Love Freebies & Deals? Sign Up for Hip2Save’s HOT Text Alerts
If you get frustrated when you miss out on time-sensitive hot deals and freebies, be sure to sign up for Hip2Save’s HOT text messages to save money and get alerted just as soon as a hot deal pops up!
We post upwards of 50+ deals per day on with a varying amount of HOT deals. These HOT deals are often freebies, time-sensitive online promos, and printable coupons that expire quickly (like high value coupons with a limited number of prints or freebies that are only available to the first 10,000).
How to get text messages for HOT Hip2Save deals:
- Text “Hip2Save” to 41411.
- That’s it! You’ll now be alerted via text whenever a Hot deal is posted.
- To stop receiving text messages, simply text “STOP” to 41411.
- Note that standard text messaging rates will apply.
Haven’t downloaded the Hip2Save app yet?
You can easily download our FREE money-saving app by texting “HIPAPP” to 41411 and clicking the link in the welcome message. The link will then direct you to our Hip2Save app in the Apple or Android store based on your device.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have limited text messaging with your current phone plan, you may not want to sign up for these text alerts as the number of text messages will vary daily. We cannot make any guarantee regarding the number of text messages that you will receive.
$.25 Christmas and holiday items at Dollar General today.
Ooh! Great find, Sarah! We’ll have to check for that in our stores too! Thanks for sharing!
It is so worth it. Sign up. I got the 50 cents off a gallon with any purchase kroger gift card that was only available to download for 24 hours because Hip2Save listed it. KrogerKrazy listed it to late not knowing it was only available for 24 hours. Thank you Hip2Save
You’re very welcome! SO glad you have been loving the HOT text alerts! Thanks for the sweet feedback!
love love this but I haven’t gotten a text in a very long while??
Oh darn! Maybe try signing up again OR text STOP and then try once more. Let us know if that does not help!
Our city’s transit system uses the text 41411. Weird that I’m going to text subway times — and be getting text alerts from you. Is this normal.