*HOT* $2/1 Rudi’s Gluten-Free Bread Coupon
Head on over to the Rudi’s Gluten-Free Lost & Found Sweepstakes Facebook app, “like” them and click on the “Coupon” tab to print this high value $2/1 Rudi’s Gluten-Free bread coupon! You can also type in your zip code here to find out where Rudi’s Gluten-Free products are sold. Plus, you can print an additional $1/1 coupon here and a $0.75/1 coupon here. These are such great coupons if you follow a gluten-free diet or have someone in your household how who does!
Also, don’t forget to enter the sweeps while you are there, you could win the following prizes weekly:
(Thanks, Faith!)
how much does this product usually cost?
at my publix miami $3.99
It is $5.99 at my Kroger store, but it is the only kind I can eat.
funny thing, gluten free+multigrain. wonder how that works, anything to sell a product! lol.
Actually, there are several grains that are gluten free: buckwheat, millet, quinoa, brown rice, teff….
grains are the problem to begin with, lol :p
This is a simple, concise list. In case you wanted to read more about what is considered gluten free grains.
grains in general are the problem to begin with gluten free or not. 🙂
Not sure if it will happen again but Publix had it BOGO last week – $3.99 per loaf. I had found the $2/1 coupon during the sale so it made it $1.99 for 2 loaves. My Kroger sells it for $4.99 per loaf. This is my fav GF bread and I feel like I’ve tried them all.
Me too, I got them for free basically after printing 2 $2/1 coupons last week. I’ve never tried it before (I’m not allergic to gluten), but I’m always open and excited to trying new products even if I’m not vegetarian, have food allergies, etc. I can’t complain if I don’t like it if I got it for free! (Though it looks good, so I’m sure I’ll like it.) 😀
I got 2 free loaves here in GA last week using the Q’s.
Our office is munching on some as I type this LOL!
$5.49 here, but Stop and Shop has it on sale for $3.99 this week, I picked up 8 loaves at $1.99 each.
awesome! thank u
Sometimes it’s on sale for $3 or so at Fred Meyer.
This is great!!! Thank you so much!
4.99 on sale here at Safeway, well it was the other day, reg price 5.59, I used the last $2 off the bread, I have 2 DD’s that are Glueten Free. These coupons help out a lot. Thanks.
What is the exp date on the coupon? Thank you.
these are free at Publix our sale ends tonight BOGO!!!
Yup I got 4 of them for free today at my local publix!
Thank you! Nephew on GF diet and all the coupons I can find helps.
So I went to enter the sweepstakes and it says its for $1000 at the end of the promo, not weekly prizes like it says here, hmmm…weird.
If you read the official rules I mean.
it let me print out two $2 off coupons!!
Thank you, thank you, for this post!
I bought some last week when it was bogo at Publix, and I just can’t make myself like this bread. I usually eat Udi’s, because my son and I are celiacs – and the Rudi’s just falls apart, and tastes like sponges. I’m glad at least someone enjoys the texture and flavor, I’m happy when anyone makes something truly gluten free because it does help celiacs somewhere!!
For those who have to eat this bread or other Glueten free breads, my DD’s say they taste pretty good when you make them as a Panini.
I am trying to enter the contest, but there are no descriptions next to the fields. Does anyone else have this problem? Is it Name, email address, what else? Thanks
Same problem here! Did you figure it out?
I’ve tried every kind of gluten-free bread and agree that this is the best. I know Costco just came out with one that is just too dense and has an odd after taste. The $2/1 is a great coupon for them!
Thank you for not only listing the $2 coupon, but the $1 and .75 as well! My son is gluten free and loves the cinnamon raisin bread! (even in grilled cheese and peanut butter sandwiches!!)
OMG!!! I can’t believe that I actually won a Canon Powershot (point and shoot) Camera from them 🙂 YIPPEE!! Thank you Rudi’s GF Bakery 🙂