50% Off Bath & Body Works Items + Stackable 20% Off + Free Wallflower Refill & More

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For a limited time, head over to Bath & Body Works where select Fall items are on sale and marked at 50% off!

Even better, through October 28th, save an additional 20% off your entire purchase valid both in-store and online. If shopping online, use the code NEWSEASON at checkout to score 20% off your entire pruchase.

If you’re headed in-store, check your inbox for your free item coupon – it will be coming from an email titled “who says money doesn’t grow on trees? 🍃 take 20% off!” or “50% off select candles + an EXTRA 20% off = 😍” and from the email address bathandbodyworks@e2.bathandbodyworks.com.

Plus, today, October 24th only, you can score a FREE Wallflower Fragrance Refill with the purchase of select $10 Wallflowers Fragrance Plugs – no promo code needed.

Heading into your local store? Do these deals:

Buy one Bath & Body Works Wallflower $10 (regularly $12.50)
Buy one Bath & Body Works Fragrance Refill $6.50
Total = $16.50
Minus the automatic discount for free Wallflower refill
Use your unique 20% off coupon – check your inbox
Final cost $8 for both items!

Buy three Bath & Body Works Wallflowers $10 (regularly $12.50)
Buy three Bath & Body Works Fragrance Refills $3.50 (regularly $6.50)

Total = $40.50
Minus the automatic discount for free Wallflower refills
Use your unique 20% off coupon – check your inbox
Final cost $24 for all SIX items (over $56 value)!

Sparkly Unicorn Vent Clip Scentportable Holder $4.25 (regularly $8.50)
Use the code NEWSEASON (20% off)
Final Cost $3.40!

3-Wick Candle $12.25 (regularly $24.50)
Use the code NEWSEASON (20% off)
Final Cost $9.80!

Prefer to shop online? Grab this deal:

Buy three Bath & Body Works Wallflowers $10 each (regularly $12.50)
Buy three Bath & Body Works Fragrance Refills $6.50 each

Total = $49.50
Minus the automatic discount for free Wallflower refills
Enter the promo code NEWSEASON (20% Off)
Shipping is $5.99
Final cost $29.99 shipped for all SIX items (over $56 value)!

  • Shipping & Terms

    Bath and Body Works

    Shipping is a flat rate of $6.99 for orders over $10. Otherwise, shipping is $10.99.

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Comments 4

  1. Suzanne H

    Have mercy on me – no more BBW deals!!!! I’ve purchased 3 times now. Thankfully, several items are Xmas gifts!

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      I can relate! I find these Bath & Body Works deals hard to resist too! SO glad you have been able to stock up on some great gifts with all of the recent deals! πŸ˜‰

  2. Nicole

    FYI, my email from Bath & Body Works with the 20% off coupon was titled “50% off select candles + an extra 20% off” πŸ™‚

    • Amber (Hip2Save Sidekick)

      Thanks for mentioning that, Nicole! My email had the same title! I just added that to the post!

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