Could the ToysRUs Brand Be Making a Comeback?

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ToysRUs brand Storefront – the brand could be making a comeback

It ain’t over ’til it’s over! 😮

Just when we thought the ToysRUs brand was gone forever, we’re given a glimmer of hope that they may make a comeback. According to the Wall Street Journal, a group of hedge funds in line to take control of ToysRUs is making plans to revive the business behind the company brand names.

ToysRUs Going Out of Business Sale Signs – Could the brand be making a comeback?

In fact, ToysRUs said in court papers that while it received qualified bids for assets, it has opted to forgo a bankruptcy auction for its brand name and other intellectual-property assets.

Instead, the proposed reorganization plan contemplates “a new, operating Toys ‘R’ Us and Babies ‘R’ Us branding company that maintains existing global license agreements and can invest in and create new, domestic, retail operating businesses” under the brand name. This means that the new retail stores will likely have a very different look than what we are used to – and what they previously had.

Journey Girls at ToysRUs is an example of toy the comeback brand might focus on

Plus, it appears that they’re also looking to push new brands internationally. According to a press release by Geoffrey, LLC, the reorganized brand could include a portfolio of over 20 well-known toy and baby brands, such as Imaginarium, Koala Baby, Fastlane, and Journey Girls.

Do you think ToysRUs will make a comeback?

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Comments 39

  1. Jamyules


  2. dbld amber

    please. cant have xmas without toyrus

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      I know! My son has said the same thing recently!

  3. Jem

    Bon-Ton/ Boston Stores are giving hints of making a comeback too.

    • Sara

      Yes, i would love that! Got an email today. But for now, it seems their online platform is being used for selling a big mash up of brands Bon-ton never even carried. I am assuming liquidator merchandise maybe or who knows. I know it takes time so I am hoping, hoping, hoping! It was my favorite place to shop…

      • Izetta

        I loved Elder-Beerman and am hoping they open stores and not just online.

  4. JMonte509

    Hopefully they do make a come back. Christmas shopping has been so hard without toys r us!!

    • Jaime

      What do you buy at TRU that you can’t find at Target, Walmart, or Amazon? genuinely asking, not being snarky. I have had zero issues with Christmas shopping without them, so just curious 🙂

      • Hollie

        Toys r us carried many of their own exclusive brands that were cost friendly. I also enjoy actually going to a store and looking at the variety to see what I’m purchasing over ordering online

      • Lo

        When my son liked wrestlers, they had a larger and better selection. I’m sure that was the case for other ( perhaps less popular) toys. They also had exclusives

      • Chantel

        They also had American Girl. There are very few AG stores and it is really nice to be able to go in store and see the items.

    • Crystl211

      My kiddo was crazy for the animal planet line and their other science related toys. Good selection and prices not really found elsewhere. They also carried specialty collector toys like Asian version Godzilla and Pacific rim figures also at reasonable prices. I’ve looked else where and where I could get these figures for $25 at TRU they 2-3x as much elsewhere.

  5. Glenda

    Yay! Geoffrey can go back to work! That picture of him and the suitcase, after the store closed, was very sad. I felt so bad.

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Aww, I agree. That was a sad pic. 🙁

  6. Cheyenne

    They always have a better selection but way overpriced. So I hope that have more competitive prices if they come back.

  7. Lej

    Yeah!!!! We can’t find a good selections of yo-yos for our daughter anywhere!!

  8. Sara

    I’m praying they come back!!! It’s so depressing that they’re gone from the world. Everyone keeps mentioning how “overpriced’ they are, I didn’t really think they were. They did price match, they did have coupons, utilize sales people!

    • Laura

      I agree with you! There have been times when TRU had lower prices than others on a certain item. And there was no beating the selection!

  9. Melissa Rice

    Hopefully my unused gift cards will have a new life!

  10. caroline

    I agree some are overpriced, some like Imaginarium are not expensive comparing to brand name products

  11. Hope

    If they have better prices and more modern stores, it could be a hit.

  12. tina


  13. Mille

    This sounds to me as if they will bring back some of the exclusive toys r us brands. I don’t think the stores are coming back.

    • ella

      I agree – it sounds more to me like they will have certain “brands” rather than opening stores like they had in the past. Their Journey Girls series were popular along with a few other exclusive brands that they carried.

      • Jessica

        Agree, almost like they will be Mattel with their different toy brands under them. Then the toys could be sold at different retailers.

        They would be manufacturers and distributors of their products. That sounds like a great business model to me.

  14. TiffMeow

    Yessssss!! Toys R us was a dream for my son, I would let my son run around test toys and find what he wanted!

  15. todd

    If they do, they better lower their prices to be more competitive.

  16. Cynthia

    How amazing would this be!! I hope it happens. Toys R Us is such a fun part of the holiday season.

  17. JMonte509

    I have a special needs child and she is very particular with her toys. Also, I use the site because my family is lower income and it helps me save so the layaway with the sensory sensitive toys is what I was referring to. Target and Amazon don’t have layaway and the Walmart in our area doesn’t have an impressive toys section. Hope that helps. 😄👍

  18. JMonte509

    Yes and thank you! I have a special needs child and TRU had hard to find toys as well as larger selections. Also, we are a low income family and hip2save helps us a lot, so with the hip2save alerts for TRU and layaway would make for a good Christmas for our children.

    • Holly (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      You are very welcome!

  19. Jessc

    Ugh— they made sure we all threw away our gift cards first though.

  20. Another Michelle

    Ugh. Just die already. It is a good thing when there is room to support small local businesses.

    • Another Michelle

      Also, any family which claims any toy is “hard to find” hasn’t learned yet how to utilize the Google machine. Ridiculous.

  21. Shelly Smith

    I think this is so wrong. What about the hundreds of people ( one being my Mom that was at Babies for over 15 years) losing their jobs 🙁

    • Megan

      33,000 people. My husband was also one of them.

  22. Brittany

    I would love this, especially before Christmas! My kids always looked forward to the sales magazine they would send out and make their Christmas list with it! It was like an exciting little magazine for kids!

  23. LisaK

    My kids are grown but I shop for my nieces. The only plus I see for toyrus was selection. They by far had more variety and usually inventory then other stores. Great for browsing with or without kids. But my nieces want very specific items now so I find shopping online gives me the best prices. Toyrus pricing (unless on sale) seemed to be higher. Clearly I’m at a different stage of life then most…if you have young kids going to the toy store is part of the experience.


    While I love the idea, I’m saddened that their previous employees received such a bad deal under the bankruptcy protection. It would be awesome if somehow they were compensated for the loss of benefits they suffered (i.e. Paid time off, retirements). As a consumer this is great, but as a friend to workers in my local store for the span of a 20 year old child to a now 3 year old child, not so great as news goes.

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