To Hire or Not To Hire: Is Hiring A Cleaning Person Worth The Money?

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Should you spend money on a cleaner?

Everyone has their own opinion on the subject of hiring out help. We asked our Hip2BeHome team whether or not they have a cleaning person come to their home and if so, for what reasons. For some, the time and stress it frees up is totally worth the cost. On the other hand, some prefer to clean themselves and use the money elsewhere.

To help you make the decision for yourself, we highlighted pros and cons of cleaning services, along with some tips for hiring a pro.

A case for having an extra hand:

woman using microfiber cloth to clean stainless steel faucet

More time to spend with family and friends.

Cleaning can take hours, sometimes even days, depending on the size and thoroughness desired for the task. While having a clean home is important, studies suggest family time should take priority. It’s simple — the less time you spend cleaning up after your family, the more time you have to enjoy their company.

“For me, the cost of having her clean (just once every 2 weeks) is so worth it! It gives me more time to focus on my family and myself versus spending hours cleaning on the weekend.” — Bryn

“They are great and really do free up your time so you can spend it with family.” — Mary

Less stress for the person who typically cleans.

Whether you work in an office, work from home, or work for your family, not many people are excited about cleaning at the end of the day. Having hired help takes away the burden and stress of doing the job yourself.

“It’s totally worth it! She does all my deep cleaning, toilets, three bathrooms, huge kitchen floor, dining floor — basically all the big icky stuff I don’t want to do. And I would never give her up. I would CRY forever if she quit.” — Jennifer

“I think when you work full time and so does your hubby, it’s just something worth working into the budget — it’s for your sanity! I’m totally one of those people, where if my house is dirty, I shut down. Just not caring is not an option for me!” — Amber

“I work only part-time, and everyone in my family is capable, but I’m never ashamed to let people know I hire a couple awesome ladies to do the work I hate doing!” — Susan

Reduced friction between spouses.

Having a cleaning person makes “Whose turn is it to clean the toilet?” a thing of the past, since cleaning up after each other’s not-so-pleasant side can sometimes put a wedge in the relationship. It also frees up more quality time together!

“It’s been a lifesaver for me, so I can focus on work and family time. I also kind of think it’s helped my marriage, LOL! My cleaners are worth every penny and have been with me for a couple years. ❤️” — Lina

A case for saving your money.

irobot roomba robot vacuum cleaner

Not spending time “preparing” for the cleaning person.

It’s kind of like washing the dishes before you put them in the dishwasher — sometimes you have to clean before the cleaning person, well, cleans! During the time it takes to organize and prep your space, you may as well have done the full cleaning yourself.

“I’d have to run around and pick up everything before the maid came to make sure she didn’t spend an inordinate amount of time doing that instead of actual cleaning.” — Rockstar

“At my brother-in-law’s house, they had a maid service come in weekly. They spent about 2-3 hours doing the very basic things like vacuuming and mopping, and their house was pretty clean to start with. I was never impressed after they left.” — Pharmchick

Extra cash for fun and family activities.

It’s definitely not cheap to hire out for a cleaning service, so think of what else you could be spending your money on — dinners out, fun activities, even vacations! Does the value of the cleaning person measure up to what else you could be spending the money on?

We book a trip at an expensive resort around twice a year, sometimes three. It’s nice not to have to worry about deals or doing anything for yourself during those trips like fixing your own meals, finding transportation, etc. Getting something that is pretty much all-inclusive or close to it, is a great splurge feeling 🙂  — Angela-Miles

Peace of mind not having a stranger in the home.

woman using microfiber cloth to clean stainless steel fridge

You’ll more than likely have a background check on the person who will be cleaning your home, but for some, the thought of an unknown person in the house can still be unsettling. Tackling the cleaning yourself allows you to rid yourself of those worries and know exactly what was cleaned.

“We tried 3 different companies when my husband and I worked full time and really long hours… I always found myself pretty disappointed when I came home — it often felt like the bare minimum was done (they wouldn’t lift up the picture frames to dust, or they would focus on silly stuff like emptying the dishwasher, etc.) It just wasn’t worth the cost or hassle of having strangers in my home.” — Rockstar

Being able to just do it yourself (or delegating to bored kids!)

To some, cleaning is therapeutic! If you enjoy doing the job yourself, why bother spending the money to hire it out? Get some self-care out of it by slathering on a face mask, turning up the tunes, and getting it done.

“I don’t have a cleaning lady, but I find that just doing a little each day keeps me from doing a ton of chores on my days off. For example, I keep antibacterial wipes in each bathroom so the counters and toilet can be wiped down every other day. I make sure the kitchen is cleaned and everything is put away before I go to bed so that I start every day w/ a clean kitchen. Just taking a little time each day to do a few things saves tons of my free time! Also, if my kids say they’re bored, I stick a Swiffer duster or broom in their hands — that helps. 😉” — Cass

“I had a cleaning service for my entire married life — 15 years. I finally got tired of it, got a Roomba and have not looked back. I actually enjoy cleaning! I have time to do it, which some might not, but I would spend 3 hours just getting ready for her! Then I would have to leave the house so she could clean, which was annoying since I never knew when she was coming or leaving. I did not realize how much stress it was until I called it quits.” — Angie

Tips for hiring a cleaning person

fruit bowl on kitchen island

If you decide to hire a cleaning person, keep these tips in mind:

  • Shop around — Get the best deal and find someone you’ll feel comfortable within your home.
  • Get background checks and reviews — Check sources like Nextdoor and Angie’s List to find qualified and reputable help.
  • Agree on specific duties and expectations — Discuss how thorough you’d like the cleaning and how long the cleaning professional typically takes for each task. That way you have a defined plan and everyone is on the same page.
  • Get an in-home estimate — Trying to gauge a price over the phone simply doesn’t work, and most in-home estimates are free.
  • Ask about supplies — Does the service provide them, or will they be using your stash under the sink? Either way, it’s good to know up front.
  • Ask if they’re green — See if they use environmentally-friendly cleaners if that’s a priority in your household. If they don’t by default, they may oblige if you’re able to supply them with your preferred supplies.
  • Check out Amazon Services — Your favorite online retailer just made it even easier to search for home services! See what’s available in your area.

“I think Nextdoor is a great resource!” — Bryn

“I used to own a cleaning business! I would definitely be sure to interview tons of different places so you get the best deal — and you’re comfortable with the person/business being in your home!” — Jessica B

glass bottle from grove with vinegar cleaning solution

What are your thoughts on hiring a cleaning person?

Are you all for it, or would you rather spend your money elsewhere? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

Emily ( loves a good deal, especially when it comes to fashion finds, home decor, and all things self-care!

Tackling cleaning yourself? Try Lina’s favorite cleaning cloths!

About the writer:

Emily obtained her Bachelor's degrees from Clarkson University with 5 years of content writing experience specializing in health, beauty, fashion, home, & living frugally.

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Comments 24

  1. Colorado Amy

    I just recently decided to hire a company to do a one-time cleaning, in preparation for a family get- together this weekend. I got 3 quotes and was surprised to see how expensive it is, but I’m still going to do it because I don’t have the time this week to dedicate to a really good clean. I hope I feel like it is worth it, after they clean. I don’t plan on hiring someone regularly, just for big get-togethers.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      I can understand that! Great to get help cleaning for a get together. Hoping they do a great job and everyone has a wonderful time!

    • Erica

      Colorado Amy, I agree it can be very expensive. One thing I didn’t know was that the initial cleaning (or big one-time cleanings) are more expensive than a typical weekly cleaning. At least here where I am. I paid a big rate for the first cleaning and then the cost came down for my weekly or every-other weekly cleaning. It’s still expensive though.

  2. Jennifer

    My job has some seasonality to it, so during the busy time of the year, I have a monthly cleaner. WORTH IT! I get to come home to a clean house, I don’t have to fight with my husband about who is going to clean (he also works long hours), and it’s just made our life so much easier.

    When it’s not busy season I try to tackle it myself, but we recently moved to a larger home, and it takes me a lot longer than it does for them to do it. So I may figure out something else in the budget to cut so I can keep them for at least the big jobs.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Such a good idea to have help when the busy months hit! Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us, Jennifer!

  3. Terra

    I love my cleaning people and would never let them go. Me and my husband both work a lot and would only be able to spend weekends cleaning, and I would rather spend them doing things with my son. They do an awesome job and get it done a lot faster than I can.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      I agree! I’d rather have more time with my family too! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us, Terra!

  4. Jennifer

    Every two weeks we have someone clean. I am typically a very frugal person but this has really helped alleviate some stress and it has been worth the money in my opinion. 😊

    • Liza (Hip Sidekick)

      Being frugal in other areas of our lives lets us splurge a little in others! If it’s helped alleviate stress for you I’d say money well spent! 🙂 Thanks for taking a moment to comment Jennifer!

  5. heidi

    It is funny this just popped up. I hired my 1st cleaning person today. I have a big celebration coming up and then we are moving too. She was highly recommended by some people on a facebook post. I thought it cost a lot, but I had 3 people come and she was the only one who could fit me in. She was supposed to clean have my house – deep clean. Well, she was the swiffer queen and after she left I had to redo everything. I was so disappointed. Crumbs all over the corners of the kitchen floor, dust still on tables, and yet she was well recommended by more than one person. I may try someone else and spend lots more time learning how they clean and not just assume they know what they are doing and tell them what I want. If someone tells me they used Swiffer products I would never hire them Swiffer to me if for touch ups only.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Oh darn! Sorry to hear about that, Heidi! Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us! Hoping the next cleaning person does a better job!

    • Pharmchick

      I have only hired cleaning ladies right before moving so I wouldnt have to stress over deep cleaning and over the past 4 moves, 2 were awesome and 2 were very meh. One made me lose $150 of my deposit because she didnt clean under the stove where spills crud up, and the other didnt clean the grease under the stove hood!! And refused to clean the grease higher by the cabinets! I had to do all that myself after paying her. I think I will save up for a roomba- and continue doing it myslef.

  6. Jessica

    Best money I have ever spent! We have someone come 2-3 hours every 2 weeks. I work part time and have 4 young boys so I’d rather work an extra hour and have it pay for cleaning for 2 weeks than do it myself and be stressed out that my house is never clean.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      SO glad you have enjoyed the service, Jessica! I may need to look for a cleaning person soon! It sure seems beneficial!

  7. Jenny

    I am a personal cleaning lady for some doctors. I clean their house better than I clean my own, you get what you pay for as well. Sure it’s more than a cleaning company but they have a peace of mind they can trust me being alone in their home. Plus I love my job!

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      How cool! Thanks for the feedback, Jenny! Happy to hear how much you have enjoyed your job!

  8. Jodi P

    I have a cleaning lady once a month for $75. She costs a little more than others, but she does a fantastic job, uses natural products, and people know her, that she’s trustworthy.

    I am disabled and on Social Security. I live alone, have no pets, and do not smoke, so the house isn’t ever filthy. But on the days I do feel well, I don’t want to do cleaning beyond the everyday things. It’s hard to mop and vacuum beyond traffic areas. My cleaning lady gets all the dust and crust cleaned, so my house always looks and smells fresh. There’s never any cobwebs.

    It’s done wonders for my mental health! My income is very, very limited. But I pinch in other areas so I can have a cleaning lady. I should have done this years and years ago.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for taking a moment to let us know how helpful your cleaning service has been for you Jodi P!

  9. Cherryluva

    Just celebrated my 9 years old b day at home with a fortnite party/sleepover. I literally spent an entire week cleaning top to bottom, granted, I DO work,go to school, help care for my mom who is in chemo and radiation and have an autistic little and a teen in multiple sports lol, BUT on Friday, I did the rest, woke at 8am Saturday and cleaned till 2 PM RIGHT when the party started. Sunday, it was messy again. Ugh, should’ve just saved time and effort and hired someone 😣

  10. justme

    I have 2 roombas, one for each floor. I also have the irobot braava mopping robot as well. Lifesavers to say the least! My floors always look good. I keep swiffers for the stairs and the swiffer dusters as well. I also keep wipes and home made spray cleaners around the house and just do quick jobs here and there. I’m getting close to being 100% debt free and maybe then I’ll hire out but just not now. Like others have said a little cleaning every day keeps things done.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      I do like to clean a bit each day too, so that the housework doesn’t pile up! Thanks for the helpful tip on how you keep up with your home!

  11. Lisa

    I am a Stay at Home mom and I have cleaners come every other week. I do feel like its a luxury that I could be doing myself but I don’t get my nails or hair done, I don’t get pedicures so its my treat instead. It keeps my husband happy and keeps me on the floor playing with my babies. In my opinion its not a huge expense and sooo worth it, we pay around $120 for each cleaning.

    • Amber (Hip Sidekick)

      Thanks for the feedback, Lisa! I do find that cleaning can take away from family time with the kiddos.

  12. Heather

    When we moved, my one requirement was a cleaning person. Best choice I ever made! Love her and the free time I have to spend with my family because of her! If she quit, I do not know what I would do!

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