HGTV 2013 Dream Home Giveaway: Win a Home in South Carolina, a Car & Cash ($2,000,000+ Value!)
It’s that time of year again… time to enter HGTV’s Dream Home Giveaway! Through February 15th, head on over here to enter the 2013 Dream Home Giveaway and you may just win yourself a home in South Carolina. Yep, the winner of this giveaway will snag a home in Kiawah Island, South Carolina (the “HGTV Dream Home”) plus home furnishings, merchandise, a 2013 GMC Acadia Denali, and $500,000 in cash (total value of this grand prize is a whopping $2,253,565!). Good luck! 😀
* You can enter twice daily: Limit one online entry on the HGTV Website, per valid email address, per eligible person per day; limit one online entry on the HGTV Front Door Website, per valid email address, per eligible person per day
(Thanks, OaLaLa Savings!)
I can not imagine the prize tax you would have to pay on this! haha
That’s why the winners usually end up selling the home as do the Extreme Home Makeover recipients.
yup. My family and I won a nice car through a radio station when I was younger. Money was SO tight, and we were so excited, then we had to pay the taxes… we took the car for one last joy ride, and sold it to pay the bill.
I assume that is why you also win $500,000, to help pay the taxes and to help with utilities. I watched part of the TV special touring the house and while it is pretty, it’s on marshlands. Doesn’t that equal lots and lots of mosquitoes? Yeah, no thanks!
The $500,000 would be taxed as well wouldn’t it?
I know of a family who got an extreme makeover home in my parent’s neighborhood. I do not know the tax situation, but I know they kept the home.
The taxes aren’t quite as high for the Extreme Makeover recipients, because the show “rents” the home – and I guess there is a tax loophole that if you “rent” your property for less than a week an entire year, you don’t have to report that income. The problem some EM:HE recipients run into is that their utilities and property tax increase drastically often creating a hardship the family can’t afford (especially if they are dealing with high medical bills).
I read an article that so far NONE of the HGTV Dream Home winners have been able to keep their house due to all the prize tax and all the other increases, but the channel actually doesn’t expect people to live in the home, but to sell it, and with the leftover money after taxes be able to create their “own” dream home or have some of their dream-features in their existing home. Only a few of EM:HE haven’t been able to keep their homes and one of them lost their house due to fraud on their applications. Their “adopted” kids weren’t actually their legally, but were “used” for the show. Very sad and unfortunate for those who really do need the help.
Well, even if you are taxed 30% on $500,000, you would still get $350,000. I don’t know what the taxes are though.
you would pay taxes on the who prize package of 2.2 million which at the new federal tax rate would be $871,000.
Amanda, I live on Kiawah and the mosquitoes are no worse than anywhere else in the summer months. The county does a really good job of spraying and typically there is a bit of the ocean breeze to keep them away from you.
Pretty sure you have to pay taxes on the money too. Not sure $350,000 would even be enough to pay the taxes on all of the other stuff but it sure would be nice!
I was thinking the same thing. I would love a dream house in my home state, though!
yes, a lot of money. the winners from extreme makeover here in AZ were selling the house because is too expensive.
Oh my! Whoever wins this …. will have a dream come true! Good luck everybody! That is a wonderful and super beautiful house! 🙂
do you know how many years our family has been filling the form out lol i think since it started,and since im typing this no we have not won lol
Unfortunately, most people who have won these giveaways are not able to “afford” to live in them, due to the taxes and utility payments. I’d be happy selling it and then building a home I could afford!
I’m looking forward to winning it. 😉 haha
I get so worked up about this giveaway every year, I enter religiously, and then on the day that they film the live giveaway winner, I make sure I get ready and look camera ready. Lol, yes, I go that extreme. HAHA! 🙂
Hahah me too!! So funny you never know!
Oh that is too funny and cute 🙂 “I’m gonna be on television.” 😉
I’m from SC and about 4 hours away from Kiawah. BEAUTIFUL. I’m entering haha. & yes there are mosquitoes, but just put out some citronella candles and some bug spray 😉
Ha! Me too. I’m about 4 hours away too. I wonder if we’re in the same place…. 🙂
I could easily relocate my job to accommodate my win of this house. So, everybody out there, here’s the deal…. everybody else just stop entering and my relocation plan should work out fine when I win….. 🙂
Wow!! Id be happy to win, sell, and buy a much much smaller house. HUGE HOUSE = HUGE BILLS!. This way you would have a bunch left over to pay future bills with and the TAXES on this giveway.
The total taxes you would have to pay on this is $901,426. You don’t receive the $500,000 until after its taxed at around 40%- which would leave you about $300,000 cash. Whoever wins this is going to have to come up with $601,426 just to cover the taxes!
There is a cash option available. It is $1,500,000 cash,$1M for the home plus the $500,000 cash, and the vehicle.
Not bad, then you take that and tax it by 40% since it is under “prize tax” just like if you took deilvery of the house. Still, leaves you with some for whatever!
I want to win and than I will worry how to pay taxes….LOL
This is really beautiful,Really a dream home.
If I win, I will most likely take the cash option, then build my own dream home. Beautiful house, though.
Wow alot of negative comments about taxes…..way to bring everyone down….
I would not call it negative, just awareness.
I know I would never be able to afford to keep it, but it would be awesome. Unless of course they also give you a super high paying job! LOL. This is my favorite house so far. Beautiful.
I have never won anything in my life i have work hard and would love to retire here
I hope I win my dream home!!
My home burnt down and we lost everything. My husband is now sleeping at a men’s homeless shelter and I’m staying with a friend. WE NEED A HOME!
wanted 2 win so BAD and retire in SC. everyone has bummed me out about the 800,000 in taxes. REAL SAD! If i win i will be crying. not for being happy knowing i won’t be moving 2 south carolina
I agree, let me win this home & THEN will worry about taxes and so on because taxes or not I WILL end up a heck of a lot better off than I am now 🙂
I absolutely love this home. I live in NC, and I go to the beaches in SC a lot. My son is in the Marine Corps and stationed at Cherry Point, SC. I would love to live closer to him, and I absolutely love SC. We ride a Harley Davidson when it’s warm, and there are no helmet laws in SC, which I love. I can’t wait to win my dream home. The best part for me is getting to take pictures of the wild life there. I love taking pictures. I have 3 cameras, 2 Nikons, and a small Sony for taking pictures when I’m riding on the back of our bike.
I would love to win. I love the beach. I have read what everyone has said about the taxes, however, I will cross that bridge when I get to it.
Quick question to those of you who were talking about getting ready for when they announce the prize, or to anyone who knows… When & how do they announce the winner?
Grand Prize: One (1) potential Grand Prize Winner (the “Grand Prize Winner”) will be chosen by Sponsor in a random drawing from among all eligible entries received during the entire Sweepstakes Period on or about February 27, 2013 (the “Grand Prize Drawing”) by Ritway, Inc., an independent judging organization (“Sweepstakes Administrator”). Sponsor anticipates that the potential Grand Prize Winner will be contacted either by phone, e-mail, in writing, or in person via an “ambush style” visit by Sponsor representatives at the Grand Prize Winner’s home or other location on or about February 28 – March 4, 2013 (subject to change). The potential Grand Prize Winner may be filmed or otherwise recorded during such visit by Sponsor. The Grand Prize Winner (and a guest, age 21 or older) may also be required to travel to the HGTV Dream Home on “Winner Weekend” (on or about April 25 – 28, 2013, or other such dates to be determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion) at Sponsor’s expense. The Grand Prize Winner will be required to execute an affidavit of eligibility and release of liability and publicity (where permitted by law), and return same, fully-executed and notarized within three (3) business days of date of prize notification. If Sponsor is unable to contact the potential Grand Prize Winner within three (3) business days of the initial attempt, if the potential Grand Prize Winner fails to return all requested forms fully-executed and notarized by the specified date, or if the potential Grand Prize Winner fails to comply with these Official Rules, including inability to travel on the dates and times required by Sponsor for Winner Weekend, his/her place as a potential Grand Prize Winner will be forfeited at Sponsor’s discretion, and an alternate Grand Prize Winner shall be selected. Sponsor reserves the right to select the winner in a random drawing format that shall be determined by Sponsor. Nothing in these Official Rules shall require Sponsor to produce or televise an HGTV Dream Home Giveaway special featuring Grand Prize Winner.
I would love to move buck toSC the house is beautiful,I love it
On what date do they have the drawing?
If you made as income $30,000 per year and won the home, keeping it and paying sweepstakes tax on your federal return next year for the amount of 2.5+ million as it would be on a 1099 form…..You would OWE the IRS almost $780,000 next year in income tax….that doesn’t include what you would have to pay at the State level, if SC has State Income Tax….Property taxes, Home and flood insurance as well as the Gated community HOA Dues would cost upwards of $18,000 per year……The $500,000 won’t even pay all that tax…..If your gross yearly income is GREATER than $30,000 per year…..your tax would obviously be much…much…more!
So I guess since it’s already the 6th of March those of us typing didn’t win??
I guess not. I dropped so low from reading these comments; it doesn’t make any sense!! Let’s try to reverse this – I wish the winner the best and I hope that you do what is best for you and your family! Enjoy and may God bless!!
I would love to Win the Home on Kiawah Island in South Carolina, because my Daughter and her Family live in Charleston,S.C. It would be a pleasure to live there.
I would get to see my Granddaughters more often.
This would turn my life around be time I’am already excited if win this I would make realise that good things really do happen