The 5 Habits I Follow to Keep my Kitchen Spotless Every Day
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Want your kitchen to be goals?
Kitchens are the heart of everyone’s home. They’re also (more than likely) the most used space in your house. Try these five simple tips and ideas I use every day to keep my kitchen totally clean and spotless!
1. Clean fingerprints from appliances.
Between spills on the cooktop, going in and out of the refrigerator, and marks left on the microwave, fingerprints accumulate pretty quickly! And since those appliances are the main focal point of the kitchen, I always make sure ours are shiny, clean, and free of fingerprints.
Hip Tip: Lina shared how she gets rid of fingerprints on her stainless steel for good!
2. Put odds and ends where they belong.
My kitchen becomes everyone’s dumping ground for all things homework, mail, you name it! Throughout the day, I take a few minutes to put things where they belong so the counters are clean and clutter-free before it gets out of control!
I even decluttered my counters by using these to organize my junk drawer and was also able to throw out my old, bulky knife block!
Hip Tip: Lina shared her 8 easy strategies to clean out and organize her pantry!
3. Clean up all the dishes after each meal.
I’ve never met someone who complains about a clean sink. After each meal, no matter how big or small, everything gets washed or put into the dishwasher so my sink looks sleek and clean.
Hip Tip: We’re huge fans of this drying rack that rolls up for convenient storage.
4. Clean up crumbs.
Whether spilling food on the floor during meal prep or finding toast crumbs on my countertop, if I see any crumbs, I grab a broom to sweep up the floor or microfiber cloth to clear the counter.
Hip Tip: Check out our favorite steam mops to use on floors (plus, one we really don’t like).
5. Push in your bar stools.
This is one of the easiest ways to help your kitchen look cleaner, and it involves no cleaning at all! A straight and tidy lineup of beautiful bar stools really does pull a kitchen together. 😍
Check out these 10 kitchen gadgets you didn’t even know you needed until right now!
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