Disney Movie Rewards: Mystery Points Email
If you are a Disney Rewards Member, be sure to check your email for mystery points! The email is from Disney Movie Rewards and has the subject line Your Members-Only Update. When you open your email, scroll down until you find the picture that looks like this:
Click on the Mystery Points box to find out how many points you get! We have had reports from people who received 5 points, and some up to 10! If you got this email, come back and let us know how many points you scored!
If you haven’t joined Disney Movie Rewards yet, I would highly suggest doing so now! This is a great rewards program… especially if you have kiddos that love Disney movies. Basically every time you purchase a Disney DVD or go see a Disney movie at the movie theater you earn points. Once you’ve earned enough points, you can then redeem them for a reward! They have a lot of different rewards available from electronics to toys, DVDs, occasional gift cards, and more! If you’re looking for the latest Disney Movie Reward points to enter in your account, be sure to head on over here (and scroll past this post).
(Thanks, Laura!)
Got 7! Thanks I had deleted this email!
I got seven too!
7 points. yay!
I got 7 points.
I got 7 points 🙂
7 points! And I had just deleted it without opening–thanks Collin!
I got 9 points. Thank you for the heads up! I had deleted the email already!
Got 7 points! Thanks for the reminder!
I had deleted it as well. I fished it out & got 9 points! Thank you!
Thanks! I had read and deleted this email and almost lost out on my 7 bonus points!
i got 7 points. thanks.
I got 9:). I haven’t redeemed any points in ages — a couple of years ago we got a Cars scooter for my daughter when they had a promo on that:)
7 here too
I got 7 too, thanks for reminding me to check my emails- hehe!!! 🙂
yay! I got 9 points!
I have a question – I ordered the Santa clause 3 DVD set and when entered my first code in (was for the whole set) I got 125 pts, and now I can’t put in the second code (for Santa clause 3) has anyone else had issues with this set? What should I do?
Miranda, I’d wait to submit those rewards until they offer double points or some kind of special offer. If you’re in a hurry try tomarrow, then contact them if it does not go through.
It told me I coulfnt submit the second code forthe single movie because I put the code in for the set. I though the set was worth more than 125 pts. I was entering the codes hoping I could order something for my daughter for Christmas. Just a little extra something. They usually ship so fast I thought I could get them in and order tonight. I will contact them tomorrow. Thanks
I got 9 points here. Thanks for letting us know.
I got 7
I scored 9 points 🙂 thxs i had deleted the email … now i’ll make sure to check for these mystery points
7 for me!
Also type in “peach” to get an extra free entry into the Finding Nemo sweepstakes
Thank u!
I got 7 points this time
when was this email delivered?
I got it a little over one hour ago
oh! so maybe I just haven’t received it yet…I was thinking it was older. I have all my emails (inbox and deleted) from yesterday and today so I was stressing. Guess I’ll just keep an eye out for it! thanks for the reply!
yup! it just came, phew. I got 7 🙂
7 thanks! I never check this email account anymore.
I never seem to get these emails 🙁 Anyone know why that may be?
You also get the message in your Disney rewards account. The other might be going to spam?
7 Points For Me.
7, seems like a popular #!
9 for me, have a little over 1500 points right now. Waiting for something worth the points.
7 big ones! thanks for the heads up 🙂
7 points! Thanks!
I got 7
I got 9! Thanks for the heads up!
I opened the email, but didn’t scroll down far enough before deleting. I got 9 points! 🙂
7 for me.
7 for me too! 🙂
I got 7. Thanks Collin!
got 9
I received 9 points:)
7 points!!!
7 points!!! Thanks as I almost deleted this email!
7 Points for me.
9 points for me!