you actually end up putting minute scratches all over your face. You should try to find a product where the beads are man-made because they are perfectly round and all the same size. So, much gentler when scrubbing your skin. Just saying…I’m an esthetician. Hope this information is of help.
WOW, Thanks for the info.
Ty for the heads up.
Becky, I was just going to post the same thing. I’m an esthetician and I cringe when I hear people say that they use this on their face!! It’s fine for your feet, but terrible for your face.
I have heard both sides of this debate and I prefer the St. Ives scrub. The “gentler” ones don’t seem to be anything more than a wash.
ia, I’ll continue to use it once in a great while.
I have used St. Ives apricot for years and I only heard of that recently I wonder what kind of damage I have done to my skin. I don’t like using the apricot one anymore, but I do like using their green tea scrub. Is that one any better?
The only issue I have with the apricot scrub is that it had a tendency to clog the drains because the ground pit doesn’t dissolve like the man made scrubs do. I have yet to try it buy I know there are NATURAL facial scrubs and cleansers that use raw sugar as the exfoliant. I would imagine it would be better for your skin than ground apricot pit.
That’s another reason why I don’t use it anymore, it got everywhere and clogged the drains.
i don’t jump or run or do stupid things for a sample! unless is a full size? lol
Got this today in the mail