How to Make a DIY Pumpkin Bird Feeder
This DIY pumpkin bird feeder is a super fun activity for the whole family.
Looking for a unique way to use pumpkins?
We’ve found a unique way to use a pumpkin as a bird feeder. Here’s an easy DIY that the whole family can get involved in. This adorable pumpkin bird feeder DIY won’t take long to attract some lovely visitors, too.
If using a newer pumpkin, you can use the seeds to make delicious roasted pumpkin seeds. This won’t last forever, especially since pumpkins tend to mold semi-quickly, but you will get around a week or two out of your pumpkins. Plus, it’s a fun and creative DIY!
Hip Tips for making a Pumpkin Bird Feeder:
- As mentioned above, pumpkins do go bad pretty quickly, so don’t plan on this being a long-term feeder for birds. Once it molds, throw it away!
- Small to medium size pumpkins are going to work the best since they aren’t too heavy.
- Aside from your pumpkin, tools, and bird seeds, all you need is Jute rope, Wooden rods, and U-shape fence nails.
- You will be using 4 u-shape fence nails. You might have a few in the garage, but you can also get them at Home Depot for a great price!
- When tying the rope, ensure you cross it evenly along the bottom of the pumpkin. Otherwise, the weight won’t be evenly distributed.
Pumpkin Bird Feeder
PrintSupplies Needed
- Small/Medium size pumpkin
- Knife
- Spoon
- Hammer
- Jute rope
- Wooden rods
- U-shape fence nails
- Bird Seed
Cut pumpkin 1/3 way down from the top all the way through.

Scoop out all the seeds and clean out the middle. Discard the top.

Add 12″ wooden rods to the pumpkin easily with a hammer as shown.

Crisscross rods like so. Now turn the pumpkin upside down.

Gently hammer a u-shape fence nail into the bottom of the pumpkin but keeping enough space to let the rope pass through. Hammer in these fence nails on all 4 sides of the bottom of the pumpkin.

Pass the rope through the u-shape fence nails. You will want to leave 3 feet of rope on each side to give you enough rope to hang once done.

Make sure you crisscross the rope. I did not want all the weight on the wooden rods so this helps balance the pumpkin evenly.

You can wrap each rope around the rod to secure the placement.

No tieing is required. Now it’s time to hang it up.

Gather all the ropes and make a knot at the top to secure everything in its place.

You can hang this off a hook on your porch or even on a tree.

How cute is this bird feeder?!
This was so fun and easy for the whole family. And I’m sure the birds will love it just as much as we did making it. When you do purchase a bird feeder, there are so many options, but an affordable one worth noting is this one from Dollar Tree that has great reviews!
We have the simplest homemade hummingbird food recipe!
I am so doing this with our pumpkins after the season! What a GREAT idea!
Such a smart idea! Thanks
This is such a cute idea! I always get way too many pumpkins to bake all of them anyway.
Love this idea!
Hello rats and rodents😬
…and mold
Yeah, and that’s going to start stinking really quick.
So cute. Wish it wasn’t illegal to feed birds in the city I live in. At least I can find hummingbirds.
What city is that?
Please don’t do this. The bird seed will grow mold from sitting in a wet pumpkin and this will kill the birds.