Amazon Local: FREE Voucher Valid For $2 Off Any Amazon Instant Video Movie or TV Rental/Purchase
Amazon Local is offering up a great deal for all you movie junkies! Just head on over here and register/log in to snag a FREE free voucher for $2 off movie and TV rentals or purchases from Amazon Instant Video. Just click on the “Get Voucher” button to retrieve your unique voucher and then head over here to browse through all of the available movie and TV Shows to rent and buy (choose from over 120,000…wowza!).
Once you’ve selected your favorite movie or TV Show, you’ll be able to stream content on all your devices — including Kindle Fire, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and Roku.
So what are you waiting for?! Head over here to snag your FREE voucher. And keep in mind that you’ll want to be sure to use it by October 31st, 2012!
Fine Print: Voucher will expire if not used towards a movie or TV rental or purchase from Amazon Instant Video by October 31, 2012; Voucher is valid for a $2 discount off the price of a movie or TV rental or purchase; customer will be responsible for payment to for final price of movie after discount, plus applicable taxes; The promotional code may not be used for certain titles. This includes, but is not limited to, HBO titles. The detail pages for such titles will state that they are not eligible for promotions; Available only to U.S. customers; Limit 1 voucher per customer; limited quantities available; Voucher is not redeemable for any other types of merchandise sold at; Void where prohibited; Amazon reserves the right to modify or cancel the offer at any time; Offer is not transferable, not exchangeable and has no cash value; account with valid credit card required to get this voucher; Voucher is available for use immediately after purchase
(Thanks, Jolynn, I Save a 2Z and Clip and Follow!)
Thanks 🙂
awesome! my hubby just got surgery & has been laid up in bed watching movies for the past few days. he’ll love this!
Yay! Missed the last episode of Call the Midwife on PBS. Now I get to catch-up for free. 🙂
You can watch them on for two weeks after they air for free.
Thanks, Sarah. 🙂 I did that with Downton Abbey– forgot about that option.
Awesome! Thanks.
Thank you!
Awesome. We don’t have cable, so we buy the walking dead on Amazon instant video. Will be using this tomorrow 🙂
thats what we do too 🙂
Not sure where to share this. I just found amazon is giving 15% off for subscription and save items this month if you use your mastercard.
Thanks, Collin.