Anova Sous Vide Bluetooth Precision Cooker Possibly 50% Off at Target
If you’re heading by Target soon, make sure to keep an eye out for this Anova Sous Vide Bluetooth Precision Cooker on clearance for as low as $64.50 (regularly $129)!
This cooker can make the toughest of meats soft and juicy. You just use bags that have a seal, like Ziploc, and cook on a low temperature over a long period of time.
Check out this deal idea..
Anova Sous Vide Bluetooth Precision Cooker
As low as $64.50 (regularly $129)
DPCI# 072-10-0414
Hip Tip: Before heading out, click on the DPCI # listed above to check pricing and availability near you. Note that Brickseek is not always 100% accurate.
(Thanks, chenga57 for sharing this in our Hip2Share section!)
They are out of stock at every Target but one within 200miles of me. The price brickeek shows me is $38.70. Super great deal for anyone who snags one. My husband wants one really badly
Try sams club in store. Dunno brand but pretty sure not Bluetooth
When I found this, the target app also said it was out of stock when I scanned it with my phone, so if you live near close to a Target, it’s worth it to go and check it out! 😀
Thanks for the tip!
I found one for $38.70 at my store! Super excited! Can’t wait to try it. thanks for posting!
Awesome! You’re so welcome!
sams club had one for 49 on sale not bluetooth called power precision cooker. amazon sells them too
Thanks, bobo!
Check for other brands too – I got a $99.99 one for $49.98 on Saturday at my store. Can’t recall the brand.
Thanks for the tip!
This is most likely already sold out at most stores because it has been circulating around many deal sites. I was lucky and I got one for about $32 after 70% off and 15% cartwheel. However, there is another brand chefmate, I believe, on clearance as well. It is cheaper and it is more powerful. It is WiFi version, which turns out to be better.