Moviefone Summer Movie Ticket Giveaway: 10,000 Win FREE Movie Tickets (I Won!)
Wow! Through September 3rd, head on over to the Moviefone website and enter your info for a chance to win the grand prize of FREE Movie Tickets for a year! After entering, you can click the “Play Game” link to see if you’re an instant winner of one of a whopping 10,000 FREE Movie Tickets in the form of a Fandango movie ticket code! Play once per day for a better chance at winning!
And by the way, I am pretty stoked as I actually won a FREE movie ticket! 😀 Hopefully quite a few of you will win too! Good luck!
(Thanks, Cindy!)
Didn’t win but I did win 50 song downloads from Budlight Music First!!!
not a
I won! Now waiting for my hubby to win so we can have a free date night.
good idea
Bummer. I don’t get a “Play Game” link.
That’s weird…I don’t get the “Play Game” link. (returning user–yesterday I didn’t win)
Didn’t win 2 days in a row for both my husband and I.
I won, I won! This was my second day playing. 🙂
Yay, I won!
I didn’t get the play a game link either! 🙁 Will try again tomorrow –
Has anyone got the code yet? I won a ticket on Saturday but no code in myailbox yet 😔
I won this morning and got the code in my mailbox within 15 minutes.
Tried to play 3 days in a row. No win yet.
Same but I’m pretty unlucky but I will keep trying.
Several days playing and haven’t one at all!
Won today! 3rd time playing.
I finally won on 8/29!! Yea.
Yay! Congrats! 😀
I know I stuck it out and it happened I was so happy!!