Rite Aid: FREE göt2b Styling Products Only $1.99
Rite Aid Shoppers!
Hop over to Plenti.com where you can earn additional Plenti Points when you activate the offers found here (offers do vary by customer). Be sure to check your account as you may be able to earn 200 Points when you buy one göt2b styling product (expires 11/5). To activate the Plenti offer, simply click on the “Activate Offer” tab. To easily locate this offer, look under the “Household Offers” tab.
göt2b Styling Product $3.99
Earn 200 Points when you buy one göt2b styling product = $2 – must activate Plenti offer
Final Cost $1.99!*
* Note that there is also a $2/1 göt2b styling product coupon found here or in the 10/2 RP BUT you cannot pair this offer with the Plenti offer!
Darn, looks like I don’t have that offer!
Bummer! 🙁
fyi mine was under household offers, not partner offers….
This is perfect timing! I need some product for a Halloween costume! Thanks Colin!
Awesome! YW!
Darn, I don’t seem to have the göt2b offer on my Plenti site.
If you don’t have it in your Plenti account check Saving Star. They have the same offer. Unfortunately at you can only use one or the other.
Went to RiteAid did the trasaction and earned NO 200 Points. Can anyone tell me why?
I activated offer used my card and got nothing.
Darn! Were you able to ask while in the store?
I did not get any Plenti points. I came home to investigate and read the fine print: Looks like you can’t use coupon.
*CONSUMER: LIMIT ONE (1) COUPON PER PURCHASE OF SPECIFIED PRODUCT AND QUANTITY STATED. DO NOT COMBINE WITH ANY OTHER COUPON(S). COUPON MAY NOT EXCEED VALUE OF ITEM PURCHASED. LIMIT OF FOUR (4) IDENTICAL COUPONS IN SAME SHOPPING TRIP. Void if expired, reproduced, altered, copied, sold, purchased, transferred, or exchanged to any person, firm, or group prior to store redemption, or where prohibited or restricted by law. Any other use constitutes fraud. You pay any sales tax. Not valid on special packs, trial or travel sizes. Item(s) may not be available at all stores. Coupon only valid in stores only.
So sorry for the confusion, Sarah! The post has been updated.