Chipotle 20th Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: 380 Win Free Burritos for a Year + More (Register Now)
Calling all you Chipotle fans! Starting tomorrow, July 13th and running through July 31st, Chipotle is celebrating it’s 20th anniversary with a Treasure Hunt (a.k.a. an Adventurrito)! Each day, Chipotle will release a new puzzle, and every day but the 20th day they’ll choose 20 players at random to receive FREE Burritos for a Year (a $455 value)! Plus, if you correctly solve the first 19 puzzles, you’ll also get a shot at the Grand Prize on the 20th day as the first 20 people with the highest scores on the 20th puzzle win FREE Burritos for 20 years ($9,100 value)!
To make sure you are ready for tomorrow and to earn a Bonus Sweepstakes Entry, head over here and register. Then just be sure to check back tomorrow, July 13th, for the first quiz question. Good luck!
(Thanks, Stuff 4 Y’all and Freebie Finding Mom!)
Wow, free burritos for 20 yrs?? My husband would be in heaven
I love Chipoltle but does anyone else think it looks like the chest of burritos is farting? That is so perfect for burritos.
Where’s Colin’s ‘I pooped today’ shirt? Lol. 20 years of burritos may call for it. Hahahahah
I Love chipotle btw 🙂
i signed up for regular account. then signed in the game. i’m ready. i do wish they had a more smaller winners though because i don’t think i can use that many burritos myself!
Maddi, Hannah & Tori, you’ll never find it; however, I’ll l let you know how it feels to win. (each and every day!!)
where do you find the answers to the questions at?
I am also having a VERY hard time finding the answers. Any suggestions?
Are the videos supposed to help with the questions?
Porkutopia is day one answer
thank you 🙂
day 2 answer Lat: 48.872007, Lon: 2.340091
Thank you!!!
Thank you Stephen!!!
How do you guys find the answers? They are hard to find!
Can anyone help with question 3?
13, 2013, 20, 7305, 3, 2, 411, 140, 2, 20, 10, 20, 50, 2063….write them in exact order. Hope this helps.
I would like to know how to find the answers too. Not given to me but how to locate them on my own
Thank you! I think you need to be a genius to know these answers!
Any answers for #4?? Where do you find the answers?
I got it!!! Answer is “supersized pig on steroids” 🙂
You guys are good! These are so tricky and timely! Anyone have 5?
1 is usually when you roll something this good it’s illegal and 3 is open wide no, wider. Still trying to figure out the others.
2. The Happy Pill. Now in a 567,000 mg dose.
3. Open wide, no wider.
5. They beep when they backup.
How are you guys figuring them out?
Day 5 Answers:
1. Usually when you roll something this good, it’s illegal.
2. The Happy Pill. Now in a 567,000 mg dose.
3. Open wide, no wider.
4. The gourmet restaurant where you eat with your hands.
5. They beep when they backup.
Day 6 Answers:
Alex, Steve, Monty
Is no one going to tell all of us how to figure them out? I still need day 7 and 8 answers
Day 7:
Day 8:
Wiers Farm
Day 9:
All songs in today’s playlist came out in 1993 – the year Chipotle started.
Day 10: Guacamole