Kettle Chips Valentine Sweepstakes: 1,400 Win 5-Pack of Kettle Chips ($25 Value)
Through February 21st, head here, send a Kettle Chips EValentine and you’ll have the option to enter the Kettle Chips Valentine Sweepstakes. A total of 1,400 winners will be selected at random to each receive a Valentine 5 pack (five bags total of 3 Sriracha bags and 2 Sweet Chili Garlic bags) – a $25 value! Good luck!
Hey, where’d that Diabetes Management post go 🙂
I removed it as all the comments stated that it was not available. Sorry for the confusion!
No apology necessary 🙂 I was able to snag one though so thank you so much!
Happy Valentine’s Day :))
You too! 😀
Thanks Mrs. Hip. Have Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your family!!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you too! 😀
Collin I entered one of the chip sweepstakes that you posted last year and I WON !!! I was super surprised when the UPS man delivered a big box to my door FILLED with several bags of yummy chips!
Thanks for all the great deals and Freebies!!! You are awesome!!!!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you and your cute little family!
P.S We made the melted crayon hearts for my 6 year old to give out to his class on Valentine’s Day!