*HOT* $5 Off ANY In-Store Purchase at Babies R Us or Toys R Us (Now Available to Print Online!)
Thanks to reader, GG, for leaving a comment on the previous post… Babies R Us and Toys R Us are also offering up this *HOT* exclusive $5 coupon on their sites! Just head to the homepage and wait for the banner to show up or look to the right and click on the “Save $5 on Your Purchase” button to access this coupon.
You will then be able to print an exclusive one-time single use coupon which will score you $5 off any in-store purchase at Babies R Us or Toys R Us, valid 8/12-8/16! There is no minimum listed on the coupon, so you should be able to use it to score $5 worth of FREE goodies… but note that product exclusions do apply.
Happy Shopping! 😀
FOr everyone getting the Crayola products Target has string Cheese 2 for $7 you get a 2 $3 off crayola coupons and a Free giant Crayola Coloring book. This may go good paired with the 5 off coupon 🙂
I got my baby a banana boat sunscreen 10 oz which was on sale for $6.49, so just $1.49 after coupon and hubby got baby a book which normally cost $13 for $5. We were happy overall
I feel so fortunate today. I have 3 kids and my husband makes $150k a year but we have a lot of bills and expenses so this isn’t as much as it seems. It was such a blessing today. I printed out 8 coupons(different computers) and was able to take my kids shopping today. they were all so happy to get their princess barbie dolls.
You have 8 computers???
yes. we have one laptop for each of us and then 2 iPads. Things are very tough this year so this is such a blessing!
With 2 ipads and 6 computers – things are not tough Ann. Give me a break. By you stating to the world what your husband’s income is – it is like a punch in the face to others. I am trying really hard to restrain myself but I am enraged when reading your posts. Maybe you’re a spammer – just trying to wind people up (in that case, it’s working). Otherwise, you need to realize that the fact you have 6 computers and 2 ipads means you are not suffering from financial problems and in need of printing out $40 dollars worth of coupons. Like someone else commented, if the store wanted you to print out a $40 off coupon – they would have made it $40 off. They made it for $5 off for a reason – and stated one per person. I don’t think it’s a crime to print off two. But 8? And then to say how tough it is with $150K – it really is annoying to be honest. I am struggling with money – for real – and paying the rent is top priority. The broker I get, the more likely I am to start selling stuff off. And, my son’s computer would be the first thing to go. People need to stop whining and complaining about how tough it is – when you have so much more than others in the world. The poorest people I ever met were illegal immigrants in Thailand from Burma – they had nothing – but they were 500 times happier than anyone I”ve known in the states. It’s obvious why…
And to clarify one thing – my son’s computer is actually my own – I just allow him to use it. I won’t even “give” it to him for him to have it until he earns it – which is going to take a long while. I’ve also spoiled him too much …and I want him to learn how to work hard for what he has.
I am sorry i upset you, JT. But, things are really tough for us. We have student loans that we took out when we went to college(hence the good job my husband has) but, just because we make a lot does not mean we don’t struggle. I coupon all of the time and buy most things on steep sale. Just because we have computers and iPads does not mean we don’t have it tough. We never go hungry and we have a nice home but that does not mean we are going to spend money like crazy. I believe that everyone should be careful with their money. You mentioned selling stuff to make money. Well, I do the same thing. I sell on ebay all of the tme. All of my kids’ clothing comes from gymboree but I sell the stuff that no longer fits them and then use the money to buy them new clothes with that money. Just try to remember that just because someone makes a lot doesn’t mean that they can spend it freely. We are very careful how we spend. We could have bought a new car this year but instead opted for a 2011 SUV to save some dough…times are tough for all of us.
You must be joking to prove a point – about how blind we are as a society about what we have and what we think we “need.” I think you’ve proven it very well. We all make choices. If you want to see what real poverty is – sell some of those iPads and a computer or two and take a trip overseas – it will make you appreciate every breath you take. Life isn’t about all this crap we collect. You’ve made me realize how much I don’t want the coupon and how much more important it is to give it to someone else – who has less – just to make their day. The thing about your 2011 SUV as a sacrifice is so ridiculous. And I am not judging you – I just think you must be totally joking here. I had a very high paying job before the economy crashed and had a lot of money. But things changed – I ended up getting a 2001 Ford Taurus from a govt auction in my state – it now has over 204,000 miles and the AC just stopped working when the weather in my state hit the 100s and stayed that way for weeks. I had to help relatives move – and drive in a car that was 115. I tried to laugh about it with my kid and just ride it out. I still don’t think it’s that bad – not bad enough to fix as of now. Thanks for making me think. My favorite quote: “I cried because I had no shoes until I met a man who had no feet.”
I am sorry to hear of your situation JT. I am just trying to say that no one should judge another’s situation unless we know it completely. Why is it wrong for me and my family to use 8 coupons if we have access to them? Does this coupon state that it must be used by the poor? No. Are coupons in general only for low income families? No. I have every right to use these coupons. I am not doing anything wrong. What I am trying to get across is that anyone can be struggling, no matter what income bracket. I could use these coupons just as much as the next guy and my point in the very first post I made is that I feel so blessed to have come across these coupons. My kids can now have some extra gifts at Christmas time.
Awww sounds tough! but get over it! you don’t know how blessed you are comparing to other people. You could have bought a new car this year but instead opted for a 2011 SUV to save some dough? Really? you think that really is a big sacrifice??!!! you are blessed to even have a 2011 vehicle. There are a lot of things you could cut down in life if you are having really have tough time. For example, kids don’t need to wear gymboree clothes !!!! It’s all about making choices.
I don’t understand why everyone is judging me without knowing me. And, my kids only wear gymboree clothing because they are good quality, last through my 3 kids and I can resell them on ebay for more than I originally bought them for. So, why wouldn’t i buy them all gymboree vs walmart? Also, we are very cautious with money. For example, I am about to go grocery shopping. We only eat organic so I am on the computer printing coupons for some of the organic products that we purchase. Am I wrong to do this? Also, Nat, you stated that I could cut down in places…well, that is what I am doing when I use those toys r us coupons…right?
Sounds tough. Sorry, but my husband has been unemployed for 16 months, and I work part-time with autistic children. Tough year is trying to get by on $66k a year, with a mortgage. We are trying to sell things that are in our garage to buy food.
Susan – thank you for commenting. I agree with you 1 million percent. And, I too am struggling after dealing with constant health problems and being a single parent and disabled vet also. I am currently really struggling with things and also starting to sell things out of my home and even becoming a bit of a picker – to buy and resell. I hope things get better for us 🙂 and I understand what you are dealing with. The couponing helps. I heard a saying once…”The woman was so poor, all she had was money”
Holly, my heart goes out to you. Sending prayers and blessings to you and hope you find relief in the struggle. I’m sure you are doing the best you can for your children.
Thank you so much Susan. You too. 🙂 You are very sweet. Things will get better. My grandma’s favorite..Romans 8:28..and it will all work out in the end!
Susan, that sounds tough. I hope things look up very soon for you and yours.
Thank you for the kind words. I do secret shopping a lot to earn free gift cards and free dining, and surveys bring in a few extra dollars. When I look at our bills as opposed to our income I’m shocked we’ve lasted this long, but God is gracious.
He sure is, Susan! I have been doing surveys too…love them!
Our dream is to make $66,000 a year. I could do a lot with that. We are a family of five making it on about $53,000 a year, with a mortgage.
Everyone should also consider that 150K salary really is NOT that much in a high cost of living area, where private schools are the only option unless you want your kids to have a crappy education because the classrooms are overcrowded (and sometimes dangerous to boot), commuting is a way of life because all the high paying jobs are in the city and gas is so expensive, healthcare premiums are ridiculous, you have student loans to pay off, maybe you couldn’t get pregnant and needed in vitro to have a family or had to adopt and pay an adoption lawyers sky high fees in order to be able to have children, etc. How do you know the IPads weren’t a gift or something she won from a contest? Please stop being so judgemental. This is not the place for a “my life is worse than yours” competition on a coupon blogging site. Times are tough for EVERYONE.
People like you ruined my chance at even getting the coupon.
Thank you for contacting Toys ‘R” Us regarding the $5 coupon. We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused. At this time the Coupon has been removed from our website and all social networks due to multiple coupons being printed with the same code. The coupon offer is “one per Guest”, as stated on the coupon. We will continue to honor any valid coupons through Thursday, 8/16. We do not have away to re send the email or have a way to print any new coupons. Again, we do apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused.
I guess I will be getting that response too. I got the email, but when I click “get coupon” it just goes to the website. 🙁
Anyone try using the crayola coupons at toy ‘r us with the crayola deal? I tried on Saturday with the crayola B1G1 and it wouldn’t accept the coupons that I got from the Kraft string cheese. They said they couldn’t override the coupon and push it through because it came up invalid number or something. The manager tried telling me it wasn’t taking it because the items were on sale and part of the B1G1, so I didn’t get as good of a deal on the items as I was expecting – may return them if I find them cheaper elsewhere.
Has anyone tried using their coupons yet and did it work to use more than one? I also received 2 different emails, one from babies r us and one from toys r us, so I think I should be able to use both – I’m not going to print anymore, I just wanted to give one to each of my kids to buy something…..just wondering.
Amy I also got 2 emails and both had the same code as the internet one I printed. 🙁
If it’s the same code then you can only use it once
i am not sure if this is allowed but i only have one computer and love this coupon so i purchased some off of ebay, i printed them and myself, hubby and four children went off to toys r us and they let us use two each, if you want the seller i purchased from the item number is 390454035018 if you do a search on ebay for that number you will find them and it was legit they worked great
I have some extra toys r us coupons! People at work printed some for me (all with different barcodes) but I only let my daughter use 2 because its not her birthday or christmas so she does not need a bunch of new toys:) Just email me at kmegerth@yahoo.com with how many you want and ill email the PDF to you!
Great thinking. We don’t need them here. After an hour in TRU, we found there isn’t much you can get with $5. Fortunately, the cashier let us combine our $5 coupon and the $3 birthday coupon. And, this after coming from JCPenney for the free child’s haircut.
I found this ad on craigslist for these coupons! Only 6 dollars and she has 5 sets of 10 toys r us coupons! I bought a set and they all worked! She allowed me to use paypal because I dont live near her!! Amazing deal https://billings.craigslist.org/mad/3204220806.html
GONE! they are all gone now:( sorry
Hope everyone who got one scored some amazing deals on toys!
Good grief, Ann-really sorry about the unkind & judgemental comments above. I’m late jumping in here.
I certainly hope none of the rude remarks were originating from fellow believers. Gives us a bad name & even poorer witness 🙁
I would never trade my set of family issues(and we ALL have our share) for someone elses. Yes, people are hurting-that’s a given. But folks with a healthy income can get in difficult situations just as easy as those making minimum wage. None of my business to judge…
Here’s a positive, productive course we all can do-
thanks, Deb. I too, like yourself hope that these comments were not made my fellow believers. So sad to think that they could have. 🙁 My point was that even though someone may have a healthy income, doesn’t mean they don’t have a lot of bills to pay. Mortgages, student loans, insurances, doctors bills, school tuition for children, etc.
I’m not even sure why you have to explain yourself ann.dee18@yahoo.com … You came out here to ‘share’ your coupon experience with everyone only to get judged upon….. for nothing.
Not to be a jerk to anyone else, but I have friends, co workers, and family that have I-phones who were able to give me codes because they can’t make it to Toys’r’us. I did 4 seperate transactions for 4 different people…ran an errand for them… doing someone a favor. I hope no one in line was judging ME for using 4 coupons (ps i had 2 kids and my husband with me) because technically they were not all for me.
Anyhow, a $5 dollar coupon isn’t going to ruin it for anyone. i guess my situation was different… i didn’t print multiple coupons with the same codes because that wasn’t going to work… Toys’r’us allowed each phone to generate a code – how is that unfair? – its only fair to use those generated coupons. If the max limit of coupon links was reach, they should have taken the coupon away… I don’t think that the main reason they took it off was because of the duplicate barcodes because those barcodes would NOT have worked anyways.
Are you guys still able to print the $5 Qs?
no I wasn’t. boo! the text didn’t work either. I have never seen so much bashing on this blog before. wow. I think it’s fair to say we are all struggling in different ways. I myself am a single mom barely making $34k a year, with a mortage with a job I’ve been at for almost 11 years with NO health insurance and the state of IL thinks I make too much money to get insurance thru them! I coupon bc a friend taught me how easy it is and I am SO grateful for her. I will tell you what tho…if I had 8 computers and had that many q’s I’d pick something up and save it for Toys For Tots. That’s just me 🙂 now breathe ladies…that got a little intense just reading it, I can only imagine how you feel typing it 🙂
My kids got a my little pony and small lego set today! We’re moving soon so it was nice to let them get a treat since they’ve been a little lost in the shuffle and time to swim with mom and dad too! Its been a really good day!
Unfortunately I wasn’t able to print the coupon earlier this week, but stopped at Toys R Us last night to pick up something. Ended up finding that there were a bunch of items on clearance and got some Kung Zhu stuff for my kids…the Special Force Hamsters were 3.98 (reg. 9.99) and the sets were marked down to .99 (reg 15.00)! I ended up with $65 worth of stuff for about $12! If you live nearby a store you might want to see what you can find!