This Under $15 Gadget Saved My Couch & I Can’t Stop Using It

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hands holding open fabric shaver with tons of lint

Let me tell you a quick story…

I have a beautiful couch from Article (it’s an online furniture company that sells affordable and quality modern furniture). I’ve had the couch for almost a year, but I started to notice unsightly pilling only 3 months after owning it. 😬

using fabric pillar gadget on couch

This less than a year-old couch should not have its fabric deteriorating already. So, as most people would do, I reached out to Article’s customer service to let them know about my annoying situation. After explaining the condition of the fabric and submitting pictures, I very quickly heard back from a lovely Article representative named Kim…

She informed me that many fabric upholstered couches and chairs have a tendency to pill due to the loose fibers moving to the surface of the fabric. Then, due to friction, the loose fibers can twist together into pill balls.

Then Kim made a suggestion…

beautural fabric shaver from amazon

Use a glorious fabric shaver to easily remove the pilling! 😱 To top it off, she offered a partial refund of $50 to cover the cost of one of the small machines – which was more than enough!

I ended up purchasing this Beautural Fabric Shaver and Lint Remover for just $12.97, so it was more than covered by the $50 reimbursement. I was so curious if this little thing would actually work. 🤔

To my delight, the lint shaver totally transformed my couch! 

Here’s the before…

close up of pilling on couch cushion

Here’s the after…

close up of grey couch cushion

Here’s what was inside my fabric shaver…

lint chamber full of pills from couch

Not only was the fabric shaver super easy to use, but I can’t believe how well it worked in removing the pill balls from the fabric! It completely filled the lint chamber after using it on the cushions—easy peasy! It’s almost addicting to watch the fabric literally transform before your eyes. 😍

My sister Bryn loves the gadget just as much as I do!

using fabric shaver on couch

Her couch was having the same pilling issue as I was experiencing, so she tried out the shaver as well to remove the dark pilling fibers.

Again…it worked wonders!

bryn's couch after de-pilling with fabric shaver

The couch fabric looks brand new, and it only took this small machine and a few minutes to restore it to a pristine condition.

What’s even more amazing is that this product can also be used on blankets, sweaters, leggings, or any other fabric that’s starting to become a bit fuzzy.

My team member Emily went to town on all her sweaters with the same fabric shaver:

cream sweater laying flat on table with fabric shaver

“If there’s anything you should be buying for your wardrobe, it’s not more clothes… it’s this fabric shaver! I never realized how dingy my clothes looked (and it wasn’t because they were dirty), it was the fuzzy and pill-prone fabrics showing too much wear. All of my sweaters and even some of my finer knit shirts look BRAND NEW thanks to this little gadget!

As someone who gets a lot of her clothes secondhand, I love that within a few minutes, I can make my pieces look good as new. I will say the batteries wear out somewhat quickly (I had to replace them after using the highest speed for an hour of de-fuzzing nearly 10 sweaters 😂) but it makes sense given how well the fabric shaver does its job.

I also love that it comes with a second blade replacement so that I can continue using this device after the included blade dulls… though I don’t see that happening any time soon. My only regret is not buying this fabric shaver sooner and I’ve been wearing these sweaters thinking they looked decent until I saw how much better they looked after de-pilling and de-fuzzing. You won’t catch me out ever again with another less-than-perfect top!”

And now Sara on our team is totally sold on the fabric shaver too!

before and after of navy blue romper on bed with fabric shaver tool

“Apparently everyone knew about these fabric shavers before me and now I’m completely obsessed with this little gadget! I’ve been going to town on all my piled pieces of clothing and I cannot express how excited I am to have some of my favorite pieces (like this romper) being brought back to life! It’s absolutely incredible what it can do and so simple to use!

I’ve previously used razors to get off piling but I normally get too impatient and end up knicking the fabric and getting holes in clothes which then end up getting recycled and I’m left frustrated. Now with this fabric tool, I can quickly go over seams, edges, zippers, you name it and everything just comes out looking so perfect and new! If you have piling that’s driving you nuts, I promise you will love having this gadget around!”

My overall verdict: 

All in all, my couch is back to looking brand new thanks to this handy pilling tool recommended by Article’s customer service. Now I’m looking for items around my house to start my next de-pilling project! 🤗

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Comments 37

  1. Lisa

    Does anyone have something to save my faux leather couch from peeling and splitting?

    • SergeantSaver

      Mine did the same, but thankfully it didn’t get bad until 5 years. I know they are supposed to be kept out of direct sunlight, but once they start peeling it just gets worse. So sorry you’ve spent all this money and then this…

    • rochellemcgee

      Nope. A good friend of mine owns a leather and fabric restoration company and came over to look at my rarely used couch that started peeling just a year into owning it. You can’t save bonded leather because it’s just a bunch of leather shreds held together with polyurethane and pasted onto a fiber backer. You’ll have to reupholster the furniture (usually more costly than what you paid for the original piece) or replace it. If there was ever a class action suit that needed to happen, it’s that one…

    • JC

      I had the same problem & didn’t want to replace the couch. I bought fabric covers on Amazon

  2. ATM

    oh noo thats the worst, I had 2 of those and sofas within a 2 year period they all peeled horribly, the company told me it was normal wear and tear since they’re not real leather sofas and that it wasn’t covered by the extra insurance had paid. They do sell a conditioner in order to avoid peeling but didn’t work for me, so no more faux leather sofas for me.. now I own a fabric and love it.

  3. Taya

    Got one of these and like it! Got it for being a product tester!

    • Sandy

      What company do you use to sign up for testing. ? Thanks

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      How neat! Glad you are liking yours too, Taya!

    • Momof7

      I would love what you went through to be a tester. I’ve tested several things as well.

  4. Jessica

    This one takes me back! I used to use these back in the day for all my sweaters, they really do work wonders! Lol

    • cindyhughes18

      Yes! My mom did too!

  5. juma

    I have a fabric shaver that I use for these types of issues and I love it. Never would have thought that I would need it so much but I wouldn’t part with it. It’s also good on socks and towels. Great article and priceless information.

  6. krystalknight

    Hahah! I just asked/got one of these for x mas! I love them! We had one when I was in hs. My sister took it to college and it got dropped and broke the plastic collection piece. Glad to have a new one(10 yrs Later!)

    • Tiggy

      I started using one of those 30 years ago! I thought everyone knew about them.

  7. Kristen

    Thank you for posting this! My couch from West Elm is starting to do the same thing and I have several sweaters that would benefit from this too! Ordered one and so excited to try it out! Thanks again!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      Yay! You’re SO welcome, Kristen! Happy you could grab it! Hope you love it!

  8. Jewel

    I have spots where the kitten has pulled out fibers on my couch, but I’m afraid a fabric shaver would create holes…any suggestions?

  9. Meg

    I love my fabric shaver, also there are plug in versions, nice to not go through so many batteries!

  10. ~Ann

    I ordered one to give it a try. My couch started looking very sad within a few months of buying it. Hopefully this will help. Thanks for the suggestion.

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re welcome, Ann! Hope this helps!

  11. Allison

    Yes! I got a “defuzzer” what my kids call it for Christmas and it is awesome! It has three levels. I was amazed at how awesome it worked on all my sweaters!! I wish I would have gotten one sooner!

  12. Kay

    Dear H2S, pls post more topics bout neat gadgets to try like this one. Often wonder what I’m missing out on that would make life easier. Although we Hip2Savers r a frugal fam, the gadgets don’t have to necessarily b inexpensive. If they really work well, I won’t mind the price. Just want recommendations. Thanks.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      You’re welcome! Thanks so much for the request, Kay! I like useful gadgets too! I’ll be sure to pass this along to the team!

  13. laura

    We had one in the 80s my mom used it on everything. This is not a new thing. I am glad you are all getting to experience this little gem.

  14. Laura

    Jewel, try using a needle to poke the ends back into the fabric.

  15. je

    just don’t go too happy with it because you can end up getting a hole on your fabric.

  16. Melissa

    We have the same couch from Article and I was so unhappy after it starting pilling. Going to buy this right now!!

  17. Diana

    Oh wow! I have personalized pillows from shutterfly that have this pilling pretty bad. I was going to throw them away and just order more. But now i will try this! Thanks h2s!! 🤗🤗

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re very welcome, Diana! Hoping it works well on your pillows!

  18. Pat

    That’s why I love 100% cotton for everything, no pilling!

  19. Lu

    I have a shaver and Just a word of caution – if you press too hard on an edge (like trying to get pills off the cuff or hem of a sweater) or if your fabric is not taut the shaver can make a little cut into the fabric. I damaged a few items this way when I was first learning to use mine. You want to avoid any fabric being able to go up into the small holes in the plate of the shaver. I recommend keeping the sweater very flat and tight, and also tread lightly on the piping of the couch cushions.

  20. sara

    I love to us mine on my pea coats, especially under the armpits area

  21. Haley

    Does anyone have any solutions for when the arms of couches/chairs go flat?

  22. fly2sky

    the link goes to one no longer available


    I just use a disposable razor.

  24. markiesluv

    I ordered this and realized it was a different brand of shaver. I learned years ago that they are definitely not all created equal. I found the Beaunatural on Amazon for $9.74. I cancelled the other one no problem, Eager for this to arrive. Thanks for the great review. It will be nice to have one that works!!

    • Collin (Mrs. Hip)

      You’re so welcome! Hope you love it!

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