High Value $1/1 Archway Cookies Coupon
Head on over here where you can print a rare and high value Smartsource coupon valid for $1/1 Archway Cookies 6 oz or larger. The 6 to 9.5 oz Archway cookies often go on sale 2/$5, so just $1.50 after the coupon! Yum! 🙂
*Let us know if you come across any sales to pair with this coupon!
(Thanks, Printable Coupons and Deals and Photo credit: The Shopper’s Apprentice!)
I have Java disabled because of the issues they are having. Does anyone know of another way to get the coupon?
I have Java enabled, and still can’t get it.
it seems theres a problem with the new version of java, coupons only print on Java 1.6, new version 1.7 not compatible with coupon printing from smart source. trying to roll back to older version now.
I’m wondering the same thing.
I was able to print the coupon now, i went to print coupon then i got the message java not compatible, but chose “install” this rolled back the java to the previous version. wait for install comfirmation, closed all my browsers then went back to the coupon and printed.
Be careful using JAVA. There are all kinds of reports about hackers/JAVA. I had trouble over the weekend trying to print off of redplum. Then hubby heard the report and told me not to print using anything JAVA. Said the news was telling people to disable anything on their computer using JAVA. Plus Norton blocked several items over the weekend when I was on the computer. I think I will pass on coupons using JAVA until its all cleared up.
jave version 1.6 is safe, it does not have the security hole that the news talk about, also oracle already released a patch for the newer version of java 1.7 but still not compatible with coupon printing 100%
the lemon cookies are the BEST EVER
Noticed at my Vons (Carpinteria, CA) that all Archway cookies are marked down to $2.49……and they had the lemon ones!!!
i hv java enabled and been having it since and still cant get coupon, whats going on???????????
Does anyone know where I can find the Archway Cashew Nougat Cookie in Houston Tx? Or anywhere…I’ll have them shipped if I have to…I can’t find them anymore. Thank you.