A Birthday Party, a Big Girl Sleepover, a Mimi Who Rocks, and Too Much Candy…

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Since I have chosen not to post highs and lows over the weekend, I am going to tell you all about a couple of highs that occurred on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday was a BIG day for my 6-year-old daughter, Piper. She had her first “Big Girl” sleepover with a friend from school on Saturday night. She was over the moon excited… and to see her eyes light up and the huge smile on her face brought an even bigger smile to my face. At the same time, though, it was bittersweet as my little girl is growing up and well, I kinda wish she could stay at the same age for just a few more years.

And speaking of growing up, my son, Ayden, celebrated his 8th birthday early (his real birthday is on April 12th). We had a party for him at a place where kiddos can get out their energy by running wild and having Nerf wars! 🙂 He had a blast!

My mom – which the kiddos call mimi – also had a ton of fun. My kiddos are so blessed to have an unbelievable grandmother and I am also very blessed to have an amazing mom who is always filled with so much positive energy and lots of great wisdom. When something exciting happens in my life, she is the first person I call as I know she will be just as excited as I am. Moms rock! 😀

And my low for the day, eating way too much Easter candy and doughnut holes! Ya, eating healthy went out the door today. Oh and another low, not getting this body of mine movin’. I always feel so much better when I make it a point to exercise first thing in the morning. Plus, when I exercise I always tend to eat healthier during the day.

[h2s_box]Every Monday-Thursday, I share my high(s) and low(s) for the day and I encourage you to do the same in the comment section below. My high(s) will simply be the best or most exciting thing that happened to me today and my low(s) will be something not so great that took place. [/h2s_box]

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Comments 80

  1. Kim

    April 12th is my birthday too!!! I’m a little bit older than 8 tho 😉 wish I wasn’t tho.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Happy early Birthday! 🙂

      • Kim

        Thank you!!

    • Denise

      Happy birthday and it’s also my 6 years old daughter’s birthday~

    • Laura C

      Mine too! And it was my grandmother’s birthday as well – she would say I was the best birthday present she ever got.

  2. Jamie

    You have a wonderful family. My high was getting my taxes done and not owing money to Uncle Sam 🙂 My low was my job.

  3. Suzy

    Adorable ! You are a great wife and mommy !!!!

  4. Deanna/MeMee

    Too cute. I am also a “MeMee” to my granddaughters. Whenever I need a user name, often I use “MeMee Rocks”. Lol.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Love it! 🙂

  5. Elizabeth

    My low is that my dog needed a tooth pulled and bill was over $300….yikes!

    My high is that I had the money to pay the vet 😉

  6. Tricia

    You look so much like your Mom!!

  7. MJ

    Your mom sounds amazing! I’m certain that my kids and I would have had the same kind of relationship with my mother. Unfortunately she died way too young (51!) It warms my heart to see daughters who cherish their moms!

    • Diya

      Hey MJ …..

      My mom was also very young (45) when we lost her in a tragic car crash. She died on the spot. My mom was coming to my house that day so it was very shocking to get a call from my brother telling me that she is no more.


      Ughhhh still brings tears to my eyes. 🙁

      I was only married for six months at that time so she never got to see any of her grand kids but I do discuss her often.

      Though I am blessed with an amazing step mom who is very loving and caring but I do miss my mom a lot.

      My high for today is that I was able to watch an entire movie after GOD knows how many months. I have a 16 month old so he doesn’t let me do anything.

      My low for today is that I didn’t get much work done but I will try my best tomorrow.

      • sammy

        just read the article and im so sorry for ur loss. inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon

        • Diya

          Thank you Sammy and Aameen.

      • Suszy

        I’m so sorry for your loss.

        • Diya

          Thank you Suzsy. Time heals almost about everything. 🙂

          • Diya

            Smily face for being blessed with a very loving stepmom.

            • Diya


  8. Jenn

    My son has a Mimi too! I don’t see that too often.

    • Diya

      My son calls his grandma (my husband mom) Mimi also.

  9. Lauren

    Your kiddos are so adorable. It is a little sad that they grow up so fast 🙁 My high is that I shaved 3 minutes off my 10K time at the Cooper River Bridge Run in Charleston this weekend and my low is that my super fun weekend at coast is over and it’s back to work tomorrow.

  10. Melanie

    Love the Minecraft cake! My son turned 9 this weekend and we celebrated with a Skylanders party! Might have to try Minecraft for next year.

  11. april

    I don’t have kids but I want to be that kind of Aunt when I am Mimi’s age 🙂

    my high: my car is fixed! with a little e-bay searching and mom’s co-worker doing the labor a half hour for only 10 bucks I got away with paying only 40 dollars for a 200 hundred dollar car repair!

    my low: nothing so far 🙂

  12. rose simpson

    your daughter is a mini Collin!!

  13. Karen

    One of my boys will be 7 on April 11th…your party looks so much fun….and omg you look just like your mom!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Happy early Birthday to your soon to be 7 year old! 🙂

  14. Emery

    I have started running first thing in morning instead of at night and I can attest the fact that I do feel better and eat healthier when I start my day off with exercise! I am also more apt to work out if I go ahead and get it done before my day is started… too many excuses come up if I wait until evening but when I plan to go first thing, right out of bed… it is hard to think of an excuse at 5 a.m.!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      I totally agree with you!

  15. Shannon

    Love the photos! Piper and Aiden have grown so much the past few years and I know how you feel about just wanting them to stay the same age a little longer…

  16. Rachel

    My low- My parents had a major house fire and my brother, who is a single dad, got laid off. :/ My high- Being blessed enough to help them out 🙂 I had been feeling pretty down and when all that happened I realized how blessed I am!

  17. Danielle

    Oh my gosh–your daughter is your clone! Adorable!!

  18. Doug

    What is the played called that has Nerf wars? That looks like a great idea and a lot of fun! I am sure my nephew would love it, if there is something like it in my area. TIA!

  19. rebecca S.

    You, your mom, and piper look so much alike!

    My high is getting a great deal on Scrubbing bubbles all purpose cleaner today!
    Low is not getting any cleaning done today.

  20. Kellz

    Your children are very fortunate to have such a wonderful Mimi. My kids got robbed in the grandma department as BOTH of their grandmas are not very loving and grandmotherly. 🙁

  21. Melony

    My high last week was getting to go to CA for 5 days..my low? leaving cali weather and disney (and not getting to go on any rides..just downtown disney!)

  22. Terri K

    Our first grandchild is due in August and I hope I am called Mimi! I love that name. Blessings for your lovely family.

  23. Brandi @ Savvy Student Shopper

    I turn 21 on April 10th! And the weather here is beautiful 🙂

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Happy early Birthday… don’t party too hard! 😉

  24. Tammy

    You are not kidding when you say (moms rock) because my mom “ROCKS” also. I hope I have all the energy my mom has when I reach her age. Some times I wonder how she does it.

  25. Karina Hanson

    Thanks for sharing Collin. This makes me think of my highs and lows. My highs is that the weather is really nice and we had a picnic at the park on Sunday morning. My lows….I ‘m 35 weeks pregnant and I have not been able to sleep well at night in the last couple of days…..but at least I will have my mom over soon…. My mom also rocks 🙂

  26. Sarah

    Today was my 25th birthday, and my husband took the day off. I went to Target and to lunch while he watched the baby, and he made me a cake while he was gone. He also gave me some really thoughtful presents. Awesome day with no lows.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Happy 25th Birthday! 🙂

    • Jess

      This one is my favorite one Sarah. You must be very thankful for such a great husband. Sounds like a say I would love. Happy birthday!

      • Jess


  27. Ann

    You have super adorable Family!

    My high was that I cleaned my house on Sat, and celebrated my Son’s B-day on Sunday(which was on Sat) at the Zoo Naples,Fl then celebrated at Sweet Tomatoes and went Grocery Shopping at one of my Fav Stores Trader Joe’s!

    No Lows! Grace to God for such an amazing weekend!

  28. JL

    Blood work came back positive today- I am pregnant with my 3rd child! We are pulling for a girl! =)

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      How exciting!! Congrats!!! 😀

    • Ashley


    • Laura

      Congrats! Just had my first (a girl!) in Dec.

  29. Ashley

    My low for the past couple days has been that my 1 year old, 3 year old, and I are all sick. My poor 3 year old is really wheezy at night so I’ve barely slept the past 2 nights. My high is that we got to visit with our families a lot this weekend (and probably got them all sick…oops!).

  30. NUB

    My high today was watching your site and going to your YouTube secondary site it was very informative- love the videos. My second great part of the day was getting the Nail Colored Jewelry Box. It is amazing I love all the beautiful nail colors this will brighten my entire summer. Thank you so much for all this it makes my low part of my day seem not so bad. Have a great evening and thank you again for all the coupon advise and deals. I think I did the” I got something great dance” after the mailman left 😀

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You are most welcome! 🙂 And thanks for taking the time to leave such a sweet comment. I sure appreciate it and am so lucky to have you as a reader!

  31. Kris

    My high was rocking my 18 month old and my 2 week old to sleep tonight! Being a mom is so amazing!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)


    • Laura

      Congrats on your new baby! I became a mom this past December and I’m loving it!!

  32. Katie

    Colin, I love that you’re doing this. Thanks! We do it at our house as well and call it best and worst. I LOVE getting the insights into my kids’ days and feelings. And I’m always amazed at some of the conversations that arise from it. 🙂

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Yep… we do it with our kiddos too! It’s so fun to hear what they have to say.

  33. Sherry Awarf

    My Low is that while I was at my 3rd job(trying to pay house bills since my husband’s illness) my LD son answered the door & got served with a notice from Silverleaf resort saying they are sueing us for non-payment on the timeshare they conned us into a few years ago & wouldn’t buy back & we couldn’t sell:( The good news is that I know my God is with me & my family in everything!

  34. MommySpendsLess

    I played this “game” with my 3.5yo tonight at bedtime and she instantly got it. Her answers were all about her current trio of imaginary friends LOL but she seemed to like it and actually took two turns and wants to play tomorrow. If it becomes a nightly ritual, i should record/write them down to read back when she’s older.

  35. Heather C.

    Happy, HAPPY birthday on Friday Ayden! And what a big milestone for Miss Piper! 🙂 I remember when my daughter had her first real sleep-over last year, and that night I was thinking how FAST our babies grow up!

    My high for today was coaching my oldest daughter, Alayna’s, 10u fastpitch softball teams first practice of the season this afternoon! We all had a good time!

    My low- I’m experiencing right now, as I’m EXHAUSTED. Having 2 sick kiddos the end of last week and this weekend was rough. I can’t go to bed right now like I want to becasue I’m rocking my 18 month old, Ava, to sleep at the moment. And THEN I have to wrap my middle daughter’s birthday gifts. My Kayla will be 4 tomorrow! 🙂

  36. Tracy

    My high for the day was while shopping at Meijer a lady offered my husband and I a 10 dollar coupon for the pharmacy (you used it at the pharmacy when you get medication filled and it prints out $10 to the store). We was talking in the ride to Meijer how it would help stretch our weekly budget. Also in store we was able to score our son’s first Easter bib for next year for $0.90! With a tight budget and a baby on the way its totally worth putting up for next year. Who will know it was last season’s bib?

    Low for the day I had to go to the dentist and get a cavity filled and now can’t eat anything. Begin almost 8 months pregnant I can’t take anything for pain and it hurts too much to chew anything.

  37. Aimee

    My high for the day-going to my Mary Kay meeting & being encouraged by my awesome girlfriends 🙂 My low-I have wisdom teeth surgery tomorrow :-/ Ick!!

  38. Laura

    My high is seeing my sweet baby girl being super smiley today. She is 3 months and it melts my heart. My low is she went to bed SUPER late night so my husband and I didn’t get much time together. I shouldn’t be on here! LOL

  39. Sara

    My low- still dealing with the loss of my Grandpa last week. 🙁
    My high- I wrote that I lost my Grandpa in one of last weeks hi/lows comments. I read through tonight’s and went back through last weeks as well. I had no idea so many commented on my loss (even you Collin). Wow, I feel so loved by a community of people I don’t even know. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for my family. In a second of reading, you all made me smile through my tears.

  40. Melissa

    Collin, thanks for sharing your wonderful family with us. It has been great to watch your kiddos grow up and the love your family shares.

  41. T

    I moved out of my home of 7 yrs last Saturday, i got really sick, now my baby has pneumonia, my boyfriend broke up with me, my 9 yr keeps crying she wants to go home, she had to change schools, still haven’t unpacked, lots of lows. : ( My daughter will be going to a great school. I’m now 5 minutes from best friend. 40 minutes from my stupid ex husband. I saved $15 in coupons at the grocery store today. And remembered to get a rain check. Those are the only highs. : /

  42. Christine

    Today my high was cleaning the house and rearranging my 16 month olds toddler bed to fit in my bedroom with my 5 week olds pack n’ play. Low is the day is almost over..

  43. Takia

    My high is that I got a perfect score on my spanish exam. This is truely amazing since I got a 62 and a 79 on my last two exams. The teacher is an extremely strict grader and is just hard in general so I am grateful. My low is that because I spent so much time studying for the exam I am behind in my other course work. I am lucky the teacher is somewhat understanding and never docs for late work or even takes it for the matter. Unfortunately it doesn’t make me look good but sometimes you have to cut corners in other classes when your barely passing in the other.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Wow! Congrats on your Spanish exam. That’s awesome! 🙂

  44. susanna

    People like your mother are the reason I try to eat right and stay healthy. I never want to be one of those grandmothers who can’t get off the couch. I am able to have fun and play with my 6 and 7 year old and want to be able to do the same with my their 6 and 7 year olds. My mother can not walk at the age of 70 and it is very sad that all the kids can do with her is to sit and watch T.V.

  45. Tonya

    Thats awesome! My niece celebrated her 3rd birthday over the weekend too and I just LOVE seing my mom and dad run around with their grandkids. They are just the best and the kids adore them. Its a very wonderful thing to watch.

  46. karen

    My very LOW is my house was broken into on Thursday, and they stole money that was my sons, my extra set of house keys, my sons brand new $50 Nike lacrosse bag. I had to change all my locks and get a new window, now I’m afraid to leave my home 🙁

    I wish I had a high, this has been a very stressful time, I guess it could have been alot worse.

  47. Suszy

    I love this new segment. It makes me smile and cry every time I read it. It helps to keep things in perspective and not just focus on the negative things in life for me. Thanks so much for doing it! 😁

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You are most welcome… so glad to hear you are enjoying it! 🙂

    • Starla

      I agree Suszy, great comment.

  48. Jeanette R

    Your daughter looks just like you!

  49. Ketsy

    I am about 90% sure that were not celebrating my baby’s first birthday, hes the third child so its not a big deal for me… My husband on the other hand is upset. Its mostly a financial decision as I rather have a quier week\weekend for the family than spend money on others that may/may not appreciate it. On the fence so its my high / low.

    • Laura

      What about a small “party” with just your immediate family? That’s what I’m doing for my babys first bday.

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