Groupon: *HOT* $85 Voucher to Only $39 + FREE Shipping
Wow! Do you follow a gluten-free diet or maybe you have a friend or family member that must avoid Gluten? Then you’ll definitely want to take note of this new Groupon offer. Currently, you can snatch up a $50 voucher to for only $25 OR an $85 voucher for only $39 + FREE shipping!
If you buy the $85 voucher, you’ll score FREE shipping since all orders over $75 ship FREE (otherwise pay just $9.95)! sells a wide array of name-brand breads, condiments, meals/entrees, pancake mix, baking ingredients, soups, fruit snacks, cereals, entrées, and lots more!
Check out this scenario I cooked up:
As an idea, I was able to add the 27 items pictured above to my cart and my total came to $85.76. So after applying the $85 Groupon Voucher, I’ll have paid just $0.76 + $39 for the voucher to have all these items shipped to my door! That’s makes the cost of each item just $1.47 per item…not bad!
Fine Print:
Expires Dec 31, 2012. Limit 1 per person, may buy 1 additional as a gift. Limit 1 per visit. Does not ship to AK/HI/Canada. Extra fee for shipping for $50 option; shipping included for $85 option. Minimum $50 purchase required for $50 Groupon; $85 purchase for $85 Groupon. Not valid with other offers. Credit card required to redeem.
(Thanks, My Litter!)
This is a great deal, but for a ‘health food’ site, I am surprised that they carry some of the items that they do. Fruit roll-ups & gushers may be ‘gluten free’ but those are probably some of the worst foods you can eat. Kind of defeats the purpose of avoiding gluten by still putting bad things into your body 🙂
I agree, Macy. I think I will pass on this since most of it is just processed foods which should also be avoided.
I do not think the purpose of the site is just for people who are gluten-free because they want to be for health reasons. Many people have celiac disease and have to eat gluten-free.
that may be true for people who choose to go gluten free because they are aware and conscientious about how gluten affects their body.
however, not everyone(or maybe most) who has celiac or the myriads of other reasons to avoid gluten do it to be “healthier.” some do it to survive without pain. some dont have any interest in “healthy” eating, they’d just like to eat like everyone else but without the gluten. Most still want convenience foods once in a while too.
We aren’t a ‘Gluten free’ family, but my kids enjoy an occasional treat, and fruit roll-ups qualifies as one for them. I understand if some people would never ever feed their kids fruit roll-ups, but I am ok with them having it when I want to give them a treat. I think the site is more like an everything gluten free place where people with celiac disease, or people that simply want to eat gluten free, can shop there knowing that all products are gluten free… without having to worry about whether or not they have gluten in them. I think it is a great idea! The people shopping can then decide whether they want to buy treats or healthier food. I do wish they would list nutritional information on there though! 🙂 We are looking for healthier snack alternatives, and so I need to see the nutritional information to know a little more about the product :).
Personally I really dislike the fact that “gluten-free” has become synonymous with “healthy”. As others have said, avoiding gluten is a concern for people with Celiac or who otherwise can’t tolerate gluten, and those people may or may not eat a “natural foods” type diet. By the same token, for people who don’t have a gluten intolerance, a diet containing gluten can be very healthy. Regardless of whether you eat gluten or not, you make choices about what you eat, and if gluten-sensitive people want to eat Fruit Roll-ups instead of a less sugary/more natural snack then that’s their choice. I’m glad websites like this exist, because I know a lot of people who can’t eat gluten.
gluten free doesn’t mean healthy by any means. it means that your body cannot process wheat. my 8 year old daughter has celiacs sprue, it si an autoimmune disorder that can lead to other autoimmune disorders and affects everything from your digestion, to your skin, to puberty and fertility. She has to be gluten free for her health, but not because it’s healthy. Many of the gluten free foods just contain more corn which certainly isn’t healthy, and the treats and breads have just as much fat and calories.
AWESOME, my husband has celiac disease, this is a HUGE help
Wow, all I can say is hurray! I had $10 in Groupon Bucks in my account, so I was able to get the $85 code for $29. Great deal for those of us who must eat gluten free.
Thanks for sharing this deal! I was able to get fruit twists and larabars for healthy snacks for my kids. Love being able to get yummy and healthy for cheap!
AMgela, have you ever tried NOW bars? I received a sample not too long ago and I WANT MORE! Man, are they tasty. You can see some flavors on the big A.
My son and I are GF for medical reasons but b/c of some fad so I really appreciate when Collin posts theses deals. This is the first time I have purchased from Gluten Freely in part b/c I thought their prices were high and have been able to do better at local stores with coupons/sales. I did buy the $85 voucher today when I saw they have my FAVORITE GF flour….Better Batter! I love this stuff. So I bought a lot of it for a great deal! Thanks Collin!
thanks for tellng me about better batter, i have been trying to find a good gluten free flour. i hope this one works for us
Thanks so much! My hubby is not gluten free, but does love larabars. I had never thought to check out this site before, but saw the larabars in the picture, so got the groupon and loaded up on Larabars for a remarkable price. Thanks!