This Dryer Lint Cleaner Helps Prevent House Fires & It’s on Sale!

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Your family’s safety is important, so get a dryer lint cleaner!

blue lint lizard dryer lint cleaner on tip of dryer with laundry products

Home should be your safe place.

Regardless of how many gadgets you use to organize your laundry room, there’s one thing many homeowners don’t do – properly clean out the lint dryer! I’m sharing a product I love to get the job done right so you can help prevent any possible house fires.

It’s the perfect way to keep your home safe in between professional cleanings. Plus, it will even help save you money!

Let’s first talk about why it’s important to clean your dryer thoroughly:

balls of lint laying on tile floor

According to the U.S. Fire Administration:

  • 2,900 home clothes dryer fires are reported each year and cause an estimated 5 deaths, 100 injuries, and $35 million in property loss.
  • Failure to clean the dryer (34%) is the leading cause of home clothes dryer fires.
  • More home clothes dryer fires occur in the fall and winter months, peaking in January.

Talk about a hazard! Angela got hers professionally cleaned and just look at the before and after photos:

before and after lint cleaning

Here’s what I use to properly clean my dryer at home & it’s on sale…

lint lizard in dryer

Dryer Vent Cleaner Kit – $9.34 (regularly $19.99)

This dryer vent cleaner is simple to use and easily attaches to most vacuums. All you have to do is insert it into your lint vent opening and let it suck up lint build-up! Here’s what it will do for you:

  • Removes lint buildup from dryer vents.
  • Decreases the dry time by up to 15 minutes with regular use on your dryer (i.e. – saves you money!). 
  • Reaches where regular vacuums can’t and provides deep cleaning.
  • Contributes to proper dryer maintenance.

blue dryer lint cleaner attachment on vacuum wand with dryer in background

I purchased this dryer vent cleaner last year after having my dryer vent system professionally cleaned and learning about the risk of dryer fires. I have always been diligent about cleaning out my dryer lint by hand before every new load I toss in, BUT I was always frustrated about the lint that I could not reach and remove.

lint lizard in dryer

This was an affordable and super easy solution for me since it simply attaches to my vacuum cleaner hose (I use a central vac system) and quickly removes the excess lint by sucking it right out and into my vacuum system.

It is also a great attachment to use when vacuuming hard-to-reach areas in your home (like small cracks/under the fridge etc) and/or in your car (under the seats). I would say that the only downfall is the tube is so bendable/flexible that sometimes it can be hard to point it in the right direction, but they’ve since included a metal rod to assist in getting your dryer lint cleaner where it needs to go! 👏

It’s an ideal tool for keeping the house safe between professional cleanings, and a no-brainer to scoop up while it’s so cheap!

Still not convinced? Here’s what Consumer Reports says about a similar dryer vent cleaner:

What they checked:

“In one dryer, we collected and weighed the lint removed by each of three methods we tried in succession. First, we took apart ductwork and removed lint by reaching into nooks and crannies with our hands. Then we used a vacuum cleaner and crevice tool. Then we used the Lint Lizard. In a second dryer, we simply compared the amount of lint collected by a vacuum cleaner plus crevice tool with the haul collected by Lint Lizard.”

Their verdict: 

It’s almost like a magic wand! Our reaching hands removed 8 grams of lint; a vacuum cleaner and crevice tool managed to suck up another 4 grams. And the Lint Lizard? Another 15 grams. In the second dryer, a crevice tool and vacuum cleaner removed just 0.3 grams of lint, after which Lint Lizard gulped 52 grams.

Drawbacks: The Lizard’s sharply angled tip and curved hose made it miss a bit of lint in some nooks and on some surfaces, and it may not fit into very narrow openings in some dryers. Its sharp tip could also harm plastic ductwork (but it’s best to have metal dryer ducts).”

Here’s what others say about their dryer vent cleaner:

blue hose with lint and hair inside of dryer vent

“This is an excellent product which eliminates the necessity to spend big bucks to have a tech do the same job!”  – Bonnie ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“Works as advertised and it pulled a lot of lint out of two different model dryers.” – Roger ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

“I pulled out soooo much lint from my dryer! I attached it to my shop vac and it got all of it. Some of the bigger pieces will clog it but it’s easy to just pull it out of the lint lizard and remove it by hand.” – Stan ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Get that laundry room organized with these clever & unique products.

About the writer:

Bryn has spent the last 10 years writing about coupons, freebies, and Amazon deals. She is mortgage-free and holds a Bachelors of Science in Nursing and Education. Connect with Bryn on LinkedIn

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Comments 47

  1. Lora

    Thank you for this timely post. I was using chopsticks to remove the hard-to-reach lint in my dryer vent and thinking that there has to be a better way. Thanks again!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re so welcome, Lora! Glad you can switch to this tool instead of the chopsticks!

  2. Karbear52

    Wow, awesome…!!! I just ordered mine from my local target and it was the last one in stock…!! Thanks hipsters, you guys are awesome…!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Oh good! You’re SO welcome! Thanks for the sweet comment! πŸ’•

  3. Amber

    My dryer stopped working a couple months ago. I opened it up to see what parts I needed and was surprised at the amount of lint and dog hair EVERYWHERE, not just the lint trap. The ignition coil was somewhat covered but my gosh the lint was awfully close to it. It covered the entire bottom of the dryer and when I took the drum out there was some stuck between the drum and the screwed on drum mount (in all the holes where the hot air escapes). This is definitely a great product but if you can YouTube videos of your dryer model and see how to open it, I would definitely recommend giving it a thorough clean out.

    • Radtechie

      Recommend that as well. It takes me less than 30 min to take off the back of the dryer, take out the vent and clean everything. It’s recommended to do this once a year.

  4. Alex

    Thanks for sharing- I actually grabbed one of these brand new at a discount store we have (Dirt Cheap) on a whim at 90% off!! So I paid $1.50 but haven’t used it yet- looks like today is the day AND I can’t wait to show my husband one of my splurges paid off 😁 (he is also a volunteer fireman so makes it even better)

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      SWEET! You’re very welcome, Alex! πŸ™Œ

  5. JenniferS

    Me too with the vent on the top of dryer. I’m diligent with cleaning lint off vent before drying the next time. Any solutions for this different vent location.

    • Joy

      I am going to try this tonight! What a great idea!

  6. HBee

    Yes! Please clean your dryer hose going all the way out of the house. My dryer was not working and my hubs went to check, well, there was lint stuck all up in that hose going under the basement, it was EYE OPENING. The Lord protected us from our own stupidity. PLEASE CHECK! This was a major fire hazard that was avoided only because I asked for a new dryer. Lint Lizard is a good start, but please get someone to check that hose that goes from the dryer to where it exits the house.

    • a

      Yes, thank you Hip2Save for sharing this important reminder that many don’t know about. We cleaned out our hose that leads from the dryer to outside and were shocked at how much lint was trapped. Now we will be cleaning out more frequently.

  7. Ang

    I love mine! I’m always disgusted by what comes out!

  8. Tracy

    OK, I purchased online at Bed Bath & Beyond and picked up on my lunch break. I will be trying this tonight. Thank you!!

  9. Becks

    My neighbors house started on fire because of this! So scary! It was at night, they all got out but barely & they lost the entire house!

  10. Jessica

    We’re switching to ventless dryer because of the fire hazard. Our vent that goes outside makes too many turns that we can’t physically clean the vent thoroughly. We just bought the house and relocating the vent would be costly and a headache. The cost to have a professional come and do it every so often would equal the cost of us getting a ventless dryer.

    Also, leaf blower does work if the vents leading out doesn’t have so many turns. We did this in our old house.

    • Kathleen

      I was coming to say that we use our wet/dry vac and just blow from the hole in the floor, and it just goes outside where I can collect it all

    • Sylvia

      Thanks for the tip with the leaf blower

  11. Lori

    I was so excited to find one at goodwill today for $1 after reading this! Thank y’all so much! I always clean the lint screen but never really gave much thought to the rest of the dryer.

  12. Julie

    I just purchased one today at Rite Aid for under $7. I’m anxious to give it a try!

  13. Jenny

    This is a great post to warn people of the dangers of dryer lint. My Mom noticed some condensation stains on her basement drop tile ceiling. When we pulled a tile off and looked, we found the whole area covered in dryer lint! There was a hole in the dryer vent coil. It had been building up between the floor and ceiling. It was a major fire hazard. Thank goodness we caught it in time. None of us had any idea.

  14. Steph

    The house we purchased back in 2009 was built in 2000. We were here a few years and I like most people cleaned my dryer vent regularly. The dryer started to take longer and longer to dry a load of clothes. We went into our basement and took apart the piping/dryer venting and OMG. Not only was it caked up completely with lint and such but it was holding so much moisture in it that water was on the basement floor when we tried to clean it. We went to Lowes and for under $50 purchased all new piping and connectors and hooked it up in only a few hours. Yes clean your dryer vent but don’t forget to clean or check the rest.

  15. Amber

    I duct tape part of an old air hose to my vacuum attachment.

    • Tina

      That’s exactly that I’m doing. No need to have extra things laying around!


    My husband thought I had purchased another random gadget, then he used it and thanked me. Every time our dryer starts to take longer to dry, we get it out and clean inside the dryer and the dryer vent. Definitely recommend.

  17. Rachel Pearson

    I worked in the office for a fire and water restoration company for over four years and we saw so many eye opening issues that could have been avoided. This is one. In addition to this, don’t ever let the dryer run while you’re asleep or not at home. If it does still catch fire, at least someone is at home and awake to cal for help. Also, another great thing to do for your home to avoid costly damage is to inspect your ice maker line every year and make sure it is working properly and doesn’t need repairs. It was shocking how many homes had over $10,000 or more in damage just because the ice maker line busted.

    • Melanie

      Thanks for the tip Rachel. Never knew we should be checking that!

  18. Karen Knight

    Sounds crazy but once a year we completely detach our dryer from the vent going outside and duct tape the end of my husbands Echo backpack leaf blower to the vent. We open the windows and doors inside the house to let the exhaust fumes out and he hits the power button full throttle. The first time we did it it looked like it was snowing outside where our vent comes out. We also have a brush that attaches to his cordless screwdriver that we use as well.

  19. susanwalters

    I think this is a great post – But I also believe 2 things make a difference . . . How far the dryer verts to the outside and pets. Our dryer to the outside vent is 6 feet at most. We also have no pets but a house of 5 girls with long hair. After hearing all of these horror stories of what people find, last October I had the guy come out to do ours. After 20 years of living in this house with the same dryer, there was NOTHING there. Absolutely nothing. Granted I am a stickler for cleaning the vent each time, but the guy said that it was due to the distance of the dryer location to the outside vent. He changed out the hose since I had to pay for the service call anyway as they now had a better version, but otherwise – – NOTHING.

    • PrincessMom

      You were lucky. We have a vent straight out the wall behind the dryer, can’t be more than 3′ long, and it always has lint and hair in it when it’s cleaned (yearly). We’ve also had an issue where a critter (probably a squirrel) got in there–knocked the cap off the side of the house and climbed right into the vent.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Aww, You’re SO very welcome! Super glad this has been helpful! πŸ€—πŸ’–

  20. Brigitte

    Just a heads up, it makes a very high pitched squealing noise when you use this.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks so much for that feedback, Brigitte! πŸ’•

  21. TiffMeow

    Love my lint lizard! I use it for those hard spots in my car when I vacuum!

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      Great idea! Thanks so much for sharing! πŸ™ŒπŸ’ž

  22. Debra

    For one, fabric softener.

    • Paulina

      I haven’t used any fabric softener or dryer sheets for over 10 years, just plain white vinegar does a much better work without the toxins and residue

  23. Lisa


  24. Melanie

    Great post! I bought this a while back and love it. Just make sure to check the ducts occasionally also. As others have said, it is also great for other hard-to-reach places such as car crevices and under the refrigerator and oven.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for the feedback, Melanie! SO glad you’ve found this to be helpful too! β€οΈπŸ™Œ

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Aww, You’re very welcome, Kristi! Thanks a ton for your kind words. πŸ₯° Super glad this will be so helpful to so many. πŸ’žπŸ€—

  25. Lisa

    Thank you for posting this. I just ordered one. I am also going to try to use it in my air conditioner vents. I might not be able to reach far , but anything helps.

    • Jessica (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re welcome, Lisa! Hoping it helps with your AC vents too! πŸ€žπŸ’“

  26. Lisa

    Not related to this post. How do I get to all the lightning deals on amazon? There used to be a heading and there isn’t anymore. When I type it in the search it just gives me some deals.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Hi Lisa! I just found these details for you if helpful! “Lightning Deals can be found throughout Amazon, and are available on the Today’s Deals or Prime Day* page.”

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